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Historias de Arte en Podcast
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Learning C++ With Serenity
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Insight Toolkit
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Efficient Programming With Components
Rob and Jason are joined by Justin Meiners. They first talk about a big boost library update, and whether Valgrind is still useful compared to sanitizers. Then they talk to Justin Meiners about Alex Stepanov, his contribution to the STL and some of his courses that are still relevant to today's C++ programmers.
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News and Catching Up
Rob and Jason talk about C++ news, upcoming conferences, tooling updates and a bit about the C++ projects they work on in their day jobs.
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Performance Tuning
Rob and Matt are joined by Denis Bakhvalov. They first talk about building Minesweeper in C++ with SFML and a paper on throughput prediction on intel microarchitectures. Then they talk to Denis about his blog, book and video series focusing on C++ performance, and his vision of the future tooling and techniques of writing performant C++ code.
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Rob and Jason are joined by Sean Parent and Dave Abrahams. They first talk to Dave about his history with C++, Boost and the Swift programming language. Then they talk with Sean and Dave about Adobe's Software Technology Lab and their plans to focus on Concurrency in C++.
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