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037 AiA Animations with Matias Niemelä
Thank you RailsClips Kickstarter Backers!
02:05 - Matias Niemelä Introduction
03:13 - Animations with Angular
04:24 - CSS Animations
13:06 - Testing
- ngAnimateMock
- [insert Matais’ link]
14:40 - Detecting When Animations End
16:06 - Animations in 1.4 vs 2.0
- Classes
20:35 - Side Libraries
- Animate.css
- Material Design Aspect
- GreenSock
- ngFx
22:44 - Routing
- Gaia
- Timeline Feature
26:11 - Default Animations
28:14 - Use Cases
- YouTube Browsing Website
30:19 - Where’s Angular 1.4?!?!?!
- Breaking Changes
McFarland, USA (Joe)
Matias! Matias at ng-vegas! (Joe)
[YouTube] Matias Niemelä: Whats new in ngAnimate (Ward)
Citizenfour (Ward)
Teach Like a Champion 2.0: 62 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College by Doug Lemov (Ward)
ngFx (Lukas)
Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace) by Chade-Meng Tan (Lukas)
Thank you RailsClips Kickstarter Backers! (Chuck)
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Chuck)
Mastery by Robert Greene (Chuck)
Neovim (Matias)
Special Guest: Matias Niemelä.