Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of the software world. Hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. Expect in-depth interviews with the best and brightest in software engineering, open source, and leadership. This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms, and communities are welcome. Open source moves fast. Keep up.

Automating GitHub with Probot

October 06, 2017 1:10:48 102.15 MB Downloads: 0

We talk with Brandon Keepers and Bex Warner about GitHub’s Probot — GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflows. You can use pre-built apps or easily build and share your own.

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  • Bugsnag – Mission control for software quality! Monitor website or mobile app errors that impact your customers. Our listeners can try all the features free for 60 days ($118 value).
  • CircleCI – CircleCI is a continuous integration and delivery platform that helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by automating the build, test, and deploy process. Checkout the recently launched CircleCI 2.0!


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