Every two weeks, or so, we sit down with guests from the C++ community to discuss the latest news and what they have been up to. Find us at cppcast.com

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Stop Teaching C (When Teaching C++)

October 13, 2015 00:48:17 34.86 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Kate Gregory to talk about how we should be teaching C++ without the C. Kate Gregory has been using C++ since before Microsoft had a C++ compiler, and has been paid to program since 1979. She loves C++ and believes that software should make our lives easier. That includes making the lives of developers easier! She'll stay up late arguing about deterministic destruction or how C++ these days is not the C++ you remember. Kate runs a small consulting firm in rural Ontario and provides mentoring and management consultant services, as well as writing code every week. She has spoken all over the world, written over a dozen books, and helped thousands of developers to be better at what they do. Kate is a Microsoft Regional Director, a Visual C++ MVP, an Imagine Cup judge and mentor, and an active contributor to StackOverflow and other StackExchange sites. She develops courses for Pluralsight, primarily on C++ and Visual Studio. In 2014 and 2015 she was Open Content Chair for CppCon, the largest C++ conference ever held, where she also delivered sessions. News Getting started with emscripten Range checks using a switch statement Debug Visualizers in Visual C++ 2015 Kate Gregory @gregcons Kate Gregory's Blog Kate Gregory on StackOverflow Kate Gregory's Pluralsight courses Kate Gregory's books on Amazon Links CppCon 2015: Kate Gregory "Stop Teaching C" CppCon 2015: Kate Gregory "Stop Teaching C" (Slides) CppCon 2014: James McNellis & Kate Gregory "Modernizing Legacy C++ Code" CppCon 2014: James McNellis & Kate Gregory "Making C++ Code Beautiful"

Expression Templates

October 04, 2015 00:36:27 26.35 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Joel Falcou to discuss Expression Templates. Joel Falcou is an assistant professor in France where he works on torturing compilers to get the best performance out of modern hardware. He's an active member of the Boost community and CTO of NumScale, a start-up aligned with parallel processing tools. News Rejuvenating the Microsoft C/C++ Compile Coroutines in Visual C++ 2015 Holy Build Box Joel Falcou @joel_f Joel Falcou on GitHub Joel Falcou on StackOverflow Links NumScale Expression Templates - Past, Present, Future

C++ Concurrency

September 28, 2015 00:50:44 36.62 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Anthony Williams to discuss some of the Concurrency features of C++. Anthony Williams is a UK-based developer and consultant with many years of experience in C++. He has been an active member of the BSI C++ Standards Panel since 2001, and is author or coauthor of many of the C++ Standards Committee papers that led up to the inclusion of the thread library in the new C++ Standard, known as C++11 or C++0x. He was the lead maintainer of boost thread from 2006 to 2011, and is the developer of the just::thread implementation of the C++11 thread library from Just Software Solutions Ltd. Anthony lives in the far west of Cornwall, England. News C++ Core Guidelines GSL Lite Anthony Williams @a_williams Anthony Williams on StackOverflow Links C++ Concurrency in Action: Practical Multithreading Just Software Solutions just::thread C++ Standard Thread Library

VR Development

September 15, 2015 00:49:36 35.81 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Nicolas Lazaraff to discuss the current state of VR development with C++. Nick is a VR/AR engineer who is passionate about bridging the interface between computers and humans. Currently he's VP of Software Development at OTOY focusing on VR and AR ("mixed/digital reality"). He was a cofounder of everyAir, a pioneering P2P game streaming application which was later acquired. Before that he worked at Microsoft on Office 2010 and 2013. News Stack, Heap, Pool Dependency Injection in C++ using Variadic Templates Nicolas Lazareff nzff.net Links Balls Away - Game on iTunes App Store CppCon: C++ for cross-platform VR development OTOY & Oculus: Render the Metaverse Oculus Connect Keynote: Future of VR Panel Down the VR rabbit hole: Fixing judder

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September 08, 2015 00:54:36 39.41 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Scott Meyers to discuss the Effective C++ book series. Scott Meyers has been working with C++ since 1988. He’s the author of Effective C++, More Effective C++, Effective STL, and his most recent book, Effective Modern C++. For 25 years, he’s delivered C++ training to clients worldwide. He once lectured about C++ on a brass-railed nightclub stage while the audience sat at cocktail tables. News AWS SDK for C++ Thoughts on the Vagaries of C++ Initialization Scott Meyers @Scott__Meyers The View From Aristeia Links Effective Modern C++ Scott Meyers Videos Scott Meyers Training The Evolving Search for Effective C++ DConf 2014 - The Last Thing D Needs

