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Angular Elements, Annex & Storybook with Brad McAlister - AiA 439
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Matchmaking NGXS and Firebase with Joaquin Cid - AiA 437
Joaquin Cid is an Argentinian developer who has built a plugin for NGXS state library that allows developers to connect to Firebase and have their queries automatically import into NGXS. Further, it also allows them to define actions that will update their datastore when triggered. The new Adventures in Angular panel dives into the ins and outs of using NGXS and Firebase to build rich applications with Angular and these technologies.LinksFirebase + NGXS, the perfect coupleNGXS loading spinners and actions executingGitHub | ngxs-labs/action-lifecycle-hooksGitHub | ngxs-labs/firestore-pluginGitHub | angular/angularfireTwitter: joaquin cid ( @joaqcid )PicksCharles- Who Not HowCharles- As a Man ThinkethJoaquin- Newell's Old BoysJoaquin- NGXSRichard- Chania, Crete, Greece Richard- My team (Dodo) from Optimal SystemsRichard- Building Performance Optimized Web Apps with Angular and Firebase - YouTubeSubrat- NestJSSubrat- Lucifer Become a supporter of this podcast:
Practical Applications of RxJS in Angular Development - AiA 436
In today's episode, Lucas is joined by Jason Akbar, a full-stack software engineer who’s got a knack for front-end development. He recently penned some intriguing articles on Medium about RxJS operators. He will reveal what motivated him to write about RxJS operators, especially focusing on the top 17 operators that every Angular developer should know. They will break down each of these operators—like the map, filter, and debounce time—and discuss how they can streamline your Angular development. Jason will also touch on some of the lesser-known but incredibly useful operators like concat and merge, providing real-world examples of where these can come in handy.Whether you’re navigating your way through Angular or looking to refine your skills, this episode is packed with nuggets of wisdom that you won't want to miss. Jason also has some tips on where you can find additional resources to master RxJS.LinksMastering RxJS Operators in Angular: The Top 17 OperatorsSocialsLinkedIn: Jason AkbarBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Azure Cognitive Services with Ankit Sharma - AiA 435
Ankit Sharma, an Angular GDE and author, joins us in this episode of Adventures in Angular to talk about using Azure cognitive services with Angular.Links To Create A Multi-Language Translator Using Angular And Azure Cognitive Services Brooks - Cover face AND noseAnkit - TEACH: share your knowledgeBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Power Up Angular with RXjs with Armen Vardanyan - AiA 434
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Getting your Components to Communicate with Ravi Veliyat - AiA 433
Ravi Veliyat helps train people in many web technologies, Angular being one of them. The panel discusses the various ways you can get your components to communicate, from inputs and outputs all the way up to NgRx. Ravi walks through the different options, with great examples that will keep you on the edge of your headphones.LinksYou might not need NgRx | Mike Ryan | AngularConnect 2018Subjecting State to Good Behavior | Kim MaidaPicksAlyssa - Oculus Quest HeadsetEddie - Sentry.ioEddie - Notion.soChris - Pokémon™ SwordRavi - veliyat.comRavi - a supporter of this podcast:
Managing and Capturing Errors in Angular ft. Philipp Kief - AiA 432
Philipp Kief is a German developer who walks through how to manage and capture errors in your Angular application and how to display them to users.He discusses how he standardized error handlers in his applications and what he does to make sure that they get logged someplace.LinksAngular Component ExtractorPhilipp Kief - MediumPhilipp KiefTwitter: Philipp Kief ( @PhilippKief )PicksCharles- Level Up | Devchat.tvCharles- PodcastBootcamp.ioCharles- The ChosenPhilipp- Web-based editorRichard- Material Icon ThemeSubrat- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take ActionBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Web Components for Cross Framework Development with Nishu Goel - AiA 431
Nishu Goel joins the Adventure to talk about how Web Components can be used in Angular applications and how to use them to share functionality across multiple applications written in different frameworks. We also dive into how web components are used and compatibility across browsers.LinksAngular elements overviewmanfredsteyer/ngx-build-plusWeb Components in ActionStencilWeb Componentsweb-component-testerCan I use...Custom Elements EverywhereDyois it canceled yet?PicksCharles - Step-by-Step Angular Routing by Nishu GoelCharles - The Masked SingerCharles - Expert SecretsChris - Rhod Gilbert Clips on YoutubeBrooks - Capacitor: Universal Web ApplicationsEddie - NestJSEddie - Sunlight and Warm WeatherNishu - Follow Nishu on Twitter > @DcoustawilsonNishu - WebAssemblyNishu - WASM gameNishu - Playing with rabbitsBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Profiling Angular Apps with Gil Fink - AiA 430
