MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com
2535: Seven Steps to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40
If Someone Wants to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40, What Are the First 7 Steps They Should Take?
If someone wants to go from dad bod to fit at 40, what are the first 7 steps they should take?
#1 - Lift weights. (1:08)
#2 - Eat ONLY real food. (6:11)
#3 - Eat protein first. (8:20)
#4 - Eat veggies second for every meal. (13:18)
#5 - Get consistent sleep. (16:37)
#6 - Check hormones. (19:38)
#7 - Ignore scale and mirror, focus on health and performance. (23:25)
Questions (Diet, Training, & Lifestyle):
How do I build a simple meal plan that helps me lose fat without feeling like I’m starving all the time? (26:06)
Do I need to completely cut out beer and junk food, or is there a way to enjoy them in moderation? (29:32)
What’s the best workout plan for someone in their 40s who hasn’t exercised regularly in years? (32:50)
How often should I train each week to lose fat and build muscle without overdoing it? (34:31)
Should I be lifting heavy weights at 40, or is it safer to stick with bodyweight exercises? (36:06)
I feel stiff and sore after workouts. How can I improve my recovery and flexibility at this age? (38:28)
How do I stay consistent with my fitness goals when work and family responsibilities take up most of my time? (40:29)
What’s the best way to involve my family in this fitness journey so I don’t feel like I’m doing it alone? (43:29)
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February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! **
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Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram