MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com
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Mind Pump Fit Tip: Top 10 all-cause mortality risk factors. (1:49) Trigger sessions to boost cognitive function. (22:32) Pyramids or ancient power grids? (25:47) Shilajit can preserve bone density. (35:29) The controversy surrounding food stamps. (39:17) Frightening fentanyl statistics. (45:07) PSA: Cautioning the audience when using a massage gun around your neck. (48:56) Justin’s Road to a 315 Push Press. (53:13) #ListenerLive question #1 – How to set a good standard for strength? Best PRs for testing strength? (1:03:10) #ListenerLive question #2 – Would it be wiser to focus solely on unilateral training so that my whole body is balanced before I jump into bilateral heavy training again? (1:14:39) #ListenerLive question #3 – What exercise techniques, meant for tall people, might also apply to me as a short person? (1:26:47) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any suggestions on increasing my squat weight without causing low-back pain? (1:39:56) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Ben and Tom know firsthand the struggles of addiction and alcoholism. With years of experience helping thousands of individuals, they’re offering you a free consultation call to discuss your situation. Whether you’re personally battling addiction or have a loved one in need of help, they’re here to guide you toward the support you need. By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Don’t wait—take the first step today. ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Associations of exercise snacks with cognitive function among older adults in NHANES 2011–2014 Pyramids Or Ancient Power Grids? Radar Scans Reveal Massive Underground Structures In Egypt's Giza Shilajit extract reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and bone loss to dose-dependently preserve bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteopenia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial American Heart Association Retracts Opposition To Barring Soda, Candy From Food Stamps Fentanyl Statistics 2025: Latest Overdose & Addiction Data Justin’s Road to 315 Push Press Experience the science of longevity and peak physical performance with the Joint & Muscle Bundle from Promethean Bioregulators. ** CODE: JUSTINMPM for 10% off any first order (not only the Muscle and Joint bundle). ** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump #2555: The Muscle-Building Secrets of Unilateral Training Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
2563: The Most Effective Ways to Get Those Around You to Start Working Out & More (Listener Coaching)
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The MOST effective ways to get those around you to start working out. (1:45) Creatine does EVERYTHING! (25:12) Red-light therapy to help with your sinuses. (34:53) Are artificial muscles in our future? (38:05) At what point do the childish things you collect get weird? (47:14) The nuggets are a HIT! (56:17) #Quah question #1 – How does one maintain protein targets in a caloric deficit? (59:40) #Quah question #2 – How do you know what weight to choose while warming up to a working set? (1:02:21) #Quah question #3 – I bought MAPS Transform: What’s the best way to determine your baseline calories for the later phases? I’m not sure where to start with my calorie calculations. (1:05:39) #Quah question #4 – What are the benefits of the newly popular lymphatic drainage vibration plates? Is it a scam? (1:09:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users who sign up will receive ground beef in every box for the LIFETIME of their subscription + $20 off their first box when they use code MINDPUMP at checkout. ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2152: How to Convince Friends & Family to Work Out The Potential Role of Creatine in Vascular Health - PMC Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Effect of Red Light Rhinophototherapy on Nasal Patency in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis Artificial muscle flexes in multiple directions, offering a path to soft, wiggly robots Move Over, Kids. Hasbro Wants Adults to Play. - WSJ Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram
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2561: 5 Crazy Things That Destroy Your Health & More (Listener Live Coaching)
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2560: How to Break Free from Destructive Body Image Issues
