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AiA 288: Getting your Components to Communicate with Ravi Veliyat

August 25, 2020 51:51 62.42 MB Downloads: 0

Ravi Veliyat helps train people in many web technologies, Angular being one of them. The panel discusses the various ways you can get your components to communicate, from inputs and outputs all the way up to NgRx. Ravi walks through the different options, with great examples that will keep you on the edge of your headphones.



  • Alyssa Nicoll
  • Younes Jaaidi
  • Chris Ford
  • Eddie Hinkle


  • Ravi Veliyat



Alyssa Nicoll:

Eddie Hinkle:

Chris Ford::

  • Pokémon™ Sword

Ravi Veliyat:

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Special Guest: Ravi Veliyat.