Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.

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42: The Ultimate Vanity Search

December 06, 2013 01:43:48 49.9 MB Downloads: 0

FU on PrimeSense. Apple's acquisition of Topsy and speculation on why. Apple's possible difficulty in getting and keeping enough engineering talent, and how they might make bigger strides in web services. Which group wears the pants in a company? Marco's embarrassing FiOS support calls. How Apple's release and marketing schedule affects their web services. Methodologies and vocabularies. USB spec group will add a reversible connector, the history of terrible USB connectors (see also: Hypercritical #5 from around 45 minutes, Hypercritical #6 from around 9 minutes, and the entire rest of the series, too), Lightning epitomizing Apple. Dell renews hope for desktop Retina with the new Mac Pro, single big monitors vs. dual smaller ones, and higher-than-native resolution scaling on the Retina MacBook Pro (see also: Eye-Friendly). Waiting for a new technology to fully mature before switching, or adopting it earlier with tradeoffs and hacks. Texas. Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code ATP12 for 10% off. Igloo: An intranet you'll actually like. Free for up to 10 people, and affordable for your entire company. (And check out this landing page, especially if you enjoyed John's Enterprise Software Assumptions in episode 39.) Hover: High-quality, no-hassle domain registration. Use promo code ATP for 10% off. Become a member!

41: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

November 29, 2013 02:15:33 65.15 MB Downloads: 0

David Chartier's clarification on Photo Stream limits. Space Monkey, Transporter, Box, and Xdrive. Results of John's Disk Utility repair survey. (John on Debug) Xbox One launch sales. Apple buys PrimeSense. Apple's potential expansion into the TV business. Penny Arcade's job posting, Marco's reaction, and the outgoing employee's description. Extended after-show: how we deal with criticism, trolls, and our own flaws when facing our audience. Sponsored by: Warby Parker: Boutique-quality, vintage-inspired eyewear at a revolutionary price. Use coupon code ATP for free 3-day shipping. Ting: Mobile that makes sense. No contracts, and pay only for what you use. iPhone now available. Become a member!

40: The Compliance Shark

November 22, 2013 01:47:30 51.68 MB Downloads: 0

Follow-up on Cisco VPNs on Mavericks and [photo backups] to SkyDrive on Windows Mobile Phone Series Metro Not-Metro Phone Windows. Why enterprise software is so hard, and the barriers to entry for small companies targeting the enterprise market. Game-console sales by generation, Nintendo In Crisis, and AnandTech's Xbox One and PS4 mini-review. Casey's new Retina iPad Mini, Marco's accidentally popular image-retention test, DisplayMate quality analysis, free data with a T-Mobile SIM, and choosing between the iPad Air and Retina Mini. A7 thermal throttling in iPhone 5S, iPad Air, and Retina iPad Mini, and deeper analysis of the A7. John's disk-corruption adventure and why you should "repair" your HFS disks. Take John's disk-repair results survey! Ending Theme Song 2.0 by Jonathan Mann. (We still like the old one, so we'll keep it but rotate this in sometimes.) After-show: Fraser Speirs producing his podcast on an iPad, Back to Work 146 with Dan possibly going iPad-only, SimCity 2000 on SNES, Lex's Logitech Ultrathin Mini keyboard review, Apple refurb discounts, and the Casio B.O.S.S., which can even exchange data with a PC! Sponsored by: Ting: Mobile that makes sense. No contracts, and pay only for what you use. Gemvara: The revolutionary leader of custom-made, fine jewelry shopping online. Become a member!

39: Desperation Mode

November 15, 2013 01:22:26 39.65 MB Downloads: 0

John's new Museum of Mediocre Reading Devices. The confusing Photo Stream limits, and all of these links in the show notes. Stephen Elop's If-I-Were-CEO Plan. A story about enterprise software. The four big assumptions about using enterprise software, why it's usually so terrible, and why big companies buy it. Sponsored by: Transporter: A private cloud storage drive that you own and control. Use code ATP for 10% off any Transporter. Hover: High-quality, no-hassle domain registration. Use promo code ATP for 10% off. Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code ATP11 for 10% off. Become a member!

38: Auto-Update My Parents

November 08, 2013 01:14:18 35.74 MB Downloads: 0

Thanks to Jim Pierce for extending John's dog. (Also mentioned: AntiCrop, Glide) Everpix's failure and impending shutdown: The Verge's profile of the failure Shutdown FAQ Staff tweet about compression and average usage Staff tweet about "3x userbase" needed Somewhat similar services: Loom, Picturelife, Adobe Revel Everpix's critical strategic error, and how tech business and funding strategies should resemble Puerto Rico game strategies). Revisiting the challenges of online photo storage and why Apple isn't offering something like Everpix with iCloud. Answers to the last listener questions about John's Mavericks review. Sponsored by: Hover: High-quality, no-hassle domain registration. Use promo code ATP for 10% off. F-Sim Space Shuttle: A highly-realistic simulator of the space shuttle’s approach and landing in unprecedented detail and accuracy. Become a member!

37: A 3,000-Word Digression

November 01, 2013 01:49:36 52.69 MB Downloads: 0

Some light Mac Pro waffling and the red one. iOS 7.0.3's new crossfade animations in "Reduce Motion" mode. Little tidbits and windows into the life of John Siracusa buried in his OS X Mavericks review. Noodling John with random questions. Dragon Drop and Cocoapods don't suck. The big potential section of the Mavericks review that John omitted. Choosing high-level and low-level details to include in the review. Tags and the filesystem. Publishing the review ebooks, and relative sales between iBooks and Kindle. Marco's postmortem on his past Kindle efforts. (Museum of Mediocre Reading Devices, CueCat) Mavericks' theme and the Mac's constant battle between power users and ease of use. Will John keep doing OS X reviews? Sponsored by: Oxygene by RemObjects: Build native apps for all major platforms in one great language. Use code ATP13 for 20% off. Igloo: An intranet you'll actually like. Free for up to 10 people, and affordable for your entire company. Become a member!

36: A Weird One

October 24, 2013 01:26:52 41.78 MB Downloads: 0

The John Siracusa Mavericks review is up! Apple's event, the presenters' pacing and enthusiasm, Casey's bag of hearts, and yet another showing of the dots video. The Retina MacBook Pro update. The Mac Pro base price, CPU options, and speculation on SSD pricing. The iPad Air, Retina iPad Mini, iPad 2 (LOL), and iPod Classic. Apple's prod of free software. John's high-level summary of Mavericks and recommendation on upgrading. Listener homework: Read the review before next week's episode. Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code ATP10 for 10% off. Hover: High-quality, no-hassle domain registration. Use promo code ATP for 10% off. Become a member!

35: Sea-Level Executives

October 18, 2013 01:22:16 39.61 MB Downloads: 0

Ebook-publishing woes and trying to coordinate a specific release date. Apple hiring the CEO of Burberry to head their retail division, and the Louis Vuitton logo. The challenges of retail leadership. Touch ID impressions after a weekend of heavy use, and whether you should keep your phone secure for other people's benefit. How Touch ID could be used in Macs, and whether ARM MacBooks would be worth the transition costs. Speculation on next week's product announcements. Where a potential 12" Retina MacBook Pro could fit in the lineup. Sponsored by: Transporter: Your own private cloud-storage drive. Get $50 off with discount code ATP50 through November 11. Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code ATP10 for 10% off. Become a member!

34: Made The Dot Smaller

October 10, 2013 01:07:00 32.24 MB Downloads: 0

Siri expectations and unreliability in popular culture. Can Apple ever dramatically improve their web services, and how much pressure do they feel to do so? The sorry state of online payment processing before Stripe, and improving the current sorry state of money transfers (especially in the U.S.) with services such as Dwolla and Square Cash. The Mavericks GM. Drawbacks of a Readability-like model for paying podcast producers in Overcast, and Instacast's 2012 rejection for Flattr integration. Different priorities for podcast playback and management. Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code ATP10 for 10% off. Audible: Over 150,000 downloadable audiobooks. Get a free audiobook with a 30-day trial. Become a member!

33: A 30-Minute Skip Button

October 04, 2013 01:12:43 34.98 MB Downloads: 0

When we expected the Mavericks GM (recorded two hours before this). Apparent new E5-1680 Mac Pro in Geekbench and what CPU tradeoffs to expect in the new Mac Pro. Speculating on the new Mac Pro's fan noise, rotating cable management, and intended desk location. FU on John's podcast-scrubber idea. (Spoiler: he knows about the vertical speed-scaling that's been in Apple's scrubber for years, and it's not what he wants.) Experimenting with new UI controls and behaviors: some end up being cool and useful in practice, but many don't. Marco's brief adventure in designing a custom binary sync protocol. The potential conflict of interest of avoiding automatic ad-skipping features in Overcast since Marco gets income from ads on this podcast, and the ethics of publishing all podcasts' subscriber stats on the site. iPhone 5S cases. Laptop battery health and potential automatic battery conditioning. Sponsored by: Igloo: An intranet you'll actually like. Free for up to 10 people, and affordable for your entire company. Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use coupon code ATP10 for 10% off. Become a member!

32: It Doesn't Bother Me

September 27, 2013 01:43:15 49.64 MB Downloads: 0

Casey's exclusive new iPhone 5S. Low stock levels of the gold 5S and Apple's potential motivations. How good the iPhone 5 (and therefore the 5C) still is today. John's review of iOS 7. Locking your kitchen. Marco's upcoming podcast app, Overcast, as announced at XOXO 2013, and why he preannounced it. The parallels between Portland and the Hofbräuhaus. John's logarithmic-scrubber idea. (and Marco's logarithmic calendar) Dr. Drang on parallax. Post-show Neutral: the F80 M3/M4 specs. Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use coupon code ATP9 for 20% off in September! Ding: Dead-simple time tracking for freelancers and small teams. Use promo code ATP for a 90-day free trial. Become a member!

31: Swimming In 16 GB Gold

September 19, 2013 01:21:36 39.25 MB Downloads: 0

Casey goes to an Apple Store. FU on SnappyCam, Synology and ZFS, and the likelihood of a new Mac filesystem. The 16/32/64 GB iPhone capacities may be overstaying their welcome. Each host's planned iPhone upgrades. How to get an iPhone on launch day. Long Island Lexus trim. Who's fabbing the A7? Intel? Probably not. iOS 7 adoption stats so far from Mixpanel and _DavidSmith. Sponsored by: MailRoute: Hosted spam and virus protection for email. Use promo code ATP for 10% off for the life of your account. Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use coupon code ATP9 for 20% off in September! Become a member!

30: Full Frontal Thumb

September 13, 2013 01:23:24 40.12 MB Downloads: 0

iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s. The possible Sherlocking of SnappyCam and the 5s' two-tone flash in practice. AnandTech's Touch ID hands-on video. Economics of iPhone cases. 64-bit in practice. Speculation on what the M7 does and its potential. White iOS devices. Apple secrecy. After-show: "non" vs. "hon" and the Micro-USB 3.0 connector. Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use coupon code ATP9 for 20% off in September! MailRoute: Hosted spam and virus protection for email. Use promo code ATP for 10% off for the life of your account. Become a member!

29: Computerized Garden Gnome

September 06, 2013 01:37:39 46.95 MB Downloads: 0

John's Mavericks review progress. iPhone event predictions. Design and security tradeoffs of a theoretical iPhone fingerprint lock. iPhone 5S colors. Will the 5C be the mainstream, best-selling model? Cell towers near rich people. The Apple TV shipment rumor. Tim Cook's "new product categories" statement earlier this year: What might that be that could plausibly come this fall "and into 2014"? Our Synology experiences and disk-layout strategies so far. The OmniKeyMaster Mac App Store saga. Microsoft and Nokia: Stratechery 1, Stratechery 2, Asymco: Who's buying whom? Sponsored by: Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use coupon code ATP9 for 20% off in September! Hover: High-quality, no-hassle domain registration. Use promo code ATP for 10% off. Become a member!

28: The Pit Of Irrelevance

August 30, 2013 01:37:49 47.04 MB Downloads: 0

Follow-up: Time Capsule vs. Siracusa. Casey was right! The state of Microsoft: How much was Ballmer's fault? Ben Thompson on Steve Ballmer. Microsoft's enterprise business. Should Microsoft pull an IBM and/or spin off its consumer business? What could Microsoft do to regain momentum and marketshare in phones and tablets? John on the Nintendo 2DS announcement. (Side-by-side with 3DS, 3DS XL, the Kid Icarus: Uprising stand). After-show: Jeff Atwood's CODE Keyboard, Truly-Ergonomic, and Marco's initial thoughts on the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop keyboard vs. the Kinesis Freestyle 2 for Mac and the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. Sponsored by: Notograph: Store, organize, and share photos of things you want to remember but don't want cluttering up your Camera Roll. Wordbox: A beautiful, simple, yet powerful text and Markdown editor for iOS. Become a member!