How to Break Free from Destructive Body Image Issues The HIGH prevalence of body-image issues in the fitness space. (1:11) The extreme versions that are easy to spot. (4:30) The characteristics of this avatar. (9:11) How to Break Free from Abusive Body Image Issues #1 - Take time off (from workouts, measuring, and weighing). (12:11) #2 - Make it real by telling others. (18:41) #3 - Stop weighing yourself and studying yourself in the mirror. (21:36) #4 - Turn off social media or change the algorithm. (25:45) #5 - Start back up with a VERY different goal. (31:46) Questions: How common are body image issues? (33:56) Does competition contribute to body image issues? (35:44) How can I help someone who is struggling with body image issues? (37:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Body Image in America: Survey Results - Psychology Today Body Image Statistics 2024: 57+ Shocking Facts & Stats Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
2559: Four Weird Ways to Build Muscle & More (Listener Live Coaching)
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: 4 weird ways to build muscle. (2:03) GHK-CU and its effect on skin looseness. (22:35) Sal’s confessional. (28:32) Is this the beginning of the end for CrossFit? (49:53) Drinking with or without Zbiotics. (55:52) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do body proportions or body type play a significant role in the way someone is able to change their body through resisting training? (57:25) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is it possible that consuming a lot of eggs can have a negative effect on sleep? (1:09:25) #ListenerLive question #3 – What is your take on myostatin blockers? Is this another fitness fad? (1:20:47) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Visit Pre-Alcohol by ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP25 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** How Much Exercise You Need to Offset Sitting All Day The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle How to Use Intra-Set Stretching for the BEST Shoulder Workout | Ben Pakulski Use Intra-Set Stretching for the BEST Hamstring Workout | Ben Pakulski How to Use Intra-Set Stretching for the BEST Chest Workout | Ben Pakulski Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data Visit Transcend for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** March 3 – March 31 = 25% Off Wolverine & Endurance Stacks! Wolverine Stack: PDA (BPC)/TB-500 (Including the KPV stack as well – Capsules and Injectable stacks). Endurance Stack: SS-31/Tesofensine (Optimized for performance and recovery). March 10 – March 31 = 35% Off Exosomes. ** CrossFit for Sale After Years of Drama and Attrition Sexy Athlete Bundle – Mind Pump Media Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump # 2502: Hormone Therapy for Aesthetics With Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide | Free by Mind Pump Media Stephan Cabral Cortisol Test Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Phil Heath (@philheath) Instagram
2558: The 5 Best & Worst People You Will Run Into at the Gym & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 5 best & worst people you will run into in the gym. (2:00) For those CEOs that lift, do their companies outperform those who don’t? (17:54) Comparing bicep growth between preacher and incline curls. (23:48) The disturbing rise in youth gambling. (29:49) If Mind Pump were an alcoholic drink, what would it be? (44:02) The ‘Drop’ stack. (45:59) What doesn’t creatine do? (49:26) Make any outfit dresser and sharper. (51:12) Iconic vehicles from our childhood. (53:16) #Quah question #1 – When reverse dieting to boost metabolism for fat loss, can I eat less and skip walking 10,000 steps a day? Why is there so much advice to walk? (58:41) #Quah question #2 – How can I prevent my upper back from taking over everything, and I mean everything, from chest press to overhead press to rear delts? Is it just a matter of focus? (1:00:32) #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to help my deadlift? The most difficult part is lifting off the ground. (1:03:54) #Quah question #4 – What’s the best way to strengthen weak and crackly knees? (1:05:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Up to 30% discount for wedding party, complimentary second outfit for groom, and an additional $100 gift card for mentioning Mind Pump during the onboarding process. ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1080: 21 Commandments of Gym Etiquette Mind Pump #1862: How NOT to Be an Idiot in the Gym Deadlift Index (deadlift) | Stock price, performance, AI analysis Distinct muscle growth and strength adaptations after preacher and incline biceps curls Online gambling among youth worries experts, one teen says sports betting was an 'escape' Whatnot: Shop, Sell, Connect Creatine ingestion augments dietary carbohydrate mediated muscle glycogen supercompensation during the initial 24 h of recovery following prolonged exhaustive exercise in humans Mind Pump # 2550: Cutting Edge Peptides for Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Alex Kikel Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** 3-Way Scap Circles (Scapular Muscle Activation & Mobility Exercises) Mind Pump # 2122: Deadlift Masterclass Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Alex Kikel (@alex_kikel) Instagram
