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AiA 210: “Zone.js” with Jia Li

October 09, 2018 50:31 48.75 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Joe Eames Aaron Frost John Papa Special Guests: Jia Li In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks with Jia Li about Zones.js. Check-out today’s episode to hear this topic plus more! Show Topics: 1:20 – What are zones? 1:25 – Jia: It is a library developed 4 years ago. 1:45 – Panelist: Execution context? What is this? 1:50 – Jia answers this question. 2:42 – I know it’s big in Angular because it kind of takes care of itself. What are the new things you have done in zones and let’s talk about that? 3:01 – Jia: I started contributing 2 years ago. About 1 year ago I was using Angular. I would like to talk about different 3:35 – Where are zones used in Angular – lots of people don’t know where it is. 3:48 – Jia: For four parts. 6:23 – What is this framework that you are talking about? Check-out the links for this framework. 6:42 – Panelists chime-in with their comments. 7:29 – Jia: It is a standalone package in Zone. 8:27 – Going back to John’s question. I only ran into it a few times – one time in one of my classes I made a new behavior subject. That subject got created before the zone. Anything I did outside of Angular zone, didn’t know what was going on. Once I stuck the behavior subject in one of the classes everything got taken care of. You kind of monkey patch... what else gets monkey patched by zones? 9:28 – Jia answers the question. 10:54 – Monkey-patch is a term that we use in this industry. What is it? 11:05 – Jia answers this question. Jia: Monkey patch basically is overriding the procedure for the API. 14:05 – What are some of the new things you are doing? I know you’ve done some new things and what’s new with Zones? 14:28 – Lia: It’s all about the performance. 16:55 – Panelist: I didn’t know all about these hooks – so that’s cool! I knew about handling errors, but I didn’t know there are different ways to work with the tasks. I am curious what kind of interesting things have you done with Zones as an Angular developer? 17:38 – Lia answers the questions. 19:15 – Debugging and tests are good for Zones. But it sounds like you are saying that Zones is not good for... 19:50 – Lia answers the question. 20:35 – Panelist: Sounds like Zones is doing what you need out of the box for... 20:51 – Panelist: You improved some of the performance? Zones doesn’t have that much of a footprint and is pretty lightweight. How much did you better the performance? 20-30%? 2:25 – Jia – I think the library is faster. There is a lot of garbage collection. It’s not that much. 22:47 – Advertisement – Code Badges! 23:38 – Panelist: So it will help with garbage collection. That is good to know. Cool to know that you can optimize such a small library with... 23:48 – Jia comments. 26:09 – Panelist: Gottcha. 26:16 – Jia continues this topic. Jia: A lot of new things are happening with the testing in the Zone. There are a lot of new features in the syntax. 27:35 – That is a nice feature to add back in. 27:43 – Jia continues the talk. 28:55 – Panelist: There are a lot of tests in this Repo. Do Zones generally work out of the box or do you have to add support for different things? What are the criteria to add support to? Blue Birds added to the list somehow. 29:32 – Jia answers this question. 30:03 – Panelist: Can the GIST team add support or only can the Zone team add it? 30:37 – Jia: Other teams can add support to their libraries. It’s public. 31:10 – Panelist: This is over my head, but is there a plan to get the documents going? 31:32 – Jia adds a comment. 31:41 – Panelist: Google this: What the heck is zones? An opposite side of the question: What would happen to Angular if you remove Zones.js? 32:10 – Jia answers this question. 332:37 – Zones is effectively how it works sweetly in Angular. It’s not totally true but if you remove Zones.js – which I see some people doing – why would someone do this? Is it heavy is it...? 33:20 – Jia answers the question. Jia: It’s not good for the Angular element. 34:29 – Panelist: It is an island of Angular. 34:54 – Jia continues this conversation. 35:10 – Panelist: That’s interesting – good to know. 35:18 – Jia: Back to the new features. 38:22 – Jia mentions another feature. 39:43 – JavaScript something haunts you – then you are now a real developer! 40:03 – Jia: Yes, exactly. 40:10 – Panelist: I am going to put some things in the links that the listeners can access. (NG Zone) 40:28 – Picks! 40:31 – Advertisement – Get a Coder Job Course Links: GitHub What is New in Zone.js Thriller Troopers Web Tracing Framework NG Zone Audible – Educated Real Talk – JavaScript The dark side of conferences Real Talk Java Script’s Twitter Jia Li’s LinkedIn Sponsors: Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job Course Picks: Jia You Don’t Know JS Switching to Angular 2 Aaron Educated John Real Talk JavaScript The Dark Side of Conferences Joe The Developer Experience Bait and Switch Special Guest: Jia Li.

AiA 209: “Azure DevOps” with Donovan Brown Live at Microsoft Ignite

October 02, 2018 56:05 54.1 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Woods Special Guests: Donovan Brown In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks with Donovan Brown. He is a principal DevOps Manager with Microsoft with a background in application development. He also runs one of the nation’s fastest growing online registration sites for motorsports events When he is not writing software, he races cars for fun. Listen to today’s episode where Chuck and Donovan talk about DevOps, Azure, Python, Angular, React, Vue, and much, much more! Show Topics: 1:41 – Chuck: The philosophies around DevOps. Just to give you an idea, I have been thinking about what I want to do with the podcasts. Freedom to work on what we want or freedom to work where we want, etc. Then that goes into things we don’t want to do, like fix bugs, etc. How does Microsoft DevOps to choose what they want to do? 2:37 – Guest: We want to automate as much as we can so the developer has less work. As a developer I want to commit code, do another task, rinse and repeating. Minutes and not even hours later then people are tweeting about the next best thing. Do what you want, where you want. Code any language you want. 4:15 – Chuck: What has changed? 4:19 – Guest: The branding changed. The name wasn’t the most favorite among the people. The word “visual” was a concerned. What we have noticed that Azure will let me run my code no matter where I am. If you want to run Python or others it can run in Azure. People didn’t need all of it. It comes with depositories, project management, and so much more! People could feel clumsy because there is so much stuff. We can streamline that now, and you can turn off that feature so you don’t have a heart attack. Maybe you are using us for some features not all of them – cool. 7:40 – Chuck: With deployments and other things – we don’t talk about the process for development a lot. 8:00 – Guest talks about the things that can help out with that. Guest: Our process is going to help guide you. We have that all built into the Azure tab feature. They feel and act differently. I tell all the people all the time that it’s brilliant stuff. There are 3 different templates. The templates actually change over the language. You don’t have to do mental math. 9:57 – Chuck: Just talking about the process. Which of these things we work on next when I’ve got a bug, or a ... 10:20 – Guest: The board system works like for example you have a bug. The steps to reproduce that bug, so that there is no question what go into this specific field. Let the anatomy of the feature do it itself! 11:54 – Chuck comments. 12:26 – Chuck: Back to the feature. Creating the user stories is a different process than X. 12:44 – Guest – You have a hierarchy then, right? Also what is really cool is we have case state management. I can click on this and I expect this to happen... These are actual tasks that I can run. 13:52 – Chuck: Once you have those tests written can you pull those into your CI? 14:00 – Guest: “Manual tests x0.” Guest dives into the question. 14:47 – I expect my team to write those test cases. The answer to your question is yes and no. We got so good at it that we found something that didn’t even exist, yet. 16:19 – Guest: As a developer it might be mind 16:29 – Chuck: I fixed this bug 4x, I wished I had CI to help me. 16:46 – Guest: You get a bug, then you fix a code, etc., etc. You don’t know that this original bug just came back. Fix it again. Am I in Groundhog Day? They are related to each other. You don’t have a unit test to tell you. When you get that very first bug – write a unit test. It will make you quicker at fixing it. A unit test you can write really fast over, and over, again. The test is passing. What do you do? Test it. Write the code to fix that unit test. You can see that how these relate to each other. That’s the beauty in it. 18:33 – Chuck: 90% of the unit tests I write – even 95% of the time they pass. It’s the 5% you would have no idea that it’s related. I can remember broad strokes of the code that I wrote, but 3 months down the road I can’t remember. 19:14 – Guest: If you are in a time crunch – I don’t have time for this unit test. Guest gives us a hypothetical situation to show how unit tests really can help. 20:25 – Make it muscle memory to unit test. I am a faster developer with the unit tests. 20:45 – Chuck: In the beginning it took forever. Now it’s just how I write software now. It guides my thought process. 21:06 – Guest: Yes! I agree. 22:00 – Guest: Don’t do the unit tests 22:10 – Chuck: Other place is when you write a new feature,...go through the process. Write unit tests for the things that you’ve touched. Expand your level of comfort. DevOps – we are talking about processes. Sounds like your DevOps is a flexible tool. Some people are looking for A METHOD. Like a business coach. Does Azure DevOps do that? 23:13 – Guest: Azure DevOps Projects. YoTeam. Note.js, Java and others are mentioned by the Guest. 25:00 – Code Badges’ Advertisement 25:48 – Chuck: I am curious – 2 test sweets for Angular or React or Vue. How does that work? 26:05 – Guest: So that is Jasmine or Mocha? So it really doesn’t matter. I’m a big fan of Mocha. It tests itself. I install local to my project alone – I can do it on any CI system in the world. YoTeam is not used in your pipeline. Install 2 parts – Yo and Generator – Team. Answer the questions and it’s awesome. I’ve done conferences in New Zealand. 28:37 – Chuck: Why would I go anywhere else? 28:44 – Guest: YoTeam  was the idea of... 28:57 – Check out Guest 29:02 – Guest: I want Donovan in a box. If I weren’t there then the show wouldn’t exist today. 29:40 – Chuck: Asks a question. 29:46 – Guest: 5 different verticals. Check out this timestamp to see what Donovan says the 5 different verticals are. Pipelines is 1 of the 5. 30:55 – Chuck: Yep – it works on my Mac. 31:04 – Guest: We also have Test Plant and Artifacts. 31:42 – Chuck: Can you resolve that on your developer machine? 31:46 – Guest: Yes, absolutely! There is my private repository and... 33:14 – Guest: *People not included in box.* 33:33 – Guest: It’s people driven. We guide you through the process. The value is the most important part and people is the hardest part, but once on 33:59 – Chuck: I am listening to this show and I want to try this out. I want a demo setup so I can show my boss. How do I show him that it works? 34:27 – – that is a great landing page. How can I get a demo going? You can say here is my account – and they can put a demo into your account. I would not do a demo that this is cool. We start you for free. Create an account. Let the CI be the proof. It’s your job to do this, because it will make you more efficient. You need me to be using these tools. 36:11 – Chuck comments. 36:17 – Guest: Say you are on a team of developers and love GitHub and things that integration is stupid, but how many people would disagree about... 38:02 – The reports prove it for themselves. 38:20 – Chuck: You can get started for free – so when do you have to start paying for it? 38:31 – Guest: Get 4 of your buddies and then need more people it’s $6 a month. 39:33 – Chuck adds in comments. If this is free? 39:43 – Guest goes into the details about plans and such for this tool.  40:17 – Chuck: How easy it is to migrate away from it? 40:22 – Guest: It’s GITHub. 40:30 – Chuck: People are looing data on their CI. 40:40 – Guest: You can comb that information there over the past 4 years but I don’t know if any system would let you export that history. 41:08 – Chuck: Yeah, you are right. 41:16 – Guest adds more into this topic. 41:25 – Chuck: Yeah it’s all into the machine. 41:38 – Chuck: Good deal. 41:43 – Guest: It’s like a drug. I would never leave it. I was using TFS before Microsoft. 42:08 – Chuck: Other question: continuous deployment. 42:56 – When I say every platform, I mean every platform: mobile devices, AWS, Azure, etc. Anything you can do from a command line you can do from our build and release system. PowerShell you don’t have to abandon it. 45:20 – Guest: I can’t remember what that tool is called! 45:33 – Guest: Anything you can do from a command line. Before firewall. Anything you want. 45:52 – Guest: I love my job because I get to help developers. 46:03 – Chuck: What do you think the biggest mistake people are doing? 46:12 – Guest: They are trying to do it all at once. Fix that one little thing. It’s instant value with no risks whatsoever. Go setup and it takes 15 minutes total. Now that we have this continuous build, now let’s go and deploy it. Don’t dream up what you think your pipeline should look like. Do one thing at a time. What hurts the most that it’s “buggy.” Let’s add that to the pipeline. It’s in your pipeline today, what hurts the most, and don’t do it all at once. 49:14 – Chuck: I thought you’d say: I don’t have the time. 49:25 – Guest: Say you work on it 15 minutes a day. 3 days in – 45 minutes in you have a CSI system that works forever. Yes I agree because people think they don’t “have the time.” 50:18 – Guest continues this conversation. How do you not have CI? Just install it – don’t ask. Just do the right thing. 50:40 – Chuck: I free-lanced and setup CI for my team. After a month, getting warned, we had a monitor up on the screen and it was either RED or GREEN. It was basically – hey this hurts and now we know. Either we are going to have pain or not have pain. 51:41 – Guest continues this conversation. Have pain – we should only have pain once or twice a year. Rollback. If you only have it every 6 months, that’s not too bad. The pain will motivate you. 52:40 – Azure DevOps’ Twitter 53:22 – Picks! 53:30 – Advertisement – Get a Coder Job Links: Donovan Brown’s GitHub Donovan Brown’s Twitter Donovan Brown Donovan Brown – Channel 9 Donovan Brown – Microsoft Azure YoTeam GitHub Azure DevOps’ Twitter Sponsors: Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job course Picks: Charles Jet Blue Beta Testers Donovan YoTeam VSTeam Powershell Module Special Guest: Donovan Brown.