Software Transactional Memory

September 01, 2015 00:50:12 36.24 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Brett Hall to discuss Software Transactional Memory. Brett Hall is the lead engineer on Dynamics, a desktop application that collects and analyzes data from the light scattering instruments built by Wyatt technology. Prior to joining Wyatt, Brett worked in web application development, remote sensing, and spent a summer in the games industry. He holds a PhD in physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Part of his research work involved using C++ to solve the PDE systems generated by the rest of the research. All told he’s been using C++ for around 20 years now. These days the bulk of his programming interest is in concurrency and parallelism. When not programming he’s usually hanging out with his family and/or mountain biking. News CppCon call for additional content Served: A C++11 RESTful web server library Modern C++ for the Windows Runtime now available Brett Hall @bretthall Backwards Incompatibilities Links CppCon 2015 - Transactional Memory in Practice CppCon 2014 - Software Transaction Memory, For Reals ISO C++ Paper - Industrial Experience with Transactional Memory at Wyatt Technology

Real World Template Metaprogamming

August 25, 2015 00:36:29 26.37 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Edouard Alligand to discuss the use of C++ template metaprogramming in real world projects. Edouard is an experienced kernel programmer, but has spent the last several years working on the hot topic of next-generation databases at software publisher quasardb. He has a strong background in low level programming, beginning with his first programming language: Z80 assembly. Edouard is a C++ enthusiast with a strong taste for template metaprogramming, generic programming, and you're not doing it right if the compiler doesn't crash programming. News C++ Hints C++ Abstraction Penalty: Idiomatic vs Raw How rvalue/lvalue/xvalue got their names Edouard Alligand @edouarda14 Edouard Alligand's GitHub Links CppCon 2015 - How I stopped worrying and love metaprogramming CppCon 2014 - Edouard Alligand Multiplatform C++ Brigand Library QuasarDB Blog QuasarDB Website

Game Dev and Low Latency

August 18, 2015 00:41:46 30.17 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Nicolas Guillemot to discuss the ongoing work of the GameDev and Low Latency C++ Study Group. Nicolas Guillemot started studying C++ and OpenGL to make games, and fell in love with them. He enjoys participating in game jams, and has had the opportunity to work in some game development studios: Inlight Entertainment, and Electronic Arts. He is currently taking a break from finishing a bachelor's in software engineering to work at Intel, doing mostly graphics-related work to help game developers take advantage of Intel GPU features. News Biicode (just the company) post-mortem Visual Studio Projects that Just Keep Rebuilding Boost 1.59 Nicolas Guillemot @nlguillemot Nicolas Guillemot's GitHub Links SG14 - Game Dev and Low Latency Google Group WG21-SG14 GitHub CppCon 2015 - The Birth of SG14 On Games(SG14) and TM(SG5) from The View at the May 2015 C++ Standard meeting in Lenexa

Bounded Integers

August 09, 2015 00:44:27 32.1 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by David Stone to discuss his bounded integer library. David Stone has spoken at C++Now and Meeting C++. He is the author of the bounded::integer library: http://doublewise.net/c++/bounded/ and has a special interest in compile-time code generation and error checking, as well as machine learning. He owns DoubleWise C++ Consulting, providing on-site training with an emphasis on performance and correctness. He also works at Markit integrating real-time financial data. He once wrote an optimizing compiler that solved the halting problem, and is just waiting for it to finish compiling his program. News What do you want to see in VS2015 Update 1 New Clion 1.1 EAP CppCon 2015 Program Additions David Stone David Stone on StackOverflow doublewise.net Links C++ Bounded Integer Library C++Now 2014 - Removing Undefined behavior from integer operations Meeting C++ 2014 - Writing robust code C++Now 2015 - Functions want to be free C++ Truths: Want speed? Use constexpr meta-programming!

