A brief daily summary of what is important in information security. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually 5 minute long, summary of current network security related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Stormcenter. You may submit questions and comments via our contact form at https://isc.sans.edu/contact.html .
SANS ISC Stormcast, Jan 28th 2025: Z-Shy Phishing; Apple Patches 0-Day; Fortinet Exploit Details; Github and Apache Solr Patches
January 27, 2025
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This episode shows how attackers are bypassing phishing filter by abusing the "shy" softhyphen HTML entitiy. We got an update from Apple fixing a 0-day vulnerability in addition to a number of other issues. watchTowr show how to exploit an interesting FortiOS vulnerability and we have patches for Github Desktop and Apache Solr
An unusal shy z-wasp phish
How the soft hyphen "shy" HTML entity can be abused to bypass e-mail filters
Apple Patches
Apple released patches for all of its operating systems, fixing a 0-day vulnerability among many others issues
Get Fortirekt I am the Super_admin now
Details about a recent FortiOS Vulnerability
GitHub Desktop Vulnerability
Apache Solr Vulnerability