AiA 208: From Custom Webpack Build to Angular CLI with Martin Jakubik

September 25, 2018 54:57 53.0 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Alyssa Nicholl Joe Eames John Papa Ward Bell Special Guests: Martin Jakubik In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talk with Martin Jakubik and he has been working with Angular for the last three years. He has one large and one small Angular application, which the panel talks about. Show Topics: 2:31 – Alyssa likes to be called... 2:40 – Alyssa: You have a large and small application – what makes it small? Is it the user-base? 2:56 – Martin: It is one module out of ten or twenty components. 2: 59 – Panelist: Only 1 Angular module? 3:47 – Panelist: Joe went off on how much he hates modules. I am sorry JP we had to throw that in that? 4:04 – Joe: I am an anti-modulist. 4:11 – Martin: Just one module. 4:21 – Panelist: When you are building an application with one module – start us from the beginning, what does it look like? 4:38 – Martin: It is actually quite special. It has to run in an iFrame, and all it does it allows the user to add into the experiment. 5:05 – Alyssa: Is it like a CMS? 5:10 – Martin: It is like Google Optimize. The application is quite simple and every component is in that one module. 5:36 – Panelist: How many do you have? 5:44 – Martin: There are less than 10 services and 20 components at most. 5:57 – Panelist: I feel personally, I feel like that I a decent size? 6:11 – Panelist: That makes perfect sense. If there is no routing or nothing... 6:40 – Panelist: Asks a question, and clarifies the question to Martin. 7:48 – Panelist: It is nice and clean. 7:55 – Panelist: I do, too. 8:08 – Alyssa: How new is it? 8:15 – Panelist: June/July? 8:32 – Martin: I am using the new style. 9:01 – Panelist: I am leery of using it. 9:13 - Panelist: I would like to clarify. When you mention you have 20 components... 9:40 - Panelist: Do it. 10:34 – Panelist: Webpack. Can you explain what that is and how you solved it? 10:57 – Martin: I don’t think I did anything special. I wanted to know how it works. I used webpack and used their configurations. Several months into the project then I... 11:40 – Panelist: Why did you decide not to use the CLI? This is like an Iron Man thing. 11:55 – Panelist: I think it’s a pain thing. 12:05 – Martin: I wanted to know how it works. 12:32 – Martin: I started from scratch, I can’t remember. 12:44 – Panelist: Whenever I use webpack it makes my head spin. 12:56 – Martin: The application was very simple. I was doing more blogging. 13:45 – Panelist: It is doing more configurations on the fly for you. It’s wonderful if it works and if it doesn’t work then I don’t know what you’d do. 14:17 – Martin: That’s why I did it, so I can appreciate all the magic. 14:30 – Panelist: How big is big? 14:36 – Martin: Enterprise level. 100 different components. 15:06 – Panelist chimes in. 15:13 – Panelist: That is complex. 15:28 – Panelist: let’s add more modules to add to the complexity... 15:55 – Alyssa: When you took your app to the CLI was that hard? 16:06 – Martin: That took me one whole day. The module is so simple that’s why. 16:32 – Panelist talks about this topic. 17:39 – Panelist asks a question. 17:53 – Panelist: Fixing any problem ... ever work on tooling help people if they have their stuff in the right file name? 18:18 – Martin: I used Cypress. 18:58 – Panelist: Under what situation would you recommend it to anyone? Do it your own webpack configuration? 19:23 – Martin: Only if... 19:51 – Alyssa: What if you wanted to add a watermark to each file, do you have to stop adding the CLI? 20:13 – Panelist: So am I...what are the boundaries, I don’t know what they are? I’m curious. 20:41 – Panelist: Are you asking, Alyssa, how you would customize it? 21:09 – Panelist: You won’t loose all the features that you get. You now elected out of that place where they had it; webpack configurations. 22:12 – Panelist: What happened to it ejecting? How do you get it out of there? 22:26 – Good question! I have – I like to play with scissors. 22:43 – Advertisement 23:32 – Panelist reads a message from the company. How do you get that voice? 24:10 – First you have to have a really deep sinus cold. 25:00 – Panelist: Do you live without eject? I really don’t care. What I care about...Scratch that! I want to know what kinds of things you can’t do with a CLI that would drive you to do your own application? What other things could you not do in webpack. 25:50 – Martin: I wanted to see how it works. 25:56 – Panelist: Now I use CLI and all it’s features except testing. I use Cypress completely separate than CLI. 26:46 – Panelist: I feel like it’s talking to the one person without a cellphone. 27:01 – Panelist: Wow! I had no concept that life could be like that! I thought you had to have a cellphone. 27:29  – Martin: What does anyone use the CLI for anyways? 27:44 – Martin: I use it for unit tests. 27:52 – Panelist: Another question. 28:30 – Alyssa: You write things out by hand because it’s easier?! 28:44 – Panelist: You copy, and paste and it’s less work. 29:06 – Panelist: It feels easier. 29:22 – Joe: No, I am serious. 29:48 – Joe: Yes, I am amazing. 30:30 – Martin talks about another topic. 30:48 – Alyssa: When you generate a component do you put it into a different file? 31:29 – Panel: We are all friends here and we aren’t shaming anyone here. We are joking here. 32:00 – Alyssa: It’s that he can write it from memory. 33:08 – Panelist: I have been using Vue lately. He also talks about Angular and mentions Sarah Drasner, too. 34:26 – Panelist: Not everyone has a memory like him, though. 35:32 – Panelist: The fourth version of Renderer. 36:28 – Panelist: We are not talking about Nirvana the band, here. 36:46 – Alyssa: It will be the new Renderer. It’s out for you to try. Check out Angular Air. He was trying out IB yourself right now. People are flipping out about it. I am excited to see how my Angular app runs differently now. Here is the code that was generated, here is the code that... I am not sure that there is a promise date. Any secrets heads-up on when it will come out? 38:22 – Panelist: The big question what does this mean for my existing code? Do I have to change my existing code? 38:48 – Alyssa: The Angular team is working so that there are minimal changes. I don’t have a good answer. NGGC. For third-party libraries you run it through and it... I don’t know what that means for the community. 39:49 – Panelist: My hope is that they... 40:03 – Alyssa: For your third-party... 40:18 – Panelist: Question: between your small and large pack? What architectural differences are there? 40:44 – Martin: I have a template edit. 41:03 – Panelist: Come to my... 41:32 – Panel talks about talks that Jon can do. 42:13 – Panelist: True story... The panel is having fun going back and forth with jokes. 43:03 – Panelist: This kind of stuff creeps into production code. That’s the great thing about copy and paste. 43:21 – Panelist: We had a rule, though, if it happens more than once let’s put into our build. 44:20 – It’s 3 hours if you have a CI process, if you don’t... 44:33 – Console.log 44:49 – Martin chimes in. 45:14 – Panelist: Let’s talk about an iFrame in your app? 45:27 – Martin: The point is to be able to do it with any... Make sure that it doesn’t collide. The CSS wasn’t separated. I had to put my application inside an iFrame. 46:27 – Panelist: Thanks for coming on for us, Martin. 46:37 – Picks! 46:44 - Advertisement Links: Martin Jakubik’s Medium How to Copy, Cut, Paste for Beginners by Melanie Pinola Art Joker Blog @AngularMine Cypress Vue Renderer Sponsors: Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job course Picks: Alyssa Question as my pick – About Angular 7...(47:52) True or False? Martin Thank you for having me today. Present your work more. I challenge you all to cook. Blog: Bratislava Angular Ward How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Joe Brian Holt – Eleven Tips to Scale Node.js NPM scripts – I relearned something “new” lately. Special Guest: Martin Jakubik.

