Three Rubyists having conversations and interviewing others about Ruby and web development.
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Noticed (Notifications in Rails), Real-time Previews with Stimulus Reflex, and Podia is Hiring
[00:00:25] Chris has been tweeting about doing notifications in Rails and trying to build and he asks the guys if they’ve used any notifications gems in Rails or have they built it from scratch or what have they done in the past. Chris mentions about something Palkan wrote about Active Delivery. [00:06:34] Chris talks about getting a Tweet from Steve Polito about writing Gems is a good way of pushing your learning. [00:10:35] Jason tells us what notifications are to him, which is always a thing he wants to add but then he pushes it off. Chris mentions Laravel has notifications right out of the box and that was the inspiration for the approach he took. [00:12:29] Jason wants to know if the guys saw the GoodJob Library and then he talks about using Sidekick and Active Job at his work. [00:17:15] The last few weeks, Jason’s been in an experimental research and development mode and he’s been trying to improve and make changes to their editor at Podia which is like a live website editor. He explains what they are doing. [00:25:18] Andrew asks Jason if they’re doing database queries from their components or if they’re passing that data, like injecting it in. [00:28:46] Chris asks Jason if he has the chat and that and several other things using Action Cable now. Jason also mentions that he’s been doing a lot of reflex and that they’ve expanded reflex down to four or five parts of their application. Chris wants to know if it’s still been working out without having to move to Anycable yet.[00:33:00] Jason tells us his company, Podia, is hiring if you’re interested or you want to solve all the problems he’s mentioned, and Andrew has landed a new job and he tells us where. Congratulations, Andrew! ☺ [00:39:36] Andrew touches on two more things, and asks the guys if they had to guess, when are we going to see Rails 6.1? They make their predictions. Also, he asks them if they know anything about Ruby for Good and he explains what it is.Panelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonLinks:Podia is HiringActivity notifications for Ruby on Rails-GitHubPalkan Active Delivery-GitHubQFive ActsAsNotifiable-GitHubExcid3 Noticed-GitHub (Chris Oliver)GoodJob-GitHub“Introducing GoodJob 1.0. a new Postgres-based, multithreaded, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails.” (article)Sneakers-GitHubQueue-benchmark-GitHubDebounced-GitHubAnycableRuby for Good-GitHub
Building Homes & Software, Translations, and Bridgetown
[00:03:02] Jason and Chris chat about moving, selling, and designing their new homes. Chris has gone down a rabbit hole lately and tells us to check out a Matt Risinger, a builder in Texas, on YouTube. [00:11:20] Jason talks about using Stripe's hosted billing stuff and it was a dream come true. Chris brings up Paddle and wanting to try it.[00:21:19] Chris has been spending the past few days extracting every string out of Jumpstart Pro into Locales and he finds there some cool stuff and some annoying stuff.[00:23:46] Andrew informs Chris that after he converted Jumpstart to Slim, he converted it back. Why?[00:26:32] Chris talks about a new screencast he wants to do. [00:31:27] Chris wants to discuss with the guys if you have several pages that are similar, like your edit screen, and they all have a back link, do you make separate locale translation for each of the back links and just have duplicates, or do you extract that out as one parent level thing? Andrew plugs AppLocale. [00:36:48] Jason talks about using PhraseApp (which is now called Phrase).[00:39:53] Andrew’s been playing with Bridegtown this week and having so much fun. He also mentions that Jared’s come out with some crazy cool new stuff recently replacing Liquid with ERB, Hamil, or Slim.[00:44:35] Andrew tells us about Jared creating Liquid Components, which he builds his pages with. Also, he’s still interviewing and watching “The Boondocks.” [00:49:48] Chris mentions to Andrew that DHH is hiring developers soon and Andrew saw on GitHub some open Rails Engineer positions too.[00:53:30] Chris announces that next week they will have Steve Polito back on the show and he got a job because of our podcast!! YAY!! ☺Panelists:Chris OliverAndrew MasonJason CharnesLinks:Stripe Docs CheckoutStripe Docs Customer portalPay-Payments engine for Ruby on Railsi18n-tasksJumpstart Rails Documentation Internationalization (I18n)AppLocalePhrasePaddleBridgetown RB-Liquid ComponentsThe BoondocksMatt Risinger-YouTube