VS2015 and the Universal CRT

August 02, 2015 00:49:32 35.76 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by James McNellis to discuss new features for C++ developers in Visual Studio 2015 and changes made to the C runtime. James McNellis is a senior engineer on the Visual C++ team at Microsoft, where he works on C++ libraries. He’s spent the past three years working on a major redesign and refactoring of the Visual C++ C Runtime, which culminated in the release of the Universal CRT with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015. He occasionally speaks at C++ conferences and was at one time a prolific C++ contributor on Stack Overflow. News C++'s Rule of Zero CppCon 2015 Program Setup Changes in Visual Studio 2015 Affecting C++ Developers James McNellis @JamesMcNellis James McNellis's Home Page James McNellis on StackOverflow Links Visual Studio 2015 RTM is now available Introducing the Universal CRT CppCon 2014: Stefanus DuToit "Hourglass Interfaces for C++ APIs" MVA Course: C++ A General Purpose Language and Library Jump Start The Visual C++ Team is hiring!


July 22, 2015 00:59:01 42.59 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Steve Klabnik to discuss the history of the Rust language and some of its key features. Steve Klabnik is a Ruby and Rails contributor, member of the Rust core team, and a hypermedia enthusiast. He's the author of "Rust for Rubyists," "Rails 4 in Action," and "Designing Hypermedia APIs." When Steve isn't coding, he enjoys playing the Netrunner card game. News Get rid of those boolean function parameters Concepts TS voted out (in) Steve Klabnik @steveklabnik Steve Klabnik's Home Page Steve Klabnik's GitHub Links The Rust Programming Language


July 08, 2015 00:51:00 36.82 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by JF Bastien to discuss WebAssembly. JF Bastien is a compiler engineer and tech lead on Google’s Chrome web browser, currently focusing on performance and security to bring portable, fast and secure code to the Web. JF is a member of the C++ standards committee, where his mechanical engineering degree serves little purpose. He’s worked on startup incubators, business jets, flight simulators, CPUs, dynamic binary translation, systems, and compilers. News C++ compile-time TETRIS C++ compiler front-end fixes in VS 2015 A variant for the everyday Joe JF Bastien @jfbastien JF Bastien's Github Links WebAssembly on Github C++ on the Web: ponies for developers without pwn'ing users

POCO Project

July 01, 2015 00:52:24 37.83 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Aleksandar Fabijanic to discuss the C++ Portable Components project. Alex holds two undergraduate degrees in mechanical engineering from Faculty of Engineering (University of Rijeka, Croatia) and the master's degree in software engineering from Citadel Graduate College in Charleston, South Carolina. Alex is a IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional. He's been seriously programming computers since 1992 and developing steel manufacturing automation and process control software using C and C++ since 1998. He used to compete in rowing on World Championship/Olympic Games level. Nowadays, he spends his free time reading, exercising and occasionally woodworking. News Format Specifiers Checking CrystaX NDK 10.2.0 w/ Boost 1.58.0 and Obj-C v2 To Make The Most Money As A Programmer, Learn This Language Aleksandar Fabijanic @0x00FA Aleksandar's Github Links POCO Project POCO on Github Macchina.io

Exercism.io and Refactoring

June 23, 2015 01:11:54 51.87 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Richard Thomson to discuss exercism.io and C++ refactoring tools. Richard Thomson is a passionate software craftsman.  He has been writing C programs since 1980, C++ programs since 1993 and practicing test-driven development since 2006.  For 10 years, Richard was a Microsoft MVP for Direct3D, Microsoft's native C++ API for 3D graphics. His book on Direct3D is available as a free download. Prior to that, Richard was a technical reviewer of the OpenGL 1.0 specification. He is the director of the Computer Graphics Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah and currently works at DAZ 3D writing 3D modeling software in C++. Recently, Richard has added the C++ language track to exercism.io and has been working on adding refactoring tools to the clang tool suite. News C++11/14/17 Features In VS 2015 RTM Futures for C++11 at Facebook A Conclusion to Accelerating Your Build with Clang Live Webinar: A Tour of Modern C++ Richard Thomson @legalizeadulthd Richard Thomson's blog Richard Thomson's Github Links Utah C++ Users Group Create your own Refactoring Tool in Clang CppCon 2014: Matt Hargett "Common-sense acceleration of your MLOC build"

News Roundup

June 16, 2015 00:39:09 28.29 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason discuss recent C++ news and events. News Bloomberg C++ Challenge for Chance to Attend CppCon Time to get moving C++ and Facebook Moments: Facebook code blog, Techworld Interactive C++11 memory model: visualize the execution orders of multithreaded program Urho3D - C++ game engine with HTML5 examples Piranha is a C++11 based computer algebra library From ASM.js to WebAssembly Webinar: A Tour of Modern C++ Hitler on C++17 (Downfall Parody) Links @robwirving @lefticus