The Stack Overflow podcast is a weekly conversation about working in software development, learning to code, and the art and culture of computer programming. Hosted by Paul Ford and Ben Popper, the series features questions from our community, interviews with fascinating guests, and hot takes on what’s happening in tech. Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow is empowering the world to develop technology through collective knowledge. It’s best known for being the largest, most trusted online community for developers and technologists. More than 100 million people come to Stack Overflow every month to ask questions, help solve coding problems, and develop new skills.
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You can read more about Spiros on his LinkedIn or Twitter.There is some good backstory on his first company, Log Insight, here. A rundown of the acquisition that led to Spiros joining Splunk is here. There are also some interesting details in Splunk's blog on the deal, which calls out Omnition as a "a stealth-mode SaaS company that is innovating in distributed tracing, improving monitoring across microservices applications."If you enjoy the conversation and want to hear more, Spiros has done some interesting talks that are up on Youtube here.Our lifeboat of the week goes to Willie Mentzel, who explains how to: Round Double to 1 decimal place in kotlin: from 0.044999 to 0.1.
WFH? Developers learn to be their own operations department
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Blocking the haters as a service
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Build engineering at Apple and the future of deploy previews
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Where design meets development inside Stack Overflow
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NFT art, Ethereum gas, and a dive into Gemini's data lake
You can find Tommy on Twitter here and check out his NFT collection here.Evan tweets his undying love for The Mets here.Before you lay out your critique of NFTs, here's a great documentary on fraud and forgery in the fine art world. Our lifeboat badge winner of the week is Oriol, who answered the question: What is the difference between 'remove' and 'removeChild' method in javascript?
Open source contributors helped a helicopter fly on Mars
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One founder's journey from personal trainer to "frontend mentor"
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From music to trading cards, software is transforming curation and collecting
You can follow David on Twitter here and read his blog here.Check out more about Dapper Labs and it's work with the NBA and NFTs here.David has written some influential pieces on the world of digital music and the role of software platforms. Check out a few of his pieces here.Read about David's adventure's setting up a Minecraft server for his kids and using software for griefer detection. Thanks to our lifeboat badge winner of the week, Keith Thompson, for answering the question: Go lang differentiate “\n” and line breakAs Keith eloquently explains, "There is no distinction between a 'real' and an 'unreal' line break."
Non-fungible Talking
Want to try developing with Ethereum? Free Code Camp has you covered.On the other hand, here are some thoughts on why it's not the greatest language for developers.Interested in minting your own NFT? There are lots of options. Ethereum can be more expensive to use (those gas fees, ouch) but it also has the most active network of artists and collectors.Thanks to Phlume, our lifeboat badge winner of the week, for answering the question: How do I remove the double border on this table?
One in four visitors to Stack Overflow copies code
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How to build and maintain online communities, from gaming to open source
You can follow David on Twitter here. If you want to check out his new book, The Business of Belonging, the first chapter is available here.You can find out more about CMX here and learn more about Bevy here.Cesar prefers to remain off social media, but you can find him on LinkedIn.
Two words for ya: networked spreadsheets
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