Futurism, Jumpstart, and Javascript Dependencies
[00:02:20] Andrew and Chris chat about Slim, Tailwind, and Components. They also mention Steve Schoger and Adam Wathan, who are the creators, designers, and developers of Tailwind CSS, and how they built this framework and then taught you how to use it. [00:08:32] Andrew talks about why he’s been invested in Tailwind since college. Chris talks about how you can a lot of Bootstrap themes in Tailwind. The guys also discuss GitHub and Patreon sponsorships.[00:14:57] Webpack configs is talked about here with node modules and peer dependencies. [00:19:34] Andrew talks about rails developers and how their packages could be bundled and shipped better. The guys also discuss the Pika Pack and what it does.[00:22:58] Julian Rubisch published another awesome Gem which is a modern version of the render async library.[00:27:50] Andrew brings up a story about a scarier version and goes back to the table example. Chris explains how he’s had to deal with this on Hatchbox and he tells us to check out Futurism. [00:31:29] Andrew takes a moment to appreciate the graphic that render async has on their README that is freaking awesome! ☺[00:32:05] On the non-programming side, Chris talks about designing his new house and the process he’s been going through, which has been interesting. [00:36:41] Andrew updates us on his job search and Chris has a few stories about past interviews he’s had. [00:45:11] The guys chat about the new Slots API View Component.[00:57:56] Andrew tells us what’s in the new Jumpstart App and he tells us how he used Tailblocks when he redid Jason’s site on Bridgetown. Sponsor:Linode
Exploring HEY's Gemfile
Welcome to Remote Ruby! The guys are all back together this week! In the last episode, COVID-19 was talked about, so the guys want to shift the focus to new and better things happening in the Gem world, like DHH’s Hey’s Gemfile and Basecamps Gemfile. Jason made an Avatar Component and how he uses formBuilder. They guys also talk about WebAuthn Gem, Two-factor Authentication, and Turbolinks. There are some newer Gems out there they discuss as well and some of their favorites. Jason brings back another question of the week to see if it will get answered. Will Jason’s secret question get answered? Download this episode now! [00:04:21] The guys chat about DHH’s Hey’s Gemfile, Basecamps Gemfile, Rescue, Sidekiq, and Sprocket.[00:09:26] Jason tells us about how he entertained trying to put a Bootstrap theme in to try it and it was a nightmare. Chris tells us what he likes about Bootstrap components. [00:17:00] Jason tells us he made an Avatar Component because he uses Avatar’s a lot. Andrew chimes in and explains how you don’t want your components to be customizable, you want your layout to be customizable. He also tells us there’s been an update to the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense plugin in VS Code. [00:20:43] Jason talks about using formBuilder and Chris says it doesn’t get the attention it needs because it’s such a nice tool to have. [00:24:01] Chris jumps back to talking about Hey’s GemFile, and asks the guys if they’ve seen the basecamp/okra and the actiontext fork using the okra branch and if they’ve heard any of the changes that are coming? He also mentions an article that came out about the new Turbolinks frames stuff.[00:32:34] Chris talks about how he’s excited to see them use WebAuthn Gem and about using Two-Factor Authentication. [00:35:52] Jason fills us in on a newer Gem called Break and Solargraph in VS Code. Chris points out a Gem called Geared Pagination and his favorite one called Pagy, which he uses for everything. [00:43:20] Jason tells us that the Active Record encryption stuff that DHH talked about is going into Rails eventually. Also, he’s been using a couple of others which are Lockbox and Blind Index.[00:45:17] Jason’s question of the week is, “When are we going to get authentication in Rails?”[00:47:57] Andrew mentions a Gem called “console1984” that DHH is going to get up streamed into Rails and Sentry. Jason mentions local time and timestamp. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonLinks:Hey’s GemfileHeadwind-Tailwind CSS class sorter for VS CodeTailwind CSS IntelliSenseGeared Pagination-GitHubByeBreakSolargraphPagylocal-timeTImestampSentryLockboxBlind IndexformBuilderAvatarWebAuthn“A few sneak peeks into technology-Turbolinks frames,” by Matouš Borák
