Every two weeks, or so, we sit down with guests from the C++ community to discuss the latest news and what they have been up to. Find us at cppcast.com

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Think-Cell Ranges

January 24, 2018 00:45:50 33.1 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Arno Schödl to talk about the work he does at think-cell with C++ and their custom range library. Arno Schödl, Ph.D. is the Co-Founder and Technical Director of think-cell Software GmbH, Berlin. think-cell is the de facto standard when it comes to professional presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. Arno is responsible for the design, architecture and development of all our software products. He oversees think-cell’s R&D team, Quality Assurance and Customer Care. Before founding think-cell, Arno worked at Microsoft Research and McKinsey & Company. Arno studied computer science and management and holds a Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a specialization in Computer Graphics. News Pacific++ 2017: Sarah Smith "Postcards from the Cross-platform Frontier" Outcome v2 Boost peer review begins CppCMS C++ Web Framework version 1.2.0 released under MIT license Spectre mitigations in MSVC Arno Schödl Arno Schödl Links think-cell range library think-cell Talks and Publications think-cell Funds the Working Group for Programming Languages of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) think-cell Sponsors the Standard C++ Foundation think-cell C++ Jobs Work Life at think-cell Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Data Oriented Design

January 17, 2018 01:00:17 43.5 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Balázs Török to talk about his work in the Video Game Industry and his thoughts on Data Oriented Design. Balázs Török is a Senior Tech Programmer at Techland. He has more than 10 years of experience in the games industry. Balázs learned the ropes at Hungarian companies by making smaller titles and then moved to Poland to work on The Witcher series. He was the Lead Engine programmer on The Witcher 3 and now he is working at Techland on another promising project. News Matt Godbolt: Meltdown and Spectre CppCast YouTube Channel Free ebook on C++ Notes for Professionals Conan C/C++ Package Manager hits 1.0 Meltdown checker/PoC written in C++ Guy Davidson - Diversity and Inclusion - Secret Lightning Talks @ Meeting C++ 2017 Balázs Török @m0radin Links CppCon 2014: Mike Acton "Data-Oriented Design and C++" StackOverflow: What is Data Oriented Design? Sponsors Backtrace Embo++ Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Meltdown and Spectre

January 10, 2018 00:54:42 39.48 MB Downloads: 0

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Boost Application Development

January 03, 2018 00:40:12 29.05 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Antony Palukhin to talk about some of the Boost libraries he's contributed to including Any, Conversion, DLL, LexicalCast, Stacktrace, TypeTraits and Variant; as well as his Boost Application Development book. Antony Polukhin was born in Russia. Since university days he started contributing to Boost and became a maintainer of the Boost.LexicalCast library. Today, he works for Yandex, helps Russian speaking people with C++ standardization proposals, consults Russian companies in C++, continues to contribute to the open source and to the C++ language in general. You may find his code in Boost libraries such as Any, Conversion, DLL, LexicalCast, Stacktrace, TypeTraits, Variant, and others. News Clang Running in Browser (Web Assembly) Kate Gregory - It's Complicated - Meeting C++ 2017 Keynote Speeding up the Build of C and C++ Projects C++17 constexpr everything (or as much as the compiler can) Antony Polukhin Antony Polukhin's GitHub Antony Polukhin's Blog Links Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook Boost C++ Libraries StdCppRu Telegram C++ Channel Sponsors Undo Embo++ Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

C++ Object Model

December 20, 2017 00:56:07 40.5 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Nicole Mazzuca to talk about the C++ Object Model, and some of the differences between Rust and C++. Nicole is someone who's thought a bit too much about object models and error handling. She started in C, moved to Rust, and then fell into C++ a year ago. She also loves coffee, and latte art. News Meson 0.44.0 is out C++Now 2018 Call for submissions MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 and 15.3 Broken warnings theory Nicole Mazzuca @ubsanitizer Nicole Mazzuca's GitHub Links CppCon 2017: Nicole Mazzuca "Values, Objects, and References, oh my: The C++ Object Model, and Why it Matters to You" Sponsors Undo Audible Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Reverse Debugging

