The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.

179: Future of AI with Elixir?

November 28, 2023 33:50 24.67 MB Downloads: 0

In the latest episode, we delve into the rapidly evolving AI ecosystem and its implications for us as Elixir developers, highlighting the potential hazards of relying on proprietary services like OpenAI and the benefits of self-hosted, open-source AI models. We touch on the Elixir LangChain library, how Elixir's position of running our own AI models strengthens us, and the governance and financial risks of depending on a single AI provider. Tune in for why these topics matter and how they shape the future of development in the context of Elixir, plus the holiday season's impact on our show schedule, and more!

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  • The discussion explores the AI ecosystem's influence on Elixir developers, addressing risks and dependencies unrelated to Elixir itself.
  • Concerns are raised about the dangers of building on top of OpenAI and the risk of service outages, as experienced with an AI fitness trainer.
  • Open-source AI models are discussed as viable alternatives that offer the possibility of self-hosting and independence from proprietary systems.
  • Mention of the Elixir LangChain library signifies an interest in being able to seamlessly switch AI models without altering application code.
  • The discussion covers the risks of government regulation, policy changes, financial and governance uncertainties, and how they could affect dependencies on single AI providers.
  • An industry desire for regulatory measures is expressed, aiming to build a legal buffer that could protect from competition.
  • The conversation questions the broader implications of reliance on AI, including why the topic is intriguing and why self-hosted, open-source models are crucial.
  • Arguably, Elixir is considered to have a strong position for running self-managed AI models, highlighting the alignment with open-source philosophies.
  • Looking to the future, Elixir is positioned well to do this.
  • A final note touches on the holiday season's effect on the podcast's show schedule with potential changes or pauses in the regular programming.

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