Andrew needs a job and TailwindCSS ViewComponents
[00:01:03] Andrew fills us in on being laid off from his job and he talks about how his job search is going. [00:09:32] Jason asks Andrew how the interviewing process has been going and if he’s had to do any whiteboarding. Andrew tells us what he’s had to do for some interviews. [00:14:32] Andrew tells us he’s been redoing his website with BridgetownRB, Tailwind, and little bit of Stimulus. He also mentions Tailwind Builder and what it does. He gives a s/o to Jared White from BridgetownRB who was recently on this podcast. [00:20:26] Jason talks about using a Jekyll Tailwind starter kit and working on his Field Help app which he wants to launch now. Andrew tells us about a blog post he wrote on how to integrate Tailwind which is on and his site his Open Source. Also, the BridgetownRB site inside the BridgetownRB main repo is another great resource. [00:22:37] Jason’s had some ideas brewing in his mind about Tailwind UI and whether or not he should put in into his field help app. He has a few ideas that he runs by Andrew, mainly about using View Components, and Andrew gives him some good ideas. [00:26:28] Jason is working with making a navigation component which became specific with his app. He made a button component and wonders if you just make a button component and not have a background. Also, he wonders how do you make that a reusable component for other projects and how would Andrew approach this?[00:34:47] Andrew tells us about this idea he’s been thinking about for a while. He’s been collecting Tailwind resources and reading a lot of component or design systems in other languages and researching how they’re doing it.[00:37:04] Andrew explains to us Tailwind’s philosophy and he tells us he’s been working on a style guide system so you can see all the types of your components, all the variants, see the code, and maybe some best practices using it. [00:44:53] Andrew mentions Awesome Tailwind CSS where he finds things he likes to use. The other thing he likes to use is Tailblocks.Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesAndrew MasonLinks:“Build and deploy a static site with Ruby, Bridgetown, TailwindCSS, and Netlify” by Andrew MasonTailblocksAwesome Tailwind CSSTailwind BuilderBridgetownRBBridgetown Ruby with Jared White- Remote Ruby Podcast #78Andrew Mason Andrew Mason Twitter
MiniTest for Those Who RSpec
Welcome to Remote Ruby! On this episode, we have Jason and Chris. Chris tells us that their Hey email addresses got secured and that makes him excited for Rails 6.1. Jason brings up his struggles with MiniTests and Chris comes to the rescue and helps him out. Also, the guys have discussions on Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS config, working on field help, RSpec, Factories, Fixtures, Faker and Mocha Gems, and Shoulda Matchers. We end with finding out Jason is publishing the Stimulus Reflex Testing Library. Download this episode now! [00:01:45] Chris and Jason talk about Hey email and how they love using it. [00:07:50] Chris mentions Snowpack, which he doesn’t know much about, so he needs to look into it. [00:10:15] Tailwind CSS now has the PurgeCSS configuration option and Chris and Jason chat more about this. [00:11:44] Jason asks Chris if he knows what kind of Action Texts changes are coming?[00:13:09] Chris and Jason talk about Basecamp and new things DHH and Jason Fried are working on. [00:16:44] Jason talks about working on field help, MiniTests, and RSpec. [00:19:48] Jason brings up his struggles with MiniTests and Chris helps him out. Factories and Fixtures are also discussed. [00:27:35] Jason tells us his favorite gem, which is Faker and why. Also, Jason mentions Shoulda Matchers in RSpec and he asks Chris if he’s ever tested certain validations or associations.[00:40:40] Jason asks Chris about bringing in context block stuff as a mini test extension and does it then switch to the IT Syntax or does it still test this thing?[00:43:44] Jason asks Chris if he’s ever used Mocha.[00:46:43] Chris talks about Julian Rubbish building a and what he’s doing with it. And Chris also mentions Jason publishing the Stimulus Reflex Testing Library, which is not complete, but it exists. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverLinks:HeySnowpackMiniTestIntegrate PurgeCSS into Tailwind-GitHubFaker-GitHubShoulda Matchers-GitHubMocha-GitHubBetter Stimulus