2557: Heal Your Cavities & Fix Your Teeth With Functional Dentistry: Dr. Staci Whitman
Heal Your Cavities & Fix Your Teeth with Functional Dentistry Dr. Staci Whitman Functional vs. Conventional dentistry. (1:48) Can you change the microbiome to be more positive for oral health? (5:26) Are cavities reversible? (11:59) Is dentistry a scam? (13:58) Why have wisdom teeth become a problem? (21:01) Why dentistry would be DEAD if Big Food changed. (28:20) Should we avoid fluoride? (30:32) How bad is mouthwash? (41:38) My gums bleed, what should I do? (45:06) Why you can’t have a healthy mouth without a healthy gut. (49:57) I grind my teeth, what does that mean? (51:00) Peptides and oral health. (53:03) What’s the deal with Tom’s? (53:57) How developed is the field of Functional Dentistry? (58:00) What motivated her to move outside conventional dentistry? (1:00:46) Anything we can do exercise-wise to strengthen our teeth? (1:03:52) Bad breath and drug use. (1:06:39) Why she is not a fan of juice. (1:08:50) Milk is good for oral health. (1:12:50) What is the biggest pushback she gets from her colleagues? (1:14:07) The history of water fluoridation. (1:16:54) Is she hopeful about the government’s direction? (1:22:04) The top 5 holistic approaches to good oral hygiene. (1:24:13) Feed Your Good Guys. (1:30:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Feed Your Good Guys (FYGG) for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP20 at checkout for 20% off** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Welcome to The Institute for Functional Dentistry New study says chewing may have played a vital role in human evolution Baby-led weaning: When to start, foods to serve, and more Home - The Weston A. Price Foundation Fact Sheet - Fluoride Action Network Hydroxyapatite benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Hydroxyapatite Vs. Fluoride: How Do They Compare? Eighty Percent of Americans Have Gum Disease, Oh My! The Dental Diet: The Surprising Link between Your Teeth, Real Food, and Life-Changing Natural Health Myo Munchee Functional Dentist REVEALS the Shocking Truth About FLUORIDE | Dr. Staci Whitman Kisses Transfer 80 Million Bacteria, New Study Reveals Bristle Oral Microbiome Health Test Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Anastacia ("Staci") Whitman (@doctor_staci) Instagram In Person Visits: nopokids.com Website Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram Steven Lin (@drstevenlin) Instagram Vani Hari | Food Babe (@thefoodbabe) Instagram Dr. Mark Burhenne | Dentist (@askthedentist) Instagram
2556: Overtrained? How to Reset Your Body in 7 Days & More (Listener Live Coaching)
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Can you get your body back on track in 7 days? Yes! Here is your 7-day recovery reset. (2:11) Brain.fm works! (13:10) The impact of having quality muscle has on your health. (19:01) Addressing the hot topic of autism. (21:53) Does the average child today receive less sunlight than a prisoner? (25:51) The story of Bishnu Shrestha. (33:02) Chores and their connection to a stronger work ethic. (35:14) Apologizing to your kids. (38:42) Using science to break a record. (46:03) The top nutrient deficiencies. (52:56) #ListenerLive question #1 – What should I do to get back into shape and stay in shape? I feel like I will always have some pain in everything I do, even walking. How much pain is acceptable? (56:52) #ListenerLive question #2 – How to avoid injury after destroying a plateau? (1:12:50) #ListenerLive question #3 – what else can I or should I be doing to get more clients? Or, if you have ever seen the show Extreme Home Makeover, what makeover would you guys do for my business? (1:21:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide | Free by Mind Pump Media Skeletal muscle adiposity, coronary microvascular dysfunction, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Real Reasons Autism Rates Are Up in the U.S. Inmates Spend More Time Outside Than Kids Bishnu Shrestha - Badass of the Week Kids Who Do Chores Are More Successful Adults, Science Proves Can Faith Kipyegon break four minutes in the mile? Scientists say yes. 7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common - Healthline Visit Transcend for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** March 3 – March 31 = 25% Off Wolverine & Endurance Stacks! Wolverine Stack: PDA (BPC)/TB-500 (Including the KPV stack as well - Capsules and Injectable stacks). Endurance Stack: SS-31/Tesofensine (Optimized for performance and recovery). March 10 – March 31 = 35% Off Exosomes. ** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2240: Mikhaila Peterson World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox - Mercola Mind Pump # 2515: How to Become a Successful Trainer in 2025 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram
