Elixir Mix is a weekly show focused on the Elixir programming community. Our panel discusses topics around functional programming, the Elixir ecosystem, and building real world apps with Elixir based tools and frameworks.
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Exploring Elixir Type Validation with Domo and Ivan Rublev - EMx 271
Welcome to another insightful episode of Elixir Mix, part of the Top End Devs podcast. In today’s conversation, our host Charles Max Wood and panelist Sasha Wolf welcome Ivan Rublev, a backend Elixir engineer with a particular focus on business domains like real estate and B2B.Ivan dives deep into the Domo library—a project he started to address certain gaps he felt existed within Elixir’s type system. He explains how Domo provides meaningful errors by validating structures against type definitions both at compile-time and runtime. The discussion also covers the inspiration behind Domo, its practical applications, and performance considerations.Moreover, Sasha and Ivan discuss potential use cases where Domo shines and some scenarios where it might not be the ideal tool. They also touch on domain-driven design principles and Ivan’s interest in seeing Domo deployed in large-scale systems with multiple microservices.Don't miss it as they uncover the possibilities and limitations of Domo, its impact on compile times, and real-world testing scenarios. Plus, stay tuned till the end for some book recommendations and more details on how you can level up your development skills with Top End Devs.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Elixir and Python interoperability with Alvise Susmel - EMx 270
In this episode of Elixir Mix, the panelists talk with Alvise Susmel about building Elixir systems that leverage Python image detection on video frames. We cover Ports vs NIFs, using platforms for their strengths, cool embedded hardware, displaying real time results in Phoenix or Scenic, and much more!LinksReal-time Object Detection with Phoenix and PythoncvlibGitHub opencv/opencvHexdocs Elixir/PortErlang 4 PortsYoloErlang 8 NIFsJetson Nano Developer KitGitHub boydm/scenicPoeticcodingPicksSophie - Black Hat GoSophie - Love Is BlindMark - Hollywood.computerAlvise - Outside ElixirAlvise - Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationsAlvise - DarkBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Riak Core and Partisan with Mariano Guerra - EMx 269
In this episode of Elixir Mix the panel interviews Mariano Guerra. Mariano wrote some wonderful tutorial blogs outlining how to use Riak Core in Elixir. He begins the episode by sharing a little about himself and his work. Mariano then defines Riak Core and tells the story of where it came from. He explains what he loves about Riak Core and dubs himself the unofficial cheerleader of Riak Core. Mariano tells the panel about his blog articles and what listeners will find in them. He explains to the panel what inspired him to write them. Mariano then gives the panel examples of the problems solved by Riak Core and the best use cases for it. Partisan is the next subject the panel asks Mariano about. Mariano shares the story of where Partisan came from and explains when you want to use it. Finally, Mariano tells the panel about his work for the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation. Right now he is working hard to unify the documentation for all the Beam languages. He shares his admiration for the Elixir documentation and explains that Erlang documentation needs a lot of work. The panel discusses how unifying the Beam will help the community and make their lives easier. LinksTLA+ Riak Products Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store https://github.com/basho/riak_core Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: Introduction http://partisan.cloud/ https://blog.erlang.org/OTP-22-Highlights/ Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: Setup Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: Getting Started Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: We can make a Key Value Store out of that Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: Migrating Data with Handoff Riak Core on Partisan on Elixir Tutorial: Resources https://gitlab.com/marianoguerra/civiledb/ https://github.com/clojerl/clojerl https://twitter.com/warianoguerrahttps://www.facebook.com/Elixir-Mix https://twitter.com/elixir_mixPicksMark - Immutability - Computerphile Mark - Simple Sabotage Field Manual Mariano - Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and ElixirMariano - Practical TLA+: Planning Driven DevelopmentJosh - Rewriting GitHub Pages with Riak Core, Riak KV, and Webmachine: Jesse Newland Sophie - How to Compose Queries in Ecto Sophie - Basque Burnt Cheesecake Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Embracing Erlang with Todd Resudek - EMx 268
