My name is Jonathan Stark and I’m on a mission to rid the earth of hourly billing. I hope that Ditching Hourly will help achieve this, one listener at a time 🙂
The Goldilocks Problem with guest Josh Robbs
Finding the overlap between your target market's problems and the solutions your expertise can provide.
Ditching Hourly 028: The Goldilocks Problem with guest Josh Robbs
I'm joined by listener Josh Robbs who asks:
I'm stuck and it might be a problem that other beginners (or people changing their positioning) have. Seriously, this is my ultimate positioning / expensive problem frustration. Might be some newsletter or podcast fodder.
I'm supposed to find people with a problem I can solve. They need to know that they have a problem. They need to be able to pay for the problem to be fixed. They need to be interested in solving the problem. The problem needs to be expensive.
If they're interested in and able to fix the problem, wouldn't they have fixed it?
- Smart enough to know they have a problem, not smart enough to fix it.
- Funded enough to afford the solution, not well off enough that they don't care.
- Ambitious enough to want the problem fixed, not ambitious enough to take care of it.
The porridge can't be too hot, but it can't be too cold.
I know that people who need, in my case, web design exist. But when I try to define them, they end up sounding... impossible. And if they were real, how would you find the right people since they all look the same. The "too rich to care", the "too broke to pay", and the Goldilocks clients all look the same.
Something I can't get past.
In our conversation we cover topics including:
- How to find a target market that is the right fit.
- How to spider a conference website to build market intelligence.
- How to your network the tools they need to help you.
- Finding the overlap between your target market's problems and the solutions your expertise can provide.