2554: The 5 Best Exercises for a Stronger Grip and Forearms & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 5 best exercises for a stronger grip and forearms. (2:27) Optimizing your mitochondrial health is one of the keys to longevity. (16:34) Feeling manly. (24:48) Justin is getting his metal fix in. (28:56) How out of touch with reality can you possibly be? (33:53) Caffeine withdrawal is nasty. (37:07) Red vs. white wine, is there a difference in health benefits? (43:26) The ideological gap between Gen Z boys and girls. (47:43) CRAZY odds. (49:29) The future of live performance and entertainment. (54:38) #ListenerLive question #1 – Any guidance that would be able to steer me in the right direction and get more information on my peptide journey? (57:02) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is there a way to counteract the hand pain I am experiencing while lifting? How can I improve my grip strength? (1:08:57) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice how I can improve my overall squat mobility getting under the bar? (1:16:33) #ListenerLive question #4 – What are your thoughts on Hyrox? Am I living the most optimal lifestyle to make maximum progress with my Hyrox training? (1:26:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** They’re offering a free consultation call to discuss your situation. Whether you’re personally battling addiction or have a loved one in need of help, they’re here to guide you toward the support you need. By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 1895: Eight Hacks for an Insanely Strong Grip HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER Red Light Therapy and Methylene Blue May Promote Brain Health Angel Reese hints at possible strike by WNBA players: 'If y'all don't give us what we want, we sitting out' The Most Commonly Abused Drug Statistics Consumption of Red Versus White Wine and Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies Gen Z's widening gender divide has turned political. It's ruining our relationships. The Bible is a collection of 66 - Miraculous Bible Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users that sign up will receive ground beef in every box for the LIFETIME of their subscription + $20 off their first box when they use code MINDPUMP at checkout. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Amelia Boone (@arboone11) Instagram Hunter McIntyre (@huntthesheriff) Instagram
2553: The Top 5 Exercises That Build Muscle That You Probably Aren’t Doing & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Top 5 exercises that build muscle that you probably aren’t doing. (1:59) Exercise and sleep. (19:21) The war against raw milk. (23:25) Children and their core memories. (26:46) What is Sal using to mitigate the effects of going off caffeine? (32:09) Which gender can handle more training volume? (35:46) Be kind to AI. (40:31) It’s a “weird” iPhone glitch. (43:05) The origin of the Konami Code. (44:14) Companies’ evolution. (47:22) Salt wars. (49:48) #Quah question #1 – Should I feel hungry eating at maintenance? (56:49) #Quah question #2 – Why is a behind-the-neck shoulder press harder than a military press? (1:00:13) #Quah question #3 – When I do a barbell incline press, my shoulders always give out first. How do I correct this? (1:02:22) #Quah question #4 – What are the primary reasons why the hips might rise first in a heavy back squat? Muscle imbalances? Cues? Mobility? (1:04:21) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** How To Behind The Neck Press Properly! (ADVANCED LIFTERS ONLY!) How to Do Reverse Curls Build a Big Pec Shelf With the Guillotine Press Sissy Squat – The forgotten quad building exercise of the pros – Mind Pump TV Impact of different types of physical exercise on sleep quality in older population with insomnia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Stanford study reveals flu virus remains infectious in refrigerated raw milk A Comparison between Male and Female Athletes in Relative Strength and Power Performances Why Women Have Beaten Men in Marathon Swimming? Mind Pump Fitness Coaching - YouTube Apple AI tool transcribed the word 'racist' as 'Trump' Cheating Wonders: A Brief History of the Konami Code Evolution of Companies Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Z Press to take Your Shoulder Development to the Next Level Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Mind Pump | Ann Svogun (@mindpumpann) Instagram
2552: From Plateau to PR... How to Break Through Strength Barriers