December 13, 2017 00:49:51 35.99 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Dr. Greg Law from Undo to talk about the magic of reverse debugging and how it is becoming more widely known in the programming community. Greg is the co-founder and CEO of Undo. He is a coder at heart, but likes to bridge the gap between the business and software worlds. (Sadly, these days most of Greg's coding is done on aeroplanes.) Greg has 20 years’ experience in the software industry and has held development and management roles at companies including the pioneering British computer firm Acorn, as well as fast-growing start ups, NexWave and Solarflare. It was at Acorn that Greg met Julian and on evenings and weekends, they invented the core technology that would eventually become UndoDB. Greg left Solarflare in 2012 to lead Undo as CEO and has overseen the company as it transitioned from the shed in his back garden to a scalable award-winning business. Greg holds a PhD from City University, London, that was nominated for the 2001 British Computer Society Distinguished Dissertation Award. He lives in Cambridge, UK with his wife and two children and in his spare time, catches up on email. News Building a C++ SIMD abstraction C++17 Feature Removals and Deprecations A call for data on exceptions Greg Law @gregthelaw Links Undo Undo Blog Reverse debugging / time-travel debugging: a brief history of time CppCon 2016: Greg Law "GDB - A Lot More Than You Knew" CppCon 2017: J. McNellis, J. Mola, K. Sykes "Time Travel Debugging" Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

C++ Tour, Compilers and FASTBuild

December 06, 2017 00:58:33 42.26 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Arvid Gerstmann from Appico to talk about bringing his new C++ Tour project, building your own C Compiler, using FASTBuild and more. Arvid Gerstmann is a passionate programmer and computer enthusiast, with a focus on writing high-performance C++. His area of expertise include, but is not limited to, writing compilers, implementing the included standard libraries, and creating game engines and games. He is currently the CTO of Appico. If he is not programming, he enjoys reading books while drinking a nice cup of self-brewed coffee. He currently lives in the sunny Hamburg, Germany. News Intel offers Parallel STL implementation to GNU libstdc++ Exceptions vs expected: Let's find a compromise Interactive workflows for C++ with Jupyter C++17 published C++Now Call for Submissions Embo++ call for papers and ticket are for sale Arvid Gerstmann @ArvidGerstmann Arvid Gerstmann's blog Arvid Gerstmann's GitHub Links Appico Cpp Tour FASTBuild Kai Wolf's Effective CMake Book Sponsors Undo JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Clang Power Tools

November 29, 2017 01:08:12 57.39 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Victor Ciura from Caphyon to talk about bringing clang tidy magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers with Clang Power Tools. Victor Ciura is a Senior Software Engineer at CAPHYON and Technical Lead on the Advanced Installer team. For over a decade, he designed and implemented several core components and libraries of Advanced Installer such as: IIS, Repackager, OS virtualization and others. He’s a regular guest at Computer Science Department of his Alma Mater, University of Craiova, where he gives student lectures & workshops on “Using C++STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development”. Currently, he spends most of his time working with his team on improving and extending the repackaging and virtualization technologies in Advanced Installer, helping clients migrate their Win32 desktop apps to the Windows Store (AppX). News Sy Brand Meeting C++ Trip Report C++ Coroutines: Understanding operator co_await Cmake 3.1.0 released Launching Tech Talks in your workplace 2017 Coding Toys Victor Ciura @ciura_victor Links Advanced Installer Caphyon Clang Power Tools Clang Power Tools GitHub CppCon 2017: Victor Ciura "Bringing Clang-tidy Magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers" Sponsors Backtrace JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Oculus Research

November 22, 2017 00:53:37 38.7 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Dave Moore from Oculus Research to talk about the Oculus C++ SDK and Augmented Reality. Dave Moore started programming after getting fired from his college work study job. This worried his parents, but it seems to have worked out in the end. After spending 17 years in and around the computer games industry, most recently at RAD Game Tools, he's now a software engineer at Oculus Research, working to advance the computer vision technology underlying virtual and augmented reality. News Cheerp the C++ compiler for the Web The wrong way of benchmarking the most efficient integer comparison function Programming Accelerators with C++ (PACXX) What should be part of the C++ standard library Dave Moore @dmmfix Links Oculus Developer Center Oculus Research Oculus Connect 3 Opening Keynote: Michael Abrash Sponsors Backtrace JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

VS Code

November 15, 2017 00:54:43 39.49 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Rong Lu to talk about C++ support with the Visual Studio Code Editor and some of the recent improvements made to it. Rong Lu is a Program Manager in the Visual C++ team at Microsoft. She has been on the Visual Studio team since she graduated with her master degree in computer science 10 years ago. She currently works on Visual Studio tools for games, C++ mobile, and the C++ experience in Visual Studio Code. Before joining the C++ team, she spent 4 years building the VS SharePoint and architecture tools. News Trip Report: Fall ISO C++ Standards meeting (Albuquerque) Pacific++ Videos Available C++/WinRT is now included in the Windows SDK Don't use C++ auto? Catch2 released London and Sweden distributed meetup writeup Rong Lu @davorabbit Links Visual Studio Code C++ for Visual Studio Code CppCon 2017: Rong Lu "C++ Development with Visual Studio Code" Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension Nov 2017 Update - Multi-root workspaces support is here! Visual C++ Team Blog Sponsors Backtrace JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Pacific++ Road Show