AiA 207: Ilya Bodrov and Roman Kutanov: "What It Is, and Why You Should Use It. Angular Use-Cases in Startups"

September 18, 2018 54:03 52.14 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood John Papa Ward Bell Special Guests: Ilya Bodrov & Roman Kutanov In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks with Ilya and Roman. Ilya is a professor, writer, and developer. Roman is a cofounder, and a CEO, of a small startup company. Roman is making an application for small businesses, and he also was a CEO of a Russian startup, too. Check-out today’s episode where the panel talks to the guests about Angular, their startup companies, Test Cafe, among others. Show Topics: 1:20 – Guests’ backgrounds. 2:31 – Chuck: Let’s talk about Angular. In your opinion why is it a good option for startups? 2:55 – Guest: Angular is a very good choice. 3:55 – Guest: If you are not familiar with these concepts or a seasoned developer then it can be difficult and complex to get started. It really depends on what you are trying to build. 4:47 – Chuck: Once you get rolling with it then you run into limitations with it. If you need something simple and fast it’s really nice. 5:08 – Guest: Yes. Trying to find your market niche. Angular is very simple to transfer. Angular has a great community. There are some problems, and we know it. Like the whole mess with versions also... 6:27 – John: Can you elaborate a little? 6:34 – Guest: Yes, if you want to be in the latest sometimes you get into a situation when you wan to have some libraries installed and you cannot do that. If you are on one version and this one isn’t supported, then it was a huge mess. 7:43 – Guest adds in more comments. 8:26 – Guest: Currently I have Angular 1. It is too complicated to rewrite. 8:40 – Guest adds comments. 8:57 – John: There would have to be a compelling reason for me to go to Angular 6 at this point. Going from 4 to 5 or 5 to 6 – the one feature – boy that is so amazing. To have it to update your app, and update your code then that’s awesome. If you didn’t know that a command changed then you were in trouble. I agree version control has always been a challenge. 10:20 – Guest: What I like about Angular is the community – it drives it in the right direction. They try to make it more productive and that’s what I like. 10:43 – Chuck: What is it like to run a startup? 10:56 – Guest: I started to write the application. What you see is what you get. I use Angular 1. JavaScript is a heavier language. 14:54 – Guest adds comments. 16:02 – Panelist: What kind of server are you using for your startup? 16:19 – Guest: I have Angular 1 as a backhand. The main application right now is... 17:11 – Panelist: What has the experience been like for people? 17:26 – Guest: Yes... 17:32 – Panelist: What were the benefits of using Angular? 17:40 – Guest: Angular was very helpful. The performance is much better. Important for startups is to know how to write functionality. 18:53 – Panelist: What forms were you using? 19:01 – Guest: Template driven. In Angular 1, I created “what you see is what you get.” 19:52 – Panelist: I am torn about forms. The Reactive side but you move a lot of code that doesn’t feel all that intuitive to me. There are pros and cons of each, but it’s not exactly where I want it to be. I would love to mix the 2 together. Have you dealt with validation in the forms? 21:04 – Digital Ocean’s Advertisement. 21:41 – Guest: I have an editor. I send it to the client. Each input is having some sort of validation. 23:17 – Panelist: How do you make them look good? Yeah, I can do it but how does it not look generic? Do you have a layout? 23:53 – Guest: I throw it into the screen – I try to keep it simple. 25:04 – Panelist: That makes sense. I didn’t know if there was a crossover of complexity. I want a balance between... 25:38 – Panelist: Reactive or Template driven? 25:45 – Guest makes comments. You want to have some custom checking. 26:13 – Panelist: Why was it hard? 26:21 – Guest: Not sure...I experimented a lot. 27:27 – Panelist: I gave up on Reactive. One of the killers for me was the nested components. It seemed to fall apart in my hands. It was extremely difficult. The outer form lost contact to what was going on. That was one of the biggest decisions to walk away from Reactive all together. 28:25 – Guest: Now I remember why I dropped templates. 28:44 – Panelist: Not true, but it’s doable! It’s also easy! You have to know what’s going on. Let’s change the story on this – I don’t want to hijack the podcast. 30:55 – Panelist: It makes your ears stand up. John’s objection was that he was putting a lot of stuff into HTML. 32:43 – Panelist: Every time I see some try to decorate the HTLM – no you don’t have to do that. The rules aren’t there. There are exceptions, of course, but real validation is not screen validation. Interestingly, we have written one for this application. It belongs to Marcel. This isn’t Breeze specific – maybe we an get people to working on it. For sure, even if you didn’t have this framework, you can create one on your own. It turns out that it has more models than you think it does. 34:55 – Panelist: Aside from forms, what mattered in your app? 35:22 – Guest answers the question. 