Chess improvement as an adult is harder than it should be. Plus, the journey can sometimes feel too stressful and serious. This show aims to fix that by 1) interviewing experts who can offer clarity on the best ways to improve; and 2) giving you a heap of fun with “chess entertainment” shows that discuss chess culture, events, movies, etc. Most episodes feature a guest, but sometimes I'll do a solo show on a topic. This is all brought to you by me, Daniel Lona. I’m a dedicated chess amateur and the owner of Adult Chess Academy. After listening to this podcast, I want you to have a clearer idea of how to improve, and have a more fun, dynamic chess experience. Please follow the show so you don’t miss an episode!

Overcoming Setbacks on Your Chess Journey

May 18, 2023 0:19:11 13.88 MB Downloads: 0

058 Ah! The dreaded “life got in the way” scenario. When it does, our chess progress stalls or suffers. In this journey update, I explain how a prolonged health problem threw a monkey wrench into my chess goals.

The good news is that during these months, while my tactical vision waned, I eventually gained two key insights into how to manage a setback in my chess studies.
I hope nothing ever slows down your chess progress…

But if that happens, this episode may give you some camaraderie and helpful advice...

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