Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of the software world. Hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. Expect in-depth interviews with the best and brightest in software engineering, open source, and leadership. This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms, and communities are welcome. Open source moves fast. Keep up.

Cylon.js, Gobot, Artoo, IoT

October 09, 2015 1:33:18 67.53 MB Downloads: 0

Ron Evans, ringleader of The Hybrid Group and creator of a fleet of open source robot libraries, joined the show to talk about open source and robotics, Cylon.js, Gobot, Artoo, teaching, KidsRuby, his programming hero, and more.

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  • Codeship – If it works with Docker, it works with Codeship Jet.
  • Opbeat for AngularJS – Performance monitoring for AngularJS. Instantly pinpoint performance issues, and optimize your code. Install in minutes.
  • Harvest – Simple online time tracking software.
  • imgix – Real-time Image Processing. Resize, crop, and process images on the fly, simply by changing their URLs.


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