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AiA 181: Doing More with Less and Router-First Architecture with Doguhan Uluca

March 20, 2018 1:05:58 63.58 MB Downloads: 0


  • Charles Max Wood
  • Ward Bell
  • Shai Reznik
  • John Papa
  • Joe Eames

Special Guests: Doguhan Uluca

In this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel discusses doing more with less and router-first architecture with Doguhan Uluca. Doguhan works for a consulting company in Washington D.C. called Excella, where he is on the JavaScipt Special fleet and is a software development expert. He is also the founder of the Tech Talk DC meetup and organized the DC Full Stack Dev Summit last year. They talk about doing more with less with code and the importance of deleting code that is unnecessary. Also, they discuss router-first architecture and how it can be used to your advantage in your coding.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • Doguhan intro
  • Excella Consulting Company
  • Tech Talk DC
  • DC Full Stack Dev Summit
  • Being a polyglot is great, but in practice it is very difficult
  • What is true a polyglot developer?
  • Deleting code
  • Why would you want to delete code?
  • Do more with less when it comes to code
  • JavaScript
  • Going back to the basics
  • More code lends to more bugs and issues
  • How does this relate to router-first architecture?
  • Writing a book
  • Need a road map before you star refining things
  • Get a picture of the shape of the application and then start thinking ahead of time
  • The importance of planning ahead when coding
  • Agile Software Development
  • Walking skeleton from the beginning
  • Get to the first wrong answer as quickly as possible and fix it
  • And much, much more!









Special Guest: Doguhan Uluca.