Advanced StimulusReflex & CableReady in real-world apps
[00:06:10] Jason starts out by talking about working on action cable this past weekend since he uses stimulus reflex for everything in life and he couldn’t control the logging. Chris mentions he had a similar issue happen to him. [00:10:00] Andrew chimes in to say he thinks this is a place where components can really shine with cable ready. Jason talks about using components at work. [00:13:19] Chris wonders if Jason has dropped down into Cable Ready since he’s been using Stimulus Reflex a lot. Chris finds it far more effective than Stimulus Reflex for what he has to do. [00:18:51] Jason brings up offline and using it with Trix and he feels like he’s having to break rules to get it to work with Trix. Cursor positioning issues are talked about here. [00:21:56] The guys chat about using halt so actions don’t re-render. Andrew reads the docs and lets us know what it says about halts[00:25:19] Jason talks about the really cool and foundational pieces is the JavaScript Callbacks and he explains why. He also tells us about something he did for fun with rewriting messaging in Reflex. [00:33:32] Chris brings up the scroll stuff and how that gets to the edge of trickiness with Stimulus Reflex for chat. He wonders if you want to scroll back in history how do you keep track of it and render it? Andrew shares something with Chris he has in their code base that may help. [00:37:35] Staying on the topic of Reflex, Jason mentions shipping out through Podia, a Stimulus Reflex testing library called, “Stimulus Reflex Testing” and he couldn’t find any test helpers or any testing story for reflex right now. [00:42:00] Jason mentions a problem he’s had with reflex creating a request, like a dummy request in order for it to re-render. He explains what happens and what he tries to do to make it work out. [00:46:47] Andrew explains why there is no amazing testing support in Reflex and he also has a few suggestions for Jason that he could try. [00:49:57] Andrew asks the guys if they’ve enabled the new design on GitHub yet and he tells them how to do it. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonLinksServer-Side Reflex CallbacksTurbolinks persist scroll.js-GitHibPodia StimulusReflex testing-GitHibAction CableJavaScript CallbacksCableReady-GitHub
Past Rubies and Rails history with Nick Schwaderer
[00:03:20] Jason talks about the form stuff he’s been working on in Reflex.[00:08:02] Nick tells us about the background of “Past Rubies,” which has been on hiatus since Christmas, but will be reappearing in the next month. [00:15:12] The merge of Rails and Merb is brought up by Chris and he mentions a fascinating blog post by Yehuda Katz. [00:21:30] Nick talks about Brighton Ruby’s alternative conference which is a remote conference this year and they are giving a hard copy of “Why’s (poignant) Guide to Ruby.”[00:29:30] Andrew talks about a RailsCast he watched called, “Polymorphism” which he says is still completely relevant. Chris also has a story about one he watched too. [00:37:00] In talking about modules and concerns, Chris brings up the Gilded Rose Kata programming challenge, and James Gray II and his solution in Ruby on GitHub that used modules and includes them dynamically to solve it. [00:40:04] Nick talks about a project he is tackling right now which is open source called InSpec. He then mentions Ryan Davis, a maintainer he did this project with, who is the owner of many tests, and so many other things, and had a cool way of approaching problems. Andrew has a story about him too when he saw him at RailsConf one year. [00:44:54] Nick talks about how he enjoys being fully OSS maintainer, just Ruby, and he mentions how the community relations maintenance part is so important to deal with and he didn’t even think about it when he was consuming everything. Chris also has some stories to tell. [00:51:15] Andrew brings up the people behind taking care of issues on GitHub who are volunteers and not getting paid. [00:53:54] Andrew talks about a big part of what a developer’s job is, besides code, and Chris shares his view about programming. