Former FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell and ex-Anonymous/LulzSec blackhat hacker Hector Monsegur (aka Sabu) faced off as adversaries in cyberspace before becoming close friends and podcast co-hosts. Listen to Tarbell, co-founder of the elite cybersecurity firm NAXO, and Monsegur, a top network penetration tester and security engineer, break down the must-know cybersecurity news and topics of the week. You’ll walk away from each episode with unique perspectives on keeping your family, your company, and yourself safe from cyber attacks.

ROSS ULBRICHT PARDONED, Plus Insider Threats, Corporate Security Risks, and A High-Profile Crypto Kidnapping

February 01, 2025 0:48:49 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

This week on Hacker And The Fed former FBI agent Chris Tarbell and ex-black hat hacker Hector Monsegur talk hector’s much-needed vacation in the rainforest, and onto the major cybersecurity stories they missed while away. They discuss the recent pardon of Ross Ulbricht, second chances in life, and the complexities of law enforcement and the justice system. The conversation covers everything from insider threats, corporate security risks, personal attack surface reduction and even a recent high-profile crypto kidnapping.

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