36:01 – Panelist: Lazy Loading. In some apps lazy loading doesn’t make sense in all areas. You don’t always have to use. 36:53 – Guest: Yes, when you work for your employer you sometimes have more time available. When you have a startup it’s a race. Your startup doesn’t have any money. 37:24 – Panelist: You had money? 37:33 – Guest: You have to try new things and makes things right. When users really start really using your application. You can fix everything and make the perfect app or you can learn new things about your users. What problems do that have? 38:50 – Panelist: Question asked. 39:40 – Guest answers question.  40:38 – Protractor. 41:51 – Problems that you/we ran into. 42:21 – Panelist: “We” are using Test Cafe. 42:58 – Cypress. 44:10 – You do not need web driver and... 44:29 – Test Cafe is free. 44:39 – I would pay ten’s of dollars to use a piece of software. It’s a budget buster. 45:15 – Sounds like you guys have a great product there. 45:24 – Thanks for having us. 45:30 – Chuck: Let’s go to picks! 45:39 – Code Badges! 46:13 – Picks! Links: Microsoft’s Azure JavaScript Ruby Angular Test Cafe Cypress Ilya’s GitHub Ilya’s SitePoint Ilya’s Twitter Roman’s Crunchbase Roman’s LinkedIn Roman’s Twitter Sponsors: Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job course Picks: Charles Microsoft Ignite Microsoft Connect Follow me on Twitter! Apple Event John Pipelines – Azure VS Code Ward Test Cafe Ilya Framework Event Roman Michael Seibel’s Building Product MLcourse.AI – October 1st next session starts – it’s free Special Guests: Ilya Bodrov and Roman Kutanov.

AiA 206: The Origin of JavaScript with Brendan Eich

September 11, 2018 1:43:45 99.85 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Brendan Eich Joe Eames Aaron Frost AJ ONeal Jamison Dance Tim Caswell Charles Max Wood Discussion 01:57 – Brendan Eich Introduction JavaScript [Wiki] Brendan Eich [Wiki] 02:14 – Origin of JavaScript Java Netscape Jim Clark Marc Andreesen NCSA Mosaic NCSA HTTPd Lynx (Web Browser) Lou Montulli Silicon Graphics Kernel Tom Paquin Kipp Hickman MicroUnity Sun Microsystems Andreas Bechtolsheim Bill Joy Sun-1 Scheme Programming Language Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman & Julie Sussman Guy Steele Gerald Sussman SPDY Rob McCool Mike McCool Apache Mocha Peninsula Creamery, Palo Alto, CA Main () and Other Methods (C# vs Java) Static in Java, Static Variables, Static Methods, Static Classes 10:38 – Other Languages for Programmers Visual Basic Chrome Blacklist Firefox 12:38 – Naming JavaScript and Writing VMs Canvas Andrew Myers 16:14 – Envisioning JavaScript’s Platform Web 2.0 AJAX Hidaho Design Opera Mozilla Logo Smalltalk Self HyperTalk Bill Atkinson HyperCard Star Wars Trench Run 2.0 David Ungar Craig Chambers Lars Bak Strongtalk TypeScript HotSpot V8 Dart Jamie Zawinski 24:42 – Working with ECMA Bill Gates Blackbird Spyglass Carl Cargill Jan van den Beld Philips Mike Cowlishaw Borland David M. Gay ECMAScript Lisp Richard Gabriel 31:26 – Naming Mozilla Jamie Zawinski Godzilla 31:57 – Time-Outs 32:53 – Functions Clojure John Rose Oracle Scala 38:37 – XHR and Microsoft Flash Hadoop Ricardo Jenez Ken Smith Brent Noorda Ray Noorda .NET Shon Katzenberger Anders Hejlsberg NCSA File Formats 45:54 – SpiderMonkey Chris Houck Brendan Eich and Douglas Crockford – TXJS 2010 Douglas Crockford JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford ActionScript Flex Adobe E4X BEA Systems John Schneider Rhino JScript roku Waldemar Horwat Harvard Putnam Math Competition Chris Wilson Silverlight Allen Wirfs-Brock NDC Oslo 2014 JSConf Brendan JSConf Talks 59:58 – JavaScript and Mozilla GIP SSLeay Eric A. Young Tim Hudson Digital Styles Raptor Gecko ICQ and AIM PowerPlant CodeWarrior Camino David Hyatt Lotus Mitch Kapor Ted Leonsis Mitchell Baker David Baren Phoenix Tinderbox Harmony 1:14:37 – Surprises with Evolution of JavaScript Ryan Dahl node.js Haskell Elm Swift Unity Games Angular Ember.js Dojo jQuery react ClojureScript JavaScript Jabber Episode #107: ClojureScript & Om with David Nolen MVC 01:19:43 – Angular’s HTML Customization Sweet.js JavaScript Jabber Episode #039: Sweet.js with Tim Disney TC39 Rick Waldron 01:22:27 – Applications with JavaScript SPA’s Shumway Project IronRuby 01:25:45 – Future of Web and Frameworks LLVM Chris Lattner Blog Epic Games Emscripten Autodesk PortableApps WebGL 01:29:39 – ASM.js Dart.js John McCutchen Monster Madness Anders Hejlsberg, Steve Lucco, Luke Hoban: TypeScript 0.9 – Generics and More (Channel 9, 2013) Legacy 01:32:58 – Brendan’s Future with JavaScript Picks hapi.js (Aaron) JavaScript Disabled: Should I Care? (Aaron) Aaron’s Frontend Masters Course on ES6 (Aaron) Brendan’s “Cool Story Bro” (AJ) [YouTube] Queen – Don't Stop Me Now (AJ) (AJ) WE ARE DOOMED soundtrack EP by Robby Duguay (Jamison) Hohokum Soundtrack (Jamison) Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute to Mötley Crüe (Joe) Audible (Joe) Stripe (Chuck) Guardians of the Galaxy (Brendan)