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Nick SchwadererLinks: Nick Schwaderer TwitterNick Schwaderer GitHubRuby WeeklyPast RubiesWhy the lucky stiff-Jonathan GilletteRuby on Bells-RAD Madrona ForkCamping-GitHubRailsConfAlt:BrightonRuby 2020 ConferenceGilded Rose- Kata“Why’s (poignant) Guide to Ruby” (PDF)The Gilded Rose Code Kata-GitHubThe Gilded Rose Code Kata -JEG2 SolutionChef InSpecAndrew Kane-GitHubMINASWANGraphQL-spec issuesSummertime at UnspaceRails and Merb Merge-Yehuda Katz, AppLocale and more with Andrea Fomera
[00:02:25] Chris starts off and gives a s/o to Andrea Fomera for being one of the first GoRails subscribers and the longest subscriber. Then they explain what RailsBytes is and how they got into building it. [00:08:37] Chris talks about something they discovered working on this project and Andrea Fomera gives an example about installing things that depend on Webpacker. [00:11:45] Andrew mentions if you look at templates that exist today, people are employing different methods for adding a gem to the gem file, so he wants to know if Chris and Andrea Fomera have specific ways or recommended practices to do things. [00:17:58] Chris mentions about a Tweet that Marco created a CLI gem for RailsBytes which is really neat. Andrew gives Marco a s/o. Chris asked them if they know what tool he was using for building the interactive CLI stuff and Andrew tells us. [00:21:02] Chris tells us what “Thor” is and we find out that Andrew doesn’t like it. [00:24:12] Andrew has a problem with Andrea Fomera’s nesting controller pattern and Andrea Fomera explains it’s just name spacing. Andrew comes up with a funny analogy that cracks Andrea Fomera up! ☺ Jason is proud of Andrew’s analogies! [00:25:33] Andrea Fomera and Chris let us know how people can support or promote the product.[00:26:30] Andrew asks them if they’ve given any thought or concern if a developer comes along and tries to use this RailsBytes and it doesn’t work, that failure will get pushed over to the view component library instead of where it might ought to be. They tell us what they will probably do. [00:29:46] Chris talks about how one of the things he likes about installing certain libraries, like Passenger, is that they have an interactive way of setting up that on your server, which is how he hopes to get more people with RailsBytes. [00:33:14] Andrea Fomera tells us more about “AppLocale,” how she got started on it, what it does, and why it will change the world. Andrew tells us to look up “Rails I18n.” (shorthand for internationalization.)[00:41:46] Jason says he has a lot of StimulusReflex things to talk about with Nate in another episode and Andrew tells Jason that Nate’s opinion of him as a developer has hit some major “Stonks!” Then, Andrew thanks Jason because now he’s created a massive amount of refactoring work for him. ☺Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Andrea FomeraLinks:Andrea Fomera TwitterAppLocale“Learn Rails by Building Instagram,” by Andrea FomeraRailsBytesThorCLI for RailsBytes by Marco RothAppLocale Ruby TestRailsBytes Debug ParamsRails Internationalization (I18n) API“Stonks”-definition for Boomers
Railsconf Couch Edition & May of WTFs with Matt Swanson
[00:04:25] Matt gives us an introduction of who he is and what he does at SEP. He also mentions his blog called, “Boring Rails.” (don’t be fooled by the name)☺ [00:05:55] Besides doing Rails at work, Matt fills us in on other things he works in. [00:08:08] Jason asks the guys if any of them have watched the “RailsConf 2020.2 Couch Edition” talks and what are some of their favorites. Andrew starts off talking about a Webpacker one called, “Webpacker, It-just-works, But How?’ by Justin Gordon. Also, “Tidy First?” by Kent Beck. Matt mentions that DHH had an interesting one, which was more of a Q&A, “Keynote Interview,” by David Heinemeier Hansson. [00:10:50] Chris mentions everyone checking out DHH’s series on YouTube called, “Writing Software Well.” It convinced Chris to take a look at concerns more. [00:17:10] Another great video from RailsConf 2020 that Andrew talks about is the Engines video by Vladimir Dementyev called, “Monoliths Between Microservices.”