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067 AiA Consulting in Angular with Jesse Warden
Suggest topics and guests! aiatopics
02:12 - Jesse Warden Introduction
02:53 - Consulting vs Full-Time Employees
06:03 - Common Problems
07:50 - Version Cycles and Best Practices
11:34 - Educating Clients
26:26 - Maintenance and Contracts
36:41 - Training and Negotiating Rates
Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo! by Nicholas Carlson (Aaron)
Snuggling with your kids (Aaron)
Atom (Lukas)
Having integrity (Chuck)
aiatopics (Chuck)
15 Minute Podcast Listener chat with Charles Wood (Chuck)
Nigel Barnes: Lessons from Rocket Science (Part 1&2) (Jesse)
Nigel Barnes: Lessons from Rocket Science (Part 3) (Jesse) (Jesse)
Special Guest: Jesse Warden.