AiA 205: Agile Fluency with James Shore

September 04, 2018 56:03 54.05 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood Alyssa Nicholl Joe Eames Special Guests: James Shore In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks about Agile Fluency with James Shore. James is one of Charles’ favorite people to talk to about Agile development because he is one of the people who really understands how people work, instead of the methodology proliferation that is more common. They talk about how Agile got started, the Agile Fluency Project, and how Agile has changed over the years. They also touch on TDD, the things people can do to solve the problems with Agile misconceptions, and more! Show Topics: 1:10 – James has been on the shows previously on Ruby Rogues Episode 275 and My Ruby Story Episode 48. 2:00 – He does a lot of work with agile, but actually got started with something called Extreme Programming. 3:14 – When Agile started, it was a reaction to the management belief that the right way to develop software was to hire armies of replaceable programmers and a few architects to design something that was then sent off for these programmers to work. 4:34 – Agile is turning into the “everything” thing. It is being used in many different spaces and leaving developers behind in the process. This goes along with “the law of raspberry jam.” 6:55 – The agile manifesto states that they value “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.” 7:28 – The Agile Fluency Project is focused on software teams and they created the Agile Fluency Model, which is a way to describe how teams tend to learn Agile over time. They want people to be able to see what all they can really get out of Agile through this project. 10:05 – Alyssa is more confused on the subject of Agile development and is interested more in what people lost by not using Agile anymore. 11:45 – Agile changed from a grassroots movement driven by developers to a management structure that programmers ignore unless it affects their day-to-day. 14:18 – Test driven development is a way of writing your code so that you have confidence to change it in the future not a way you can get unit test code coverage. 17:36 – Joe defines TDD as a way to help him design better code and he finds value in using TDD and then once the code is done, throwing out the test and still find value in it. 19:50 – TDD creates better code by forcing you to think about the client who will be using it and it forces you writing code that is inherently testable, and therefore, better code. 22:22 – The values of Agile development have not been communicated to the programmers who are forced to use it, which accounts for the push back against it. 24:40 – The issue across the board is when people take and idea and think they can read a headline and understand it fully. 28:17 – The way to combat this problem is to dig into some of the things that was happening 15-20 years ago and you can look into DevOps. You can also look into the Agile Fluency Project and the Agile Fluency Model. 31:24 – To get started with talking about how you should do Agile from the trenches, you can look into the books Fearless Change by Mary Lynn Manns and More Fearless Change by Mary Lynn Manns to help you to learn how to make change within your organization. 35:18 – Planting seeds allows you to make change within your organization and make a difference in a small way. 36:10 – The easiest way to remove some of these obstacles is to get together with your team and get them to agree to a trial period. There are more ways as well to get over obstacles. 43:07 – The reason he became an Agile developer is because after his first job working with it, he never wanted to work any way else. So, he decided to start teaching Agile in order to keep working with it in his career. Links: Ruby Rogues Episode 275 My Ruby Story Episode 48 Extreme Programming Agile Fluency Project Agile Fluency Model Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns by Kent Beck Refactoring by Martin Fowler UML Distilled by Martin Fowler Fearless Change by Mary Lynn Manns More Fearless Change by Mary Lynn Manns The Art of Agile Development by James Shore @jamesshore James’ GitHub Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job course Picks: Charles Get a Coder Job Course DevChat Merchandise Code Badges YouTube Joe Framework Summit Pluralsight James Deliver:Agile Testing Without Mocks: A Pattern Language Jake (build tool) The High-Performance Coach The Expanse by James S. A. Corey Special Guest: James Shore.

AiA 204: "Real Ward Angular"

August 28, 2018 1:10:27 67.88 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood John Papa Alyssa Nicholl Joe Eames Shai Reznik Ward Bell In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks about what Ward is doing currently, which is working on a large, complex, and involved application that they are using Angular for. They are using this episode to discuss a real-world Angular project or real “Ward” Angular project. They talk a little about what the project is, challenges he has had to overcome, and the differences that come with writing apps in reactivity. They also touch on the idea that “the mystery is part of the pattern,” reactive forms, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Get a Coder Job course Angular Ward’s project intro Ward runs a business that builds applications for people Taking lead on a new project ngRx data Redux and RxJS His company makes Breeze Needed an enrollment app Didn’t want to use Breeze, they wanted him to use reactive programming Needed the application to be as simple as possible Why he decided to give reactivity programming a chance Challenges he’s faced Writing enterprise apps in reactivity Immutability Forms over data apps Reactive forms The mystery is part of the pattern Effects Debugging tools Reactive pattern Discovering new ways to code Reactive programming brings in a different set of problems, but it’s not that it’s right or wrong React State Museum And much, much more! Links: Get a Coder Job course Angular ngRx data Redux RxJS Breeze React State Museum Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean Get a Coder Job course Picks: Charles The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews The Shack by Wm. Paul Young John Framework Summit Angular Mix Joe Dungeons and Dragons Lutron Caseta Wireless Smart Lighting Dimmer Switch with Amazon Echo Shai Akita Netanel Basal’s Medium Inside Ivy: Exploring the New Angular Compiler by Uri Shaked Ward Virgin Galactic’s Rocket Man