In this episode of Elixir Mix, we talk with Todd Resudeck about how digging into Erlang empowers you as an Elixir developer, what’s so fun about Nerves and what makes him such a charming and hilarious conference speaker.LinksWhat Elixir is about – José Valim – Erlang User Conference 2015GOTO 2019 • The Soul of Erlang and Elixir • Saša JurićPicksAlex - https://akoutmos.com/post/actor-model-genserver-app-two/Alex - https://plausible.io/Bruce - https://grox.io/language/liveview/courseBruce - Programmer Passport: Phoenix LiveView – Bonus Video – phx.gen.authTodd - ElixirConf 2016 – Selling Food With Elixir by Chris BellBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Nerves Powered Mechanical Keyboards with Chris Dosé - EMx 267
In this episode of Elixir Mix, Chris Dosé joins us to talk about some of the open source work that he has done at Peek. He also talks to us about his exciting Nerves projects Xebow and AFK.LinksiCalendarGitHub Chris DoséGitHub ElixirSeattle/xebowPicksSteven - The Art of Agile James ShoreSteven - US History YouTubeLars - Hurry SlowlyLars - Peter van Roy - KEYTNOTE Why time is evil indistributed systems l Code BEAM STO 19Chris - ElixirConf 2018 - Picking Properties to Test in Property Based Testing - Michael StalkerSophie - Anybody have any easy baking recipes?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Elixir Education with Adolfo Neto - EMx 266
In this episode of Elixir Mix, we chat with Adolfo Neto, a professor of computer science at UTFPR in Brazil, about what it’s like to teach Elixir, how we as educators can support the Elixir community to grow and thrive, and what the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation’s Education Working Group is up to.Linkshttps://social.biologianaweb.com.br/@adolfonthttps://t.me/elixirconferenceshttps://github.com/adolfont/elixir_cop/blob/master/telegram.mdAdolfo Neto: My three favorite resources for learning Elixirhttps://t.me/elixirconferencesPicks Steven - PDF Reader that does text to speechJosh - GitHub Arctic Code Vault: Tech Tree Bruce - grox.io/language/liveview/courseBruce - Keynote: Build Good Software: Of Politics and Methods – Brian L. Troutwine Lars - BEAM Bloggers Webring Sophie - Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein Adolfo - Telegram Group for AlchemistsAdolfo - Education Working Group of the Erlang Ecosystem FoundationAdolfo - Elixir Resources in PortugueseBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Finding the Silver Lining in Hard Times - EMx 265
Given the current state of the world, we've been put into a position where things have lost jobs or lost in other areas of life. The panel discusses how to make the most of things when hard things come your way.LinksCourse Creator ProHow To Write & Launch Your Book To $10,000 in 90 DaysThe MaxCoders Guide To Finding Your Dream Developer JobAuthorityCorona Dev JobsRemote: Office Not RequiredHackernoonPicksSoojin - Apple Store Monument Valley 2Soojin - Google Play Monument Valley 2Alex - StellarisCharles - RRU 104: How to Start a Side Hustle as a Programmer with Mani VayaBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Elixir Education with Adolfo Neto - EMx 264
In this episode of Elixir Mix, we chat with Adolfo Neto, a professor of computer science at UTFPR in Brazil, about what it’s like to teach Elixir, how we as educators can support the Elixir community to grow and thrive, and what the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation’s Education Working Group is up to.Linkshttps://social.biologianaweb.com.br/@adolfonthttps://t.me/elixirconferenceshttps://github.com/adolfont/elixir_cop/blob/master/telegram.mdAdolfo Neto: My three favorite resources for learning Elixirhttps://t.me/elixirconferencesPicksSteven - PDF Reader that does text to speechJosh - GitHub Arctic Code Vault: Tech TreeBruce - grox.io/language/liveview/courseBruce - Keynote: Build Good Software: Of Politics and Methods – Brian L. TroutwineLars - BEAM Bloggers WebringSophie - Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David EpsteinAdolfo - Telegram Group for AlchemistsAdolfo - Education Working Group of the Erlang Ecosystem FoundationAdolfo - Elixir Resources in PortugueseBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Pluralsight, Courses, and Elixir the Big Picture ft. AJ Foster - EMx 263
AJ Foster is a developer at Pluralsight. He talks about the course he made for Pluralsight about Elixir and then talks about how Elixir was brought into Pluralsight, both into their catalog of courses as well as into the tech stack for the company.LinksElixir: The Big PictureKeith Elder - Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl | Code BEAM SF 19Elixir DiffErlang - heartPRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERINGGitHub: AJ Foster ( aj-foster )Twitter: AJ Foster ( @Austin_J_Foster ) PicksAJ- GitHub | aj-foster/absinthe-socket-transportAJ- FIRSTAllen- Keith Elder - Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl | Code BEAM SF 19Allen- Zero To Production In RustEric- Hardcore ZenSascha- Erlang in AngerBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Elixir as a General Purpose Language - EMx 262
