Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. This show records LIVE on Thursdays at 1pm US/Eastern time. Panelists include Jerod Santo, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Kevin Ball, Amelia Wattenberger, Nick Nisi, Divya Sasidharan, Mikeal Rogers, Chris Hiller, and Amal Hussein. Topics discussed include the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (React, Ember, Angular, Vue, etc), Node.js, web animation, SVG, robotics, IoT, and much more. If JavaScript and/or the web touch your life, this show’s for you. Some people search for JSParty and can’t find the show, so now the string JSParty is in our description too.

htmx: a new old way to build the web

January 12, 2024 1:44:44 100.99 MB Downloads: 0

Carson Gross (creator of htmx) & Alex Russell (Mr. Web Platform 3000) join Amal for an EPIC discussion on web architectures, the evolution of rendering patterns & the advantages of hypermedia and htmx. We dive deep on why modern web app best practices are falling short & explore how htmx gives devs an HTML-first approach to use tech that’s over 20 years old.

Tune in to learn a new way to do something old, so you can simplify your code & use JavaScript when/where it’s uniquely able to shine ✨

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Show Notes:

Previous Changelog interviews with Carson Gross on htmx:

The Market for Lemons - Diagram on Session & Interaction Depth vs Application Architectures (referenced in our podcast discussion)

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!