[00:21:03] Matt liked a talk on “Bug Bounty” by Jason Meller, from Kolide which was a good mix of the UX and Dev side and evaluating security issues. He also mentions something about “pseudo mode” you may be interested in. [00:26:54] Andrew tells us three more talks he enjoyed: “Successfully Onboarding a Junior Engineer in Three Steps,” with Emily Giurleo, “Building a Performance Analytics Tool with Active Support,” with Christian Bruckmeyer, and “Encapsulating Views,” with Joel Hawksley.[00:31:09] Andrew talks about not using validations and instead using a render method and Jason tells him that feature came out of Podia and explains. [00:31:53] Jason brings up how they have an entire thread of “Rails WTF's” that came about from some Tweets from Advi. Andrew chimes in with a shout-out to Betsy Haibel, who’s doing an amazing job of being one of the moderators, asking questions and helping people clear up things. [00:38:18] Chris brings up “Spring” and some of its frustrations. [00:41:28] Chris brings up the topic of GitHub’s “no search and rails guides” and he explains what happened here. Matt brings up some good points here as well. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Matt SwansonLinks:Matt Swanson TwitterBoring RailsMatt Swanson GitHub“On Writing Software,” with David Heinemeier HanssonRailsConf 2020.2 Couch EditionRuby on Rails Edge Guides“Successfully Onboarding a Junior Engineer in Three Steps,” by Emily Giurleo“Encapsulating Views,” by Joel Hawksley“Webpacker, It-Just-Works, But How?” by Justin Gordon“Monoliths Between Microservices,” by Vladimir Dementyev“Building a Performance Analytics Tool with ActiveSupport,” by Christian Bruckmayer“Advanced Action Text: Attaching any Model in rich text,” by Chris Oliver“Building a Rails Controller from Scratch,” by Alex Kitchens“Aaron Patterson’s Variety Show!” by Aaron Patterson“Tidy First?” by Kent Beck“Keynote Interview,” with David Heinemeier Hansson“Inoculating Rails Auth Against Bug Bounty Hunters,” by Jason Meller
Bridgetown Ruby with Jared White
[00:06:06] Jared gives us a summary of who he is, what he does, and how Bridgetown started. Let’s just say it was a wild ride! [00:018:11] Jared talks about defaults and how they are vital with any static site generator. Chris talks about contributing a generate page or generate page command for anybody who’s never done this before. [00:22:32] Chris mentions he’s built a few static sights recently and he was questioning going the Gatsby route or something else. He says it’s nice to have Bridgetown and explains why. [00:23:45] Jared talks about the core team working on Jekyll right now, GitHub has been pretty steady for a long time, but it’s just been a really slow release cycle to get things changed. His take on it is, you either give up or you step it up! ☺[00:28:00] Jared brings up a new project called, Redwood.js, which is headed up by Tom Preston- Werner, who is the guy who invented Jekyll as well as GitHub. Jason looks at the Redwood site and how it’s organized and has a few comments to add about it. [00:37:30] Andrew talks about why Gatsby is so popular because of their theming. Also, Gatsby released something called, “Recipes” and he explains it. He asks Jared since Bridgetown is pre-1.0 is there is any danger to running it in production and he wonders if this is something he could put in his Rails App. Jared answers these questions. [00:40:55] Andrew tells us his dream use of Bridgetown here. Jared tells us something they are cooking up with the liquid template engine that Bridgestone uses. [00:44:47] Chris asks Jared, since these are static sites, is this something where you might go and make the call of having turbo links on by default because it wouldn’t hurt anything, and you’d be able to get quicker page views? Jared mentions swup.js. and explains. [00:50:46] Andrew gives us some advice on what you should use if you are maintaining a gem where there is a JavaScript package and a Ruby Gem. He also mentions a gem post install command in Stimulus Reflex.[00:55:05] If you want to support, have questions, or comments, Jared mentions going to which is a forum you can get started on. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Jared WhiteLinks:Jared White TwitterJared White GitHubBridgetownrb.comLiquidJekyllrbRedwoodjsFull Stack Radio-Tom Preston-WernerSwupjsStimulus Reflex Gem Specification and deploy a static site with Ruby, Bridgetown, Tailwind CSS, and NetlifyBridgetown CommunityGatsby Recipes
