A UK based Technology and Software Developer Podcast that helps you to improve your development knowledge and career, through explaining the latest and greatest in development technology and providing you with what you need to succeed as a developer.

Episode 13 - Becoming a Developer

February 20, 2017 20:26 24.5 MB Downloads: 0

We're taking a different approach to this weeks show, there is no guest it's just me, on my own sat here talking to you guys and girls out there.

The aim of the podcast is to help you to improve your development knowledge and career, but some of you out there you don't have a career yet and need to know how to get started.

So I am going to make this a regular thing, every other week in between the interviews and I want to cover a lot of topics from where to start to what routes you can go with your career, how to get yourself out there and how to get from your career.


Find out more below:
