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Historias de Arte en Podcast
En Historias de Arte en Podcast, van a oír todo acerca de sus obras de arte y artistas favoritos. Para nosotras no hay nada más apasionante que investigar y enseñar lo que hay detrás del arte más famoso del mundo, cada episodio es una historia diferente, hablamos de pinturas, artistas, sus fascinantes vidas, como se hicieron famosos, o si no se hicieron famosos en vida, dónde estudiaron, las rivalidades que muchas veces surgieron y surgen entre ellos...en fin, queremos mostrar lo humano de cada obra de arte y que pasen un buen rato. Para muchos, la historia del arte es aburrida, lejana y complicada, este podcast les va a demostrar que no es así. ¡Bienvenidos! WEB: Síguenos en Instagram: @historiasdearte.enpodcast. Twitter: @historiasdeart1 Facebook: historias de arte en podcast
Territorios improbables
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Rob and Jason are joined by Jussi Pakkanen to discuss the Mesonbuild multiplatform build system for C++. Jussi Pakkanen got his doctoral degree in computer science from the Helsinki University of Technology in 2006. Since then he has worked on various problem areas ranging from mail sorting to the software stacks of Ubuntu desktop and phone. Most recently he was the SDK lead developer at Jolla. Currently he is open for new development challenges. During his spare time he has been known to be a photographer, movie director, magician, gastronomist, computer game designer and watercolour painter. News Under the Hood: Leap Motion Hackathon's AR Workspace STL Fixes in VS 2015 Update 1 Meeting C++ Lightning talks are now on youtube Jussi Pakkanen Jussi Pakkanen's blog @jpakkane Links Mesonbuild Mesonbuild on GitHub Making build systems not suck
Rob and Jason are joined by Eric Niebler to discuss his work on Ranges and the future of the Standard Library.
Rob and Jason are joined by Eric Niebler to discuss his work on Ranges and the future of the Standard Library. Eric Niebler is an independent consultant specializing in C++ library development. Currently, he is working on modernizing the C++ standard library and adding support for ranges, funded by the first-ever grant from the Standard C++ Foundation. Previously, Eric was a consultant for BoostPro computing, a member of Microsoft's Visual C++ team, and a Microsoft Researcher before that. In addition, he has several libraries in Boost and is a Boost release manager and steering committee member. Eric has been an active member of the C++ Standardization Committee for well over 10 years. He speaks regularly at C++ conferences around the world. In a previous life, Eric drifted with no fixed address, writing C++ and blog entries from cafes and beaches around the world. Today, Eric is a family man living and working in the glorious Pacific Northwest near Seattle. News Clang with Microsoft CodeGen in VS 2015 Update 1 Conan a C/C++ package manager Getting started with Modules in C++ Eric Niebler @ericniebler Eric Niebler's blog Links Range v3 Library C++ Extensions for Ranges CppCon 2015: Eric Niebler "Ranges for the Standard Library"
Rob and Jason are joined by Robert O'Callahan from Mozilla to discuss the RR project. Robert O'Callahan has a PhD in computer science at Carnegie Mellon and did academic research for a while at IBM Research, working on dynamic program analysis tools. At the same time he was contributing to Mozilla as a volunteer, until he switched gears to work full-time with Mozilla; Robert has been working on what became Firefox for over 15 years, mostly on layout and rendering in the browser engine and on related Web standards like CSS and DOM APIs. Lately he's been devoting about half of his time to rr. News Breaking all the Eggs in C++ The wind of change Celebrating 30th anniversary of the first C++ compiler: let's find bugs in it Robert O'Callahan Robert O'Callahan's website @rocallahan Links rr project Mozilla on GitHub
Rob and Jason are joined by Robert O'Callahan from Mozilla to discuss the RR project.
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CppCon Wrapup
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High Performance Computing
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Qt Creator
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Qt Creator
Rob and Jason are joined by Tobias Hunger to discuss the Qt Creator IDE for C++.
Rob and Jason are joined by Andrei Alexandrescu to discuss the D Programming language, C++ interoperability and more. Andrei even announces plans for a new book on the show!
Rob and Jason are joined by Andrei Alexandrescu to discuss the D Programming language, C++ interoperability and more. Andrei even announces plans for a new book on the show! Andrei Alexandrescu coined the colloquial term "modern C++" (adapted from his award-winning book Modern C++ Design), used today to describe a collection of important C++ styles and idioms. He is also the coauthor of C++ Coding Standards and the author of The D Programming Language book. With Walter Bright, Andrei co-designed many important features of D and authored a large part of D's standard library. His research on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing and a five-year tenure as Research Scientist at Facebook complete a broad spectrum of expertise. Andrei holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from University "Politehnica" Bucharest. He currently works on the D Language Foundation. News C++17 Progress Update Herb Sutter's Fall 2015 Trip Report Rr 4.0 released with reverse execution Andrei Alexandrescu @incomputable Andrei Alexandrescu's Website Andrei Alexandrescu's books on Amazon Links CppCon 2015: Andrei Alexandrescu “Declarative Control Flow" CppCon 2015: Andrei Alexandrescu “std::allocator...” The D Programming Language
Rob and Jason are joined by Julian Storer to discuss the JUCE library. Jules has been developing audio and library software in C++ for over 15 years, and is the author of the JUCE library, the most widely used framework for audio applications and plugins. Music tech company ROLI acquired JUCE in 2014, and as well as continuing work on library itself, he helps to guide ROLI's other software projects. He also created the Tracktion audio workstation in 2002, which is still going strong and being used by thousands of recording musicians around the world. He lives in London, and likes to escape from the world of music technology by playing classical guitar News CppCon 2016 Call for Class Proposals Bjarne Stroustrup on the 30th anniversary of Cfront Do you prefer fast or precise? Julian Storer Julian Storer's GitHub Links CppCon 2015: Julian Storer "The Projucer" JUCE @JUCElibrary ROLI Tracktion
Rob and Jason are joined by Julian Storer to discuss the JUCE library.