From Plateau to PR: How to Break Through Strength Barriers Defining what a plateau is. (1:18) Why this is a meaningful conversation. (2:20) The most frustrating part of fitness. (5:37) The BIG mistake most people make. (7:38) From Plateau to PR: Six Strategies to Break Through Strength Barriers #1 - Focus on strength. (13:45) #2 - Change the exercises. (17:06) #3 - Change the rep ranges. (21:13) #4 - Change the tempo. (23:01) #5 - Trust a new structure and follow. (26:13) #6 - Start with recovery, a week. (29:01) Questions: I haven’t lost any weight for 30 days. Is this a plateau? (31:46) Can diet changes break a plateau? (32:55) How often do you guys plateau? What do you personally do? (33:58) Does sleep affect plateaus? (36:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Special Promotion: MAPS Strong or MAPS Powerlift HALF off ** Code PR50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways to Break Through a Plateau Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide | Free by Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) Instagram Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram
2551: Can Being “Too Healthy” Be a Bad Thing?... & More (Listener Live Coaching
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Can being too healthy be a bad thing? (2:47) Making the case for taking higher doses of creatine. (26:37) The methylene blue trend. (29:40) The value of Lent. (32:02) Sal’s break from lust. (36:41) Reversing an aging heart. (45:00) Enhancing your savory dishes with Paleovalley’s latest bone broth protein. (49:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – What's the difference between reverse dieting and bulking? (53:01) #ListenerLive question #2 – I thought I would lean out more by now. Should I focus on hypertrophy-style training more? (1:03:27) #ListenerLive question #3 – What is the why behind all the upper body movements in Phase 1 of Muscle Mommy? (1:17:20) #ListenerLive question #4 – What are some strategies you would employ to get clients and make this transition while creating your own business? (1:36:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** March Promotion: MAPS Performance or MAPS Performance Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2550: Cutting Edge Peptides for Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Alex Kikel What Strange Blue Liquid Did RFK Jr. Add to His Drink Mid-Flight? Mind Pump #2342: The Porn Addiction Solution With Sathiya Sam Proper exercise can reverse damage from heart aging LAST MAN STANDING ULTRAMARATHON Visit Meal One by Kreatures of Habit for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off your first purchase sitewide! Discount Auto-apply at checkout! ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump #2340: The Ultimate Muscle Mommy Workout Program Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #2515: How to Become a Successful Trainer in 2025 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Alex Kikel (@alex_kikel) Instagram Sathiya Sam (@sathiyamesam) Instagram Joe De Sena (@realjoedesena) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
2550: Cutting Edge Peptides for Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Alex Kikel
Cutting Edge Peptide Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Alex Kikel What’s the deal with methylene blue? (2:02) His background in the peptide space. (9:09) How common is it for a professional athlete to have someone work with them who is NOT their doctor? (11:22) Why he believes there is not a biological problem he cannot fix. (12:38) How nicotine is protective of long COVID symptoms. (13:37) The effects and benefits of nicotine. (15:12) How would he program these things to an athlete? (17:48) Can we counter the effects of microplastics in our brain? (21:07) The common stacks for the busy entrepreneur. (25:41) Earning the right to get these peptides/stacks. (32:50) The common stacks for bodybuilders. (35:37) His go-to growth hormone release peptides. (55:53) Favorite healing peptides. (57:00) Are GLP-1s being used pre-contest in the bodybuilding world? (1:01:44) Breaking down the libido-enhancing PT-141 peptide. (1:05:32) His thoughts on artificial sweeteners. (1:07:25) Why he believes our world is in a renaissance right now. (1:08:53) Being open to EVERYTHING. (1:10:42) What’s he pumped up about? (1:14:45) His take on longevity experts, like Bryan Johnson. (1:16:26) His case against sunscreens. (1:18:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Methylene blue: The anti-aging liquid RFK Jr. seems to drink Neural Rx - Wizard Sciences What is SLU-PP-332, the Exercise Mimicking Drug? L-Carnitine Injection For Fat Loss: Benefits & Side Effects Noopept: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, Drug Interactions Jonathan Butts | Water Revitalization, Structured Water, & Natural Action Tech Mind Pump # 2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Bremelanotide: Recommended PT-141 Dosage for Results Don't Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever - Netflix Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Alex Kikel (@alex_kikel) Instagram Website YouTube Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Mark Bell (@marksmellybell) Instagram BioLongevity Labs (@biolongevitylabs) Instagram