Joined by Josh Wood from and
[00:01:54] Chris asks Josh if there is a viewing party going on for RailsConf online stuff since RailsConf was canceled. Josh explains what is going on and talks about a RailsConf Virtual Hallway that is planned. [00:09:05] Josh talks about what’s new at Honeybadger and how the transition’s been like for them. [00:11:49] There was something that caught the attention of the guys on Reddit recently that Josh released called “Heya.” It’s been a side project of his at Honeybadger and he talks about it here. [00:20:37] Josh gives an overview of how Heya works. [00:35:18] Jason asks Josh about licensing and since it’s a bit different from other projects he’s seen, he asks Josh to talk more about how that works and how he came up with that. Josh mentions using a license called Prosperity Public and Dependabot which is Open Source.[00: 039:55] Andrew brings up CodeFund being completely Open Source, cloning apps, and how the model is working for him. [00:42:25] Jason asks Josh if when a user gets subscribed to a campaign, but then wants to unsubscribe, is that something you have on your roadmap or is that just figuring out your notifications yourself? Josh explains and he mentions a gem by Andrew Kane, called “Mailkick” which has worked very well. [00:48:12] To end the episode, Josh says to check out Honeybadger and Heya. Andrew comments he likes the dark mode on Honeybadger! Also, Josh mentions he’s on a and to check it out.Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Joshua WoodLinks:Josh Wood TwitterRailsconf 2020 Virtual HallwayHeyaGitHub Honeybadger/heyaCodetriage/maildownLicense Zero-Prosperity Public LicenseGitHub Prosperity Public LicenseDependabotGitHub CodeFund adsAndrew KaneMailkickHoneybadgerFounderQuest Podcast
Stimulus Reflex BlackJack, Leaving ActionText, and Calendar Gems
[00:01:13] Jason talks about how he needs to start doing some upgrades on HopeGrid. And because the guys do like to have fun, they talk about gaming devices and fun video games they’ve been playing. [00:07:45] Andrew and Chris talk about playing the video games “Red Dead Redemption” and “Grand Theft Auto.” [00:10:50] So, what’s new in Ruby World? Chris did a major update to GoRails.[00:13:41] Chris asks the guys if they’ve seen the Sizzy browser.[00:17:28] Chris mentions using Alpine.js for drop downs that were straight from a Tailwind UI and Jason chimes in to talk about it.[00:20:33] Jason talks about his new Ruby Gem that he released into the world called, “to_Jason” and he’s been working on a new blackjack game with Stimulus Reflux.[00:22:54] Andrew mentions we have a site called “” where he can put really cool demos. Chris talks about wanting to play with “broadcasting.” [00:29:02] Back to Jason’s blackjack game, he talks about another cool thing he did with it using active-record import for importing new records and he explains what he did. Let’s say it’s been mentally stimulating and exciting for Jason working on this project. [00:34:57] Another thing Jason worked on is he migrated “field help off action text” and he paired up with Andrew to do this. Chris wants to hear all about this. [00:39:56] Andrew has been working on components…a lot of components. He talks about using Chris’s calendar gem.[00:46:47] Listen here to find out why Andrew is now Team ERB ☺. [00:52:35] The guys discuss their choice of password apps. Andrew uses Google Authenticator, Chris uses Authy, and Jason uses 1Password. [00:53:47] Jason mentions in Ruby Weekly today, GitHub is sponsoring, Matz, the creator of Ruby. Show some love and sponsor Matz!Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonLinks:SizzyJason Charnes Blackjackto_jasonSimple CalendarGitHub Sponsor MatzSanitize Active Storage SVG Red Dead RedemptionGrand Theft Auto HopeGridAlpine.jsStimulusReflex ExpoBroadcastingGoogle Authenticator1PasswordAuthy
$1k/mo GitHub Sponsorship, Advanced Stimulus Reflex, and more