AiA 203: "Where To Store Angular Configurations" with Dave Bush

August 21, 2018 1:00:47 58.6 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood John Papa Alyssa Nicholl Joe Eames Special Guests: Dave Bush In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Dave Bush about his blog post Where To Store Angular Configurations. Dave has been programming for 30 years both in the .net and JavaScript spaces, and has been working with Angular since it first came out. They talk about the inspiration for writing this post, config.json, and APP_INITIALIZER. They also touch on optimizing, if he ever worked with Angular.js, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Chuck’s Get a Coder Job Course Dave intro JavaScript and Angular What was the inspiration for this blog post? Blog posts born out of frustration Static config files Config.json Downsides to config.json Replicating on dev servers Local hosts What is APP_INITIALIZER? The cost of APP_INITIALIZER Optimizing Making an environment-agnostic Did you ever work with Angular.js? Pros to the APP_INITIALIZER jQuery Great tips from his article Making one build that works in any environment Moving towards optimization Source maps And much, much more! Links: Where To Store Angular Configurations Get a Coder Job Course JavaScript Angular Angular.js jQuery @davembush Dave’s GitHub Dave’s Blog Dave’s Website Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Charles Breath of the Wild Get a Coder Job eBook Get a Coder Job Video Course John DuckTales Sketch notes Rocketbook FriXion Pens Joe The Framework Summit The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt Dave High-fat, low-carb diet MTailor Special Guest: Dave Bush.

AiA 202: "Programming education/education research" with Neil Brown

August 14, 2018 1:04:14 61.91 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood Shai Reznik Ward Bell Special Guests: Neil Brown In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Neil Brown about learning to code and learning to code better. Neil works as a research fellow at Kings College in London where he works in computing education. He is very interested in how people learn to program and also making tools that make learning to program easier. They talk about things that experts can do to help new people pick up programming easier, how you can use live programming to teach novices, and the importance of having a supportive community. They also touch on what he has learned from his research, the necessity of practice over time, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ruby Rogues Episode 257 Neil intro Learning to code better What kind of things can we do to help new people pick up programming easier? Experts operate differently than novices How an expert codes VS how a novice codes Pragmatic Thinking and Learning by Andy Hunt Putting yourself in a new programmer’s shoes Experts forget how much knowledge they’ve got How do you need to design instruction for novices? Live programming Seeing that people make mistakes along the way all the time Keep the mistakes Computer science degree VS self-taught VS boot camps People learn differently Element of having a supportive community Do you see any threat to people transitioning to online schooling? The curse of knowledge What have you learned in your research? You need a lot of practice Helps to have spaced practice The best way to learn Ten quick tips for teaching programming by Neil Brown And much, much more! Links: Ruby Rogues Episode 257 Pragmatic Thinking and Learning by Andy Hunt Ten quick tips for teaching programming by Neil Brown @neilccbrown Neil’s Website Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Charles Get a Coder Job Video Course South Pacific Shai American Crime Story Neil Last Chance U Special Guest: Neil Brown.

AiA 201: AI & Angular with Asim Hussain

August 07, 2018 1:00:56 58.74 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: John Papa Ward Bell Special Guests: Asim Hussain In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Asim Hussain about AI and Angular. Asim has been developing for about 17 years, has been working with Angular for about 5 years, and runs the website They talk about what AI means to him and where he sees it fitting into the JavaScript realm, how he got into AI himself, and some fun use cases for AI in JavaScript. They also touch on what TensorFlow and Tensorflow.js are, training in the browser, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Asim intro Co-organizer of AI JavaScript London What does AI mean to you? Where does AI fit into the JavaScript ecosystem? Interested in machine learning How does AI apply to the real world? How did you get into AI? Python to JavaScript developer AI has been growing exponentially An example of something you can do with AI in JS that is really cool The power of AI breeds creativity Magenta.js and Tensorflow.js Face recognition with JavaScript Client-side processing What is TensorFlow? What is Tensorflow.js? Neural net Training in the browser itself Where do JavaScript developers fit into the AI space? Load model Transfer learning Practical applications And much, much more! Links: AI JavaScript London JavaScript Python Magenta.js Tensorflow.js TensorFlow Angular @jawache Asim’s Medium Asim’s Udemy Asim’s GitHub Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: John Murder on the Orient Express movie Ward MachineLabs - @machinelabs_ai Asim Special Guest: Asim Hussain.

AiA 200: Episode 200

July 31, 2018 1:23:51 80.75 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood Shai Reznik Joe Eames Alyssa Nicoll Ward Bell In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel celebrates creating 200 episodes of Adventures in Angular! They talk about the origin of the show, how each of them came across the show and were asked to join the panel, and if there is a future for Angular. They also touch on where they see Angular going in the future, how difficult it is to predict how things are going to pan out in the next few years, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: The first episodes of Adventures in Angular The origins of the show Angular was really picking up – make a podcast Chuck originally turned down the idea for the show Now get around 8,500 downloads per episode Alyssa heard about the show from ngConf Is there a future for Angular? What does Angular’s future look like? Why I am betting my future on Angular 2 – Shai talk from 2016 Angular is here to stay Angular IV Learning the first 80% of different technologies is easy, the last 20% is the hard part Angular in Depth blog Angular is solving the right problems Hard to know if Angular is going to be around for the long haul Incumbent technology as we move forward You never know what’s going to come up next New technologies are the main “threat” The case for Angular Enterprise level products Vue, React, and Ember Having alternatives is a good thing And much, much more! Links: Adventures in Angular Angular ngConf Why I am betting my future on Angular 2 – Shai talk from 2016 Angular in Depth blog Vue React Ember Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Charles Landscaping Home Depot Shai Pact JS Alyssa Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers by Mosh Hamedani Angular NgRX course by Deborah Kurata Joe Framework Summit A Quiet Place Notion WorkFlowy Ward NWLA Tournament

AiA 199: RxJS with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, and Jay Phelps

