Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of the software world. Hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. Expect in-depth interviews with the best and brightest in software engineering, open source, and leadership. This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms, and communities are welcome. Open source moves fast. Keep up.

Elm and Functional Programming

January 15, 2016 1:32:14 66.76 MB Downloads: 0

Richard Feldman from NoRedInk joined the show to talk about Elm and Functional Programming. Elm labeled itself “the best of functional programming in your browser” and boasts “no runtime exceptions.” We talked about the language, whether or not it’s really faster than React, JavaScript fatigue, and the best ways to get started with Elm.

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