[00:03:35] Chris talks about “Active Admin,” which is the most popular Rails Admin Gem and how useful it is to use. [00:07:25] Andrew brings up “Lucky,” a Crystal database wrapper, and Chris gives his opinion about it. [00:11:47] Chris and Andrew mention using GitLab, but both prefer GitHub until things get fixed. And with teams going free mostly, it will be nice for discussions and paid projects like Jumpstart or Tailwind UI. [00:14:28] Chris shares some exciting news about getting a new GitHub sponsor! Cha-Ching! Let’s just say it was the highlight of his week!! ☺[00:19:26] Optimism, which is a Gem to do form type things, is mentioned here. Also, Chris brings up a question on if anyone has done this on Stimulus Reflex, where someone takes an action, but it would broadcast the update to everybody. Is this easily doable? Andrew answers this. [00:24:03]] Andrew talks about using Typescript and Chris talks about wanting to explore into CableReady. There is also talk with a breaking change in Stimulus Reflex that just recently happened. [00:29:49] Chris asks Andrew if he has a source repo where he keeps his GitHub pull request templates.[00:32:50] In talking about docs, Andrew recommends “Read the Docs” and Chris uses “GitBook” for Hatchbox docs and they discuss in depth about it. [00:41:09] Chris talks about how we need a new way of people maintaining things to get stuff done, like a changing of the guards. But he hopes there will still be good maintainers as things go on. Andrew has been thinking about that a lot too and he shares his thoughts. [00:43:10] Chris explains a Lambda and a Proc and the difference between them. [00:49:46] Andrew asks Chris when he is passing parameters to a method, does he name them, or does he just pass them all in? Andrew explains. [00:57:07] Andrew and Chris talk about using Binstubs and Annotate. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Chris OliverAndrew MasonLinks:LuckyStimulus Reflex ChatAwesome READMEsRead the DocsGitBookUpdate gems and run annotatebinstubsActiveAdminOptimism CableReadyLambda and Proc
From Agency Life to Software Development: Q&A with Steve Polito
[00:02:43] Steve gives his background, jobs he’s had, and what he’s currently doing now. He also talks about how he stumbled upon Rails and how it was exactly what he was looking for because it allowed him so many resources. He did snag his own domain which is nice. [00:08:25] Chris chimes because he can relate to everything Steve has been talking about with agency work. He also talks about something that taught him the most which was spending time cloning stuff that already existed. [00:12:04] Steve asks the guys questions about task models and reminder models. Andrew mentions a video he should watch on database designs for beginners by David Copeland. Chris gives some advice on design patterns and talks about his first Rails job.[00:18:54] Steve has questions about users note and if there should be a note limit column on the user’s table with a default value. Chris gives his advice on this. [00:24:06] Jason jumps in with answering Steve’s questions about migrations and manipulating data within that migration since he’s had positive and negative experiences doing data migrations. Chris also shares some information.[00:31:33 Steve asks about the database being locked up and what would need to be done so Chris and Jason give his advice on what to do. Jason mentions a concept called, “Database Transactions.”[00:37:21] Steve wonders how often he should be updating his Gems, if at all. He knows there are security releases for Gems and Rails but is he supposed to be doing this every day? Andrew and Chris give him some info on this. [00:44:05] Steve asks about what Webpacker does and Chris explains it more in depth. Chris also talks about Turbo Links and JavaScript. [00:50:04] Steve has “Career” questions he poses to the guys. He wants to know how they got their foot in the door and how they got their breakthrough. Also, he wants to know what their thoughts are on the job market. There are some very interesting stories and awesome advice given by the guys that is definitely worth listening to.[01:05:18] Nate drops in and has a bit of advice for Steve by telling him to not beat himself up if he bombs a few interviews. It’s just the culture of tech hiring now, which is not great. Basically, it just takes time. Sponsor:LinodePanelists:Chris OliverAndrew MasonJason CharnesGuest Panelist:Nate Hopkins (jumps in at the end with his knowledge bombs!)Guest:Steve PolitoLinks:Steve PolitoSteve Polito TwitterRails.fmDrupalSimple Site StatusDatabase Design for Beginners-David Copeland Practical Object-Oriented DesignGitHub MigrationsActive Record TransactionsGitHub Data MigrateGitHub