July 24, 2018 1:26:57 83.71 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Shai Reznik Joe Eames Alyssa Nicoll Ward Bell Special Guests: In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, and Jay Phelps about RxJS. Tracey is the co-founder of This Dot Labs, which does a lot for the JavaScript community and does JavaScript consulting, as well as is on the RxJS core team. Jay is also a co-founder of This Dot Labs and used to be on the RxJS core team. Finally, Ben is an engineer at Google, is the RxJS project lead there, and is on the Angular team. They talk about the changes to RxJS from the past year, the API changes for version 6, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ben, Tracey, and Jay intros What happened in the last year with RxJS? No longer a test scheduler Using real timers Version 5 VS version 6 TestScheduler.Run method Won’t have to write code with injecting a scheduler What’s the best way to get started? Look at the docs Understanding Marble diagrams Many blog articles on Marble syntax out there Wasn’t originally designed for public consumption Using the test Scheduler is not a requirement for testing RxJS code Jasmine testing framework Jest Marbles diagrams are a bit more declarative and specific to RxJS Is it a part of RxJS proper? API changes for version 6 Backwards compatibility package TSLint rules rxjs-tslint TypeScript And much, much more! Links: This Dot Labs JavaScript RxJS Angular TestScheduler.Run method rxjs-tslint TypeScript @ladyleet Tracy’s GitHub @BenLesh Ben’s Medium Ben’s GitHub @_jayphelps Jay’s GitHub RxJS GitHub @ThisDotLabs Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Shai A Super Ninja Trick To Learn RxJS’s “switchMap”, “mergeMap”, “concatMap” and “exhaustMap”, FOREVER! by Shai Joe WorkFlowy Framework Summit Ward National Day Calendar Tracey Rx Workshop Ben Experimental branch in RxJS Jay Special Guests: Ben Lesh, Jay Phelps, and Tracy Lee.

AiA 198: Building SharePoint Extensions with JavaScript with Vesa Juvonen LIVE at Microsoft Build

July 17, 2018 31:20 30.33 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood Special Guests: Vesa Juvonen In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Vesa Juvonen about building SharePoint extensions with JavaScript. Vesa is on the SharePoint development team and is responsible for the SharePoint Framework, which is the modern way of implementing SharePoint customizations with JavaScript. They talk about what SharePoint is, why they chose to use JavaScript with it, and how he maintains isolation. They also touch on the best way to get started with SharePoint, give some great resources to help you use it, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Vesa intro What is SharePoint? Has existed since 2009 People either know about it and use it or don’t know what it is Baggage from a customization perspective Why JavaScript developers? Modernizing development SharePoint Framework Microsoft Ignite Conference Is there a market for it? System integrators Angular Element and React React for SharePoint Framework back-end Supports Vue React Round Up Podcast How do you maintain isolation? What’s the best way to get started with SharePoint extensions? Office 365 Developer Program SharePoint documentation SharePoint YouTube What kinds of extensions are you seeing people build? And much, much more! Links: SharePoint JavaScript SharePoint Framework Microsoft Ignite Conference Angular Element React Vue React Round Up Podcast Office 365 Developer Program SharePoint documentation SharePoint YouTube @OfficeDev @vesajuvonen Vesa’s blog Vesa’s GitHub Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Charles Zig Ziglar Conversations with My Dog by Zig Ziglar Pimsleur Lessons on Audible Vesa Armada by Ernest Cline Special Guest: Vesa Juvonen.

AiA 197: Bazel with Torgeir Helgevold

July 14, 2018 37:15 36.01 MB Downloads: 0

Panel: Charles Max Wood Joe Eames Alyssa Nicholl Special Guests: Torgeir Helgevold In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Torgeir Helgevold about Bazel. Torgeir works for Nrwl and does experiment with Bazel as a part of his daily life. He has really taken an interest in Bazel and sees it as the next big thing in build systems. They talk about what Bazel is, zero configuration, and Bazel’s ability to deal with large and complex projects. They also touch on build speed with Bazel, how to set Bazel up, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Torgeir intro Bazel as the next big thing for build systems What is Bazel? Incremental build system Mainly for large projects Why is Bazel going to become the next big thing? Bazel isn’t tied to a specific language Bazel vs Webpack Type sharing between front-end and back-end Bazel is very streamlined Zero configuration movement The problem with zero configuration Large vs simpler projects Complex development and new tools Google is well known to have large, complex projects If your build system is working for you, there’s no need to change Build speed Continuous integration How do you set Bazel up? Alex Eagle repo - angular-bazel-example What does Bazel actually do? How do you pull these rules in? How do you transition over to Bazel? And much, much more! Links: Nrwl Bazel Webpack Alex Eagle repo - angular-bazel-example @helgevold Torgeir’s GitHub Torgeir’s Nrwl Blog Sponsors Angular Boot Camp Digital Ocean FreshBooks Picks: Charles The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel Joe Google Duplex Why AI Will Bring an Explosion of New Jobs Full of Sith Podcast – How the Force Works Torgeir Cross language API schemas with Bazel by Daniel Muller Special Guest: Torgeir Helgevold.

AiA 196: Error Tracking and Troubleshooting Workflows with David Cramer LIVE at Microsoft Build

July 03, 2018 28:00 27.13 MB Downloads: 0

Panel:  Charles Max Wood Ayssa Nicholl Ward Bell Special Guests: David Cramer In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panelists talk to David Cramer about error tracking and troubleshooting workflows. David is the founder and CEO of Sentry, and is a software engineer by trade. He started this project about a decade ago and it was created because he had customers telling him that things were broken and it was hard to help them fix it. They talk about what Sentry is, errors, workflow management, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: David intro Founder and CEO of Sentry  What is Sentry? Working with PHP De-bugger for production Focus on workflow Goal of Sentry Triaging the problem Workflow management Sentry started off as an open-source side project Instrumentation for JavaScript Ember, Angular, and npm Got their start in Python Logs Totally open-source Most compatible with run-time Can work with any language Deep contexts Determining the root cause And much, much more!  Links: Sentry JavaScript Ember Angular npm Python Sentry’s GitHub @getsentry David’s GitHub David’s Website @zeeg Sponsors Linode Angular Boot Camp FreshBooks Picks: Charles Socks as Swag David VS Code Kubernetes Special Guest: David Cramer.