Adventures in .NET

Level up your .NET skills with our weekly discussion of C# and other Microsoft technologies for developers.

237 Episodes
Adventures in Angular

Join our weekly discussion about how to build top end Angular applications and become an Angular expert.

469 Episodes
Elixir Wizards

Elixir Wizards is an interview-format podcast, focused on engineers who use the Elixir programming language. Initially launched in early 2019, each season focuses on a specific topic or topics, with each interview focusing on the guest's experience and opinions on the topic. Elixir Wizards is hosted by Eric Oestrich and Sundi Myint of SmartLogic, a dev shop that’s been building custom software since 2005 and running Elixir applications in production since 2015. Learn more about how SmartLogic uses Phoenix and Elixir. (

186 Episodes
Chess Knowledge With H1

I want to share my knowledge and experience of playing chess for 14 years, reaching a USCF chess rating of 1800 and around 2100 on chess online. I'm also on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Hope you'll enjoy all the content! Support this podcast:

145 Episodes
Te invito un café

¿Nos tomamos un cafecito juntos? Te invito un café es un Podcast de Desarrollo Personal y Emprendimiento que de una manera entretenida, pero seria y puntual te cuenta cómo funciona el ser humano, su razón de ser y sobre todo te da herramientas y técnicas para ponerlas en práctica en el mismo momento en que las adquieres.

1707 Episodes
Esto es Podcast 2.0

¿Quieres crear un podcast o ya lo tienes? En este espacio te doy mis mejores consejos, trucos, técnicas y herramientas para que tu podcast no sea uno más del montón. Tómate solo unos minutos para escuchar lo que te ofrezco y te aseguro que aprenderás de manera sencilla y rápida. Este podcast se produce en República Dominicana y para todo el mundo. ¡Nos escuchamos dentro!

418 Episodes
Modo Solopreneur

En el mundo del emprendimiento está aquel que Emprende en Solitario, ese que no siente la necesidad o interés de crear una empresa, liderar grandes grupos, o querer innovar a lo grande. ¿Eres tú uno de ellos? entonces este es tu podcast. Conversaremos sobre todo lo relacionado a la vida del Solopreneur y cómo crear y mantener sus negocios desde casa y desde el internet. Producido por Robert Sasuke, solopreneur online desde hace más de 10 años, gestiona varios negocios en internet y vive de lo que más le apasiona. Únete al movimiento en español de los solopreneurs. Suscríbete ahora!

181 Episodes
Webificando - El podcast de Side Projects

Webificando, el podcast de Side Projects. Somos Abel Fernandez y Robert Menetray y empezamos esta aventura podcastera para hablar de nuestros side projects. Somos un par de amigos con inquietudes en el mundo online. Los dos nos ganamos la vida de forma distinta trabajando desde casa y queremos montar varios proyectos paralelos ya sea por hobby o para obtener ingresos extra. Esperamos que te ayude este podcast de side projects y cualquier cosa que necesites nos puedes contactar en twitter @webificandop o desde la web

105 Episodes
The Recognized Authority

The Recognized Authority: the podcast that guides Invisible Experts on the journey to becoming a Recognized Authority in your field, so you can: 👉 increase your impact 👉 command higher fees 👉 work with better clients This podcast features interviews with successful consultants who are willing to share the ups and downs of their story to inspire and educate our listeners. We also interview marketing and sales experts who have a message or lesson that is relevant for a B2B professional services audience. We'll cover all aspects of business developement, sales, marketing and lead generation with advice, tips and in-depth analysis specifically aimed at independent consultants & specialized consulting firms. Topics include developing a unique point of view, how to create your product ladder, building your audience, how to make more time for your consulting business, building your podcast funnel, confessions of a million dollar consultant, the compound effect of content, you don’t need to be unique to stand out, earning and holding attention, don’t overthink your content, bland content and burnout, making video marketing easier, how to build a strategic narrative, how content can save your business, using case studies to build trust, why positioning is crucial to your business, and lots more. Previous guests include Alan Weiss, Marcus Sheridan, Mark Schaefer, David C. Baker, Ron Baker, Evelyn Starr, Michael Zipursky, Jonathan Stark, Geraldine Carter, Mike Clay, Sara Dunn, Louis Grenier, Anne Janzer, Philip Morgan, Rochelle Moulton, Norbert Schwarz, Heather Steele, Douglas Squirrel and many more. 👉 Learn more at ✉️ Subscribe to the email list at 🎙️ Record a question or voice message for the show at ⭐ Like what you heard? Please help share the podcast by leaving a rating & review 🤗 Connect with Alastair and The Recognized Authority: ➡️ LinkedIn ➡️ Twitter ➡️ YouTube  Misspellings for searches: Alistair, Allister, Alister, Alasdair, Alisdair, Alister, MacDermott, The Recognised Authority. The correct versions are Alastair McDermott & The Recognized Authority 🤗

176 Episodes
How To Chess

A Weekly, Rapid-Fire Chess Podcast Devoted to Helping You Improve Your Game. Hosted by Ben Johnson, brought to you by

41 Episodes
Views on Vue

Vue is a growing front-end framework for web developments. Hear experts cover technologies and movements within the Vue community by talking to members of the open source and development community.

258 Episodes
Elixir Outlaws

Elixir Outlaws is an informal discussion about interesting things happening in Elixir. Our goal is to capture the spirit of a conference hallway discussion in a podcast.

134 Episodes
Linux For Everyone

A show about the thrilling world of desktop Linux, open-source software, and the community creating it. For beginners and veterans alike! Hosted by Jason Evangelho, Jerry Morrison and Schykle.

69 Episodes
El cafecito del Sasuke

¿Quieres aprender sobre temas de desarrollo personal, emprendimiento en internet y creación de contenidos? En este podcast lo tienes. Cada día publico un nuevo video para sumar valor a tu vida en estas temáticas. Suscríbete y no te lo pierdas. Puedes verlo y escucharlo en las plataformas: Apple podcast, 3Speak, Podfriend, Fountain y Podverse.

42 Episodes
The Cynical Developer

A UK based Technology and Software Developer Podcast that helps you to improve your development knowledge and career, through explaining the latest and greatest in development technology and providing you with what you need to succeed as a developer.

160 Episodes