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Padrino Ruby Web Framework

June 17, 2010 31:57 15.69 MB Downloads: 0

Adam and Wynn caught up with Arthur Chiu and Nathan Esquenazi from Padrino, the Ruby web framework built on top of Sinatra.

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Notes and Links

  • Padrino - über modular web framework built on top Sinatra
  • #padrino - Padrino’s IRC channel @
  • Ramaze - “Web framework for Rubyists”
  • Mountable apps in Padrino
  • Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks.
  • CodeRack - Rack middleware directory
  • OmniAuth - flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.
  • padrino-recipes Examples of forthcoming Padrino plugins based on Thor
  • Sammy.js - Sinatra-inspired javascript framework built on top of jQuery. It’s RESTful Evented JavaScript. Featured in Episode 0.2.2
  • NestaCMS lightweight Content Management System from Graham Ashton, suitable for running small web sites or blogs. Nesta is written in Ruby using the Sinatra web framework.
  • Presto Wynn’s shameless port of Nesta to Padrino powering his own site
  • Express - Sinatra-inspired high performance, high class web development for Node.js
  • Bowline Create desktop applications with HTML+CSS
  • MongoDB Powerfully simple NoSQL database, supported in Padrino via Mongoid or Mongomapper