Former FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell and ex-Anonymous/LulzSec blackhat hacker Hector Monsegur (aka Sabu) faced off as adversaries in cyberspace before becoming close friends and podcast co-hosts. Listen to Tarbell, co-founder of the elite cybersecurity firm NAXO, and Monsegur, a top network penetration tester and security engineer, break down the must-know cybersecurity news and topics of the week. You’ll walk away from each episode with unique perspectives on keeping your family, your company, and yourself safe from cyber attacks.

Are Your Lightbulbs a Security Risk? Voice Authentication May be Broken, and Logistics Security

July 13, 2023 1:11:11 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

This week on Hacker And The Fed your lightbulbs may be giving away the location of your house, could Microsoft end ransomware right now? Also, voice authentication may be broken, the latest ransomware attack shows us the important of logistics security, convenience has once again jeopardized Google authenticator security, and a listener shares a wild car theft story.

Links from the episode:

Your lightbulbs may be giving out your exact location


Microsoft Can Fix Ransomware Tomorrow


Cybercriminals can break voice authentication with 99% success rate


INTERPOL Nabs Hacking Crew OPERA1ER's Leader Behind $11 Million Cybercrime


Japan's biggest port, Nagoya, hit by suspected cyberattack


Raising concerns over Google Authenticator’s new features


Trinidad and Tobago facing outages after cyberattack


Listener Questions


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