Every two weeks, or so, we sit down with guests from the C++ community to discuss the latest news and what they have been up to. Find us at cppcast.com
Dart and Crafting Interpreters
September 15, 2021
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Rob and Jason are joined by Bob Nystrom from Google. They first discuss git commands explained via cats and an analysis of how Visual Studio 2022 could use all your RAM. Then they talk to Bob about some of the programming languages he's created, his two books 'Crafting Interpreters' and 'Game Programming Patterns' and his work on the Dart programming language at Google.
- Safer Usage of C++ in Chrome
- Git commands explained with cats
- Meeting Embedded 2021
- How Visual Studio 2022 ate up to 100GB of RAM
- Crafting Interpreters
- Game Programming Patterns
- Dart Programming Language
- Flutter
- Robert Nystrom's Blog
- Vigil on GitHub
- Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at JetBrains.com for a 25% discount