A podcast for people working on startup ideas. We have 15-minute tactical episodes and occasional interviews with people who did the early things exceptionally well. We've helped launch hundreds of startups worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and these are the building blocks. "This is, without a doubt, the best podcast for people trying to build startups out there." "If you aren't listening to this podcast and you're considering building a business (or you're already building one), what are you doing?" "Must listen for first-time entrepreneurs - excellent storyteller."
Three Stories for People Starting Startups in 2021
We'll look back on 2021 as the best year to start a startup in the past 50. The world we're returning to will be a lot different from the one we left, and people will start meaningful companies to bridge that gap. Hopefully, one of those people is you.
Here are three stories that'll help you position yourself and your startup to succeed in 2021.
Show Notes
Tacklebox Self Serve
Tacklebox Cohort
Pixar 22 Rules of Storytelling
Madlib “I’m building X to capitalize on the confluence of these three trends - A, B, and C. I’m uniquely positioned to build X because of the perspective I gained from D, E, and F - (where D, E, and F are networks, experience, and skillsets that create a venn diagram very few other people sit in the middle of). The biggest assumption I’m making is G, and I’ve run K tests to start proving to myself that the risk is worth taking. I’m confident this is a problem that needs solving because of Z (where Z is an observed behavior of a specific customer you’ll start with and also the beachhead of a larger market).”