This week, the panel gets in and talks about Elixir is not just a specialty language for high concurrency applications with specific performance profiles.They dive into how Elixir can be used in a variety of cases and how it is set up as a language that allows you to solve the breadth of issues that other popular languages solve without being specialized to them.LinksErlang Term Storage (ETS)dets (stdlib) - (Erlang Documentation)JVM struggles and the BEAMPicksAdi- How to split a router into multiple modules using PhoenixAdi- ElixirConf EU 2021 volunteer application formBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Mentorship and Teaching in Technology with Bruce Tate - EMx 261
Dive into an enlightening conversation with Allen, Adi together and special guest Bruce Tate as he shares his passion for teaching underrepresented communities in tech. In this episode, Bruce discusses the transformative power of mentorship through Alexa Chat, a weekly volunteer-driven session aimed at fostering inclusivity and learning among aspiring coders. Discover how creating a safe space can lead to profound personal and professional growth.Key takeaways from this episode:- The importance of learning by doing: Encouraging new programmers to code actively.- Building community support: Creating a vulnerable yet respectful environment where mistakes are welcomed.- Inspiring success stories: Real-life examples of individuals thriving through mentorship.Join them for an inspiring discussion that highlights the impact of inclusive education in technology.SocialsLinkedIn: Bruce TateBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
What Time Is It? Dealing with Date, Time and Timezones in Elixir with Lau Taarnskov - Emx 260
In this episode of Elixir Mix, we’re joined by Lau Tornskau, creator of the tzdata library and prolific Elixir open-source contributor, to talk about how to ensure “correctness” of time-related data in Elixir and how Elixir’s standard library has grown to include native support for handling time zones.Linkswww.creativedeletion.comhttp://twitter.com/lauthttps://github.com/lauPicksAlex - Dynamically Configure Your Plugs at Run-timeAlex - An IoT Birdhouse with Elixir Nerves & Phoenix LiveView ComponentsBruce- Why Things Fail, a series on failure with Brian Troutwine and Bruce TateBruce - The Problem with Time & Timezones – ComputerphileSophie - You might not need the Calendar or Timex librariesLau - We’re hiring – TheRealRealLau - Domain Modeling Made Functional by Scott WlaschinBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Learning and Loving Elixir with Randall Thomas - EMx 259
We discuss how to learn and love Elixir and other functional languages, the importance of people and community in learning, the perfect autumnal cocktail and so much more with Randall Thomas—drinker, hacker and bon vivant! PanelLinksLet Over Lambda—50 Years of LispHaskell Programming from First PrinciplesWHAT I WISH I KNEW WHEN LEARNING HASKELLProgramming ElixirPicksBruce - https://grox.ioAlex - Erlang in AngerAlex - https://github.com/happi/theBeamBookSteven - 49 inch ultra wide monitorRandall - https://haskellbook.com/, https://keminglabs.com/findaBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
Nerves Powered Mechanical Keyboards with Chris Dosé - EMx 258
In this episode of Elixir Mix, Chris Dosé joins us to talk about some of the open source work that he has done at Peek. He also talks to us about his exciting Nerves projects Xebow and AFK.LinksiCalendarGitHub Chris DoséGitHub ElixirSeattle/xebowPicksSteven - The Art of Agile James ShoreSteven - US History YouTubeLars - Hurry SlowlyLars - Peter van Roy - KEYTNOTE Why time is evil indistributed systems l Code BEAM STO 19Chris - ElixirConf 2018 - Picking Properties to Test in Property Based Testing - Michael Stalker Sophie - Anybody have any easy baking recipes?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.
What it means to be a Senior - EMx 257
In this episode of the Mix the panelists talk about Seniority. They lay out their own personal journeys towards getting a senior title and how they define seniority for themselves - especially how it goes beyond the ability to write code well.Among other things they discuss:how to become fluent in reading and writing codehow side projects are useful but not required to become a great developerhow senior developers tend to approach problem solving and how to get better at thathow interpersonal skills play at least an equal role as technical knowledgehow specific tech know-how becomes less and less important the further developers climb the ladder - at least the managerial ladderhow organizational structures cannot be ignored when building solutionsThey close with some picks which they deem valuable for anybody who'd like to dig deeper into some of these ideas.LinksAre We Really Engineers? * Hillel WayneSeven Languages in Seven WeeksConway's law - WikipediaTeam TopologiesThe Little Elixir & OTP GuidebookPicksAdi- The Little Elixir & OTP GuidebookAdi- Seven Languages in Seven WeeksAdi- God of War Ragnarök - PS5 Games | PlayStationSascha- Specification by ExampleSascha- ExercismSascha- You Know Nothing ... or do you? - Sascha WolfBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elixir-mix--6102049/support.