November 01, 2017 00:37:42 27.24 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason discuss recent news and the first ever Pacific++ conference in New Zealand. News Next Pacific++ Location Does C++ need a universal package manager Petra: C++17 runtime to compile-time mappings Bjarne Stroustrup Interview at CppCon 2017 C++17 is Here: Interview with Herb Sutter CppCon 2017 Talks CppCon 2017 Lightning Talks Links @robwirving @lefticus Sponsor JetBrains

Build Systems and Modules

October 25, 2017 01:06:22 47.88 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Isabella Muerte to talk about her recent talk at CppCon 2017 where she discussed some of her concerns with the Modules TS. Isabella Muerte is a C++ Bruja and Build System Trash Goblin. She taught herself to program by writing a build system and immediately regretting the decision. Her first computer ran Windows Millennium Edition and her parents forbade her from upgrading to anything else for 5 years. She is still bitter about this. In her spare time, she is into open source software, tattoos, computer keyboards, and making fake cover bands like 'Rage Against the Abstract Machine' News A use for the poop emoji in C++ C++ Core Guidelines: Class Hierarchies Partitioning with the STL The Coming Software Apocalypse Isabella Muerte @slurpsmadrips Links Millennials Are Killing the Modules TS CppCon 2017: Isabella Muerte "There Will Be Build Systems: I Configure Your Milkshake" Sponsors JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

Grace Hopper Conference

October 18, 2017 00:42:28 30.68 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Gina Stephens to talk about the C++ Foundations presence at the Grace Hopper Conference, the St Louis C++ Meetup and a proposal for a new access specifier. Gina Stephens is a software engineer with over 20 years' experience, 13 of those years leading development teams. Most of her experience has been with C++, in addition to Java, .NET and various scripting language. The breadth of her development experience includes DOD, FDA, DOI, Hospitality, and Finance. Gina has a Bachelors in Computer Science from MS&T in Rolla, MO and a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Missouri – STL. She also founded and runs the STL C++ User Group. Gina is also a Desert Storm Air Force veteran during which she worked on the B-52 bombers that were carpet-bombing Iraq. She is happily married with 2 sons, both of whom are serving in the US Navy. News Facebook Has Been Working On C++ Modules Support For GCC A Branchless UTF-8 Decoder Interactive Auralization and Visualization of Sorting Algorithms Trip Report JetBrains at CppCon Gina Stephens Gina Stephens Links Grace Hopper Celebration St Louis C++ Meetup Sponsors JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus


October 11, 2017 00:52:27 37.86 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Titus Winters from Google to talk about the Open Sourcing of Google's Abseil library. Titus Winters has spent the past 6 years working on Google's core C++ libraries. He's particularly interested in issues of large scale software engineer and codebase maintenance: how do we keep a codebase of over 100M lines of code consistent and flexible for the next decade? Along the way he has helped Google teams pioneer techniques to perform automated code transformations on a massive scale, and helps maintain the Google C++ Style Guide. News CppCon 2017 Trip Report My CppCon 2017 Trip Report - 10 great talks to watch and learn from Kdevelop 5.2 beta 1 released Titus Winters Titus Winters Links Abseil CppCon 2017: Titus Winters C++ as a "Live at Head Language" Sponsors Backtrace JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus

PLF List

October 04, 2017 00:48:08 34.64 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Matt Bentley to talk about his work on plf::list and discuss some updates from the SG14 Working Group. Matt Bentley was born in 1978 and never recovered from the experience. He started programming in 1986, completing a BSc Computer Science 1999, before spending three years working for a legal publishing firm, getting chronic fatigue syndrone, quitting, building a music studio, recovering, getting interested in programming again, building a game engine, and stumbling across some generalized solutions to some old problems. News From Algorithms to Coroutines in C++ A Beginner's Guide to CppCon 2017 CppCon2017 videos online Matt Bentley @xolvenz Matt Bentley on GitHub Links PLF C++ Library Sponsors Backtrace JetBrains Hosts @robwirving @lefticus