Conversations about programming. By Andreas Ekeroot and Lars Wikman, funded by
About Frameworks
June 07, 2021
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Painstakingly putting together a framework on frameworks. Also name dropping frameworks and everything under the sun as if there was no tomorrow.
- Phoenix Framework
- tailwindcss
- alpinejs
- Django
- jQuery
- Wordpress
- Laravel
- Symphony
- Drupal
- Django admin
- Django modelforms
- Ecto schemas in Phoenix
- Ecto changesets in Phoenix
- Ruby on Rails
- Django formsets
- Flask
- FastApi
- HTTP basic auth
- Django REST framework
- Plug
- Cowboy
- Liveview
- Erlang
- Celery
- Sidekiq
- Cron
- Redis
- Oban
- Beam
- PostgreSQL
- Postgrest
- Views
- Schema
- Lemmingpants
- GraphQL
- Haskell
- Yesod Web Framework
- Scotty
- Sqlite-simple
- Lucid: templating DSL for HTML
- EDSL@HaskellWiki
- EDSL@Ward wiki
- Surface ui
- php
- Cycle.js
- Functional reactive programming
- Virtual DOM
- Elm architecture
- Javascript
- PureScript
- PureScript Halogen
- Mithril
- React
- Vue.js
- Vuex
- Redux
- React router
- Angular
- Typescript
- Ionic 1
- Cordova
- Phone gap
- Xamarin
- Livewire
- Hotwire
- Django hotwire
- Vim
- Refactoring UI
- Styled components
- Sass
- Less
- Bootstrap
- Purecss
- Ecto
- Telegram
- om virtual dom
- Clojurescript