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089 AiA Angular CLI with Ciro Nunes

April 21, 2016 54:49 52.62 MB Downloads: 0

02:11 - Ciro Nunes Introduction

02:39 - Command-line Interface (CLI)

06:58 - Ciro’s Involvement with the CLI

08:10 - Features and Improvements for Angular 2

19:33 - Accessibility

26:36 - CLI Basics

28:11 - Testing

34:12 - Building a Production Pipeline

35:38 - GitHub Pages; Community Contribution


Star Wars: The Force Awakens (John)
LEGO® Star Wars: The Force Awakens (John)
ng-conf (John)
AngleBrackets (John)
Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence (Joe)
The Hello World Podcast (Joe)
Jurgen Van de Moere: How I feel about Angular 2 (Ciro)
angular-cli (Ciro)


Special Guest: Ciro Nunes.