The illustrious and well-regarded Gil Fink joins the Adventures in Angular panel to talk about profiling your Angular apps. Profiling consists of finding bottlenecks, and memory leaks among other problems within your application. Most of the time, the problems are hard to see from the development side. Usually, they appear when your user uses a device that is slow or a connection that is faulty. Gil explains how to find and fix them.Linkshttps://pptr.devLighthouse - Using the node cliJS VidConPicksGil - Follow Gil on Twitter > @gilfinkGil - Wokwi - Star Wars The Clone WarsAlyssa - - Analyze and Benchmark your JavaScript and TypeScriptShai - FREE WORKSHOP - The Roadmap to Angular Testing MasteryShai - - Reactive Extensions for AngularChris - EeroChris - @GrumpySkeletorBrooks - LoopBack 4Eddie - Animal CrossingBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Leveraging Event Sourcing: Enhancing Scalability and Consistency in Front-end and Back-end - AiA 429
In this episode, Lucas, Armen, and Subrat are joined by Luis Galeas, the CEO and founder of Ambar. Today's discussion dives into the fascinating world of event sourcing, exploring its intricacies in both front-end and back-end development.Event sourcing has emerged as a pivotal technique for managing the state by recording events that can rebuild the application state, bringing unique challenges and opportunities, especially on the back end where state persistence and scalability are critical. Luis shares his expertise on how Ambar's tools simplify event connections with minimal coding, the importance of efficient data transfer, and how event sourcing can transform state management.They also cover practical aspects like the technological components, system design, and implementation strategies for event sourcing, providing a comprehensive overview for developers keen on enhancing their applications. Lucas, Armen, and Subrat, alongside Luis, provide valuable insights and address common challenges, ensuring you walk away with actionable knowledge.To round things off, Luis introduces a free course offered by Ambar to dive deeper into event sourcing and discusses how gradual implementation can ease the transition for your development projects. Stay tuned for a deep dive into event sourcing's potential to revolutionize your approach to state management in both front-end and back-end technologies.SocialsLinkedIn: Luis P GaleasBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Is There Benefits from Working From Home with Will Gant - AiA 428
In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Will Gant, author of Remote Work talks about working from home and working outside of the client's office. He and Brooks share their experience with working through the challenges, benefits, and methods of working remotely.PicksWill - Follow Will's work on > www.simpleprogrammer.comBrooks - NGXSBrooks - Tiger KingBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Data Mocking with Dave Cooper - AiA 427
In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Dave Cooper, who recently gave a talk at AngularConnect about using Mock Data. Dave starts by explaining more about his talk and sharing the benefits of using data mocking solutions and rapid prototyping. He shares the secrets of doing rapid prototyping. There are challenges to using mock data, Dave shares a few of them and explains how to overcome them. The number one challenge of using mock data is keeping it in sync with your real data and making it look real. Dave explains how to get started with mock data and shares library recommendations. The panel discusses the use cases for mock data and Dave walks them through a few scenarios for using mock data. He shares use case recommendations and discusses using mock data for testing. The panel discusses the benefits of using mock data for demos and courses. The possibilities and future of mock data and pact testing are explored. Dave shares his coding process and explains how much faster he can code by using mock data. LinksMocking made easy | Dave Cooper | - TestAngular.comShai - Shai - Angular 9: Getting Ready To Update to Angular 9 Dave - - Dough: Simple Contemporary BreadYounes - Younes - - A Christmas StoryCharles - Holiday InnCharles - White ChristmasCharles - The Bishop’s WifeCharles - Frozen 2Become a supporter of this podcast:
Managing Component State the Sane Way with Freddy Montes - AiA 426AiA_426
Freddy Montes joins the adventure to discuss how he and his team manage state in their Angular components.Many development teams instinctively reach for a solution like ngrx when they're building their angular apps and start seeing complex state. However, there's a lot of boilerplate and it's often overkill for small to medium apps. Freddy talks about his journey into managing state for his components using observables and basic state libraries.LinksHow to manage component state in Angular using @ngrx/component-storePicksCharles- Premium Podcast Feeds | Devchat.tvCharles- Hiro.fmCharles- ThriveCartCharles- ZapierCharles- TrainingPeaksCharles- Built BarFreddy- Couch to 5K Runner Freddy- Weiser LockBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Cross Platform Angular with Richard Sithole - AiA 425
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