Every two weeks, or so, we sit down with guests from the C++ community to discuss the latest news and what they have been up to. Find us at cppcast.com

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May 31, 2015 00:48:51 35.27 MB Downloads: 0

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Modern C++ for the Windows Runtime

May 19, 2015 00:36:25 26.32 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Kenny Kerr to talk about Modern C++ for the Windows Runtime. Kenny also shares his thoughts on printf and tells us about his new Pluralsight course. Kenny Kerr is a computer programmer and recognized expert in Windows operating system development and programming languages. Kenny has published numerous articles about the Windows operating system, network security, and C++ for MSDN Magazine as well as other publications. Microsoft has recognized Kenny’s expertise in network and operating system security with the Microsoft MVP Award for security. He has also held the Microsoft MVP Award since 2007 for his contributions to the C++ development community. News Thoughts about C++17 (Bjarne Stroustrup) C++17 progress update HPX and the C++ Standard Kenny Kerr @kennykerr Kenny Kerr's Blog Links Modern C++ for the Windows Runtime SQLite with Modern C++ (Free Pluralsight Course) Kenny Kerr's Pluralsight courses Sponsors

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May 12, 2015 00:41:04 29.66 MB Downloads: 0

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May 06, 2015 00:55:13 39.85 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Roland Bock to talk about sqlpp11 and some of Rolands ideas for the future of C++ Roland Bock is Head of Development at PPRO Financial Ltd, an FCA regulated e-Money institute offering prepaid MasterCard card programs and comprehensive financial solutions for international electronic payment transactions. Since 2008 he has been using SQL in C++. Being unhappy with the string-based approach of most SQL libraries, he decided to do something about it and developed a type-safe EDSL for SQL in C++: sqlpp11. In his spare time Roland is working on sqlpp11, experimenting with Concepts Lite and trying to write a proposal about compile-time configurable names for C++ standard. He lives and codes in Munich (Germany). News C++ 11/14/17 Features in VS 2015RC C++ 11 Constant Expressions in VS 2015 RC Resumable Functions in C++ C++ highlights and more of GCC 5.1 Roland Bock Roland Bock on github Thoughts by Roland Bock Links sqlpp11 Dreaming of Names ISO C++ Standard Discusson on Names Sponsors

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April 21, 2015 00:52:57 38.22 MB Downloads: 0

Rob and Jason are joined by Hartmut Kaiser to talk about Asynchronous Program and the HPX framework. Hartmut Kaiser is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Louisiana State University. At the same time, he holds the position of a senior scientist at the Center for Computation and Technology at LSU. He received his doctorate from the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany) in 1988. He is probably best known through his involvement in open source software projects, mainly as the author of several C++ libraries he has contributed to Boost, which are in use by thousands of developers worldwide. He is a voting member of the ISO C++ Standards Committee and his current research is focused on leading the STE||AR group at CCT working on the practical design and implementation of the ParalleX execution model and related programming methods. In addition, he architected and developed the core library modules of SAGA for C++, a Simple API for Grid Applications. News CLion 1.1 roadmap & ACCU 2015 Boost 1.58 a short overview Module proposal for C++ now at rev 3 Hartmut Kaiser Hartmut Kaiser Links Asynchronous Computation in C++ The STE||AR Group HPX on Github Sponsors

Biicode and Turbo

April 14, 2015 00:39:06 28.25 MB Downloads: 0

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Quick Game Development

April 09, 2015 00:39:34 28.59 MB Downloads: 0

In this episode Vittorio Romeo joins Rob Irving to talk about making simple games with C++ using libraries like SFML, SDL and Cinder. Vittorio Romeo is an undergraduate Computer Science student at "Università degli Studi di Messina". Since childhood he has always been interested in programming, and learned to develop applications and games as an autodidact. After discovering C++ a few years ago, Vittorio became extremely passionate about its evolution and its community. He currently works on open-source general-purpose C++14 libraries and develops free open-source games. Vittorio also loves teaching: he manages a well-received C++11/C++14 video tutorial series and he talked about game development in C++ at CppCon 2014. When he's not in front of a computer, Vittorio enjoys fitness activities (weightlifting, swimming, running) and reading. News C++ Samples C++ 17's STL what do you want it to have CppCon 2015 Call for Submissions The C languages merge (April Fools!) Vittorio Romeo Personal Website YouTube Channel Github @supahvee1234 Facebook Links Quick Game Development with C++ 11/C++14 Open Hexagon Open Hexagon FB

Fit and Tick

April 01, 2015 00:26:28 19.15 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 6 of CppCast with guest Paul Fultz II recorded April 2, 2015 Paul Fultz II has developed in C++ professionally and personally in a variety of fields including DSP, web development, and desktop applications. He has developed in other languages as well such as Java, C#, Python, and Javascript but focuses most of his attention on C++ which combines correctness, expressiveness, and performance together. News Simple Extensible Pattern Matching in C++ C++Now! 2015 Program is available Simple and Clean Code vs Performance The C languages merge (April Fools!) Paul Fultz II @pfultz2 Paul Fultz II's Blog Links Tick - Trait introspection and concept creator for C++11 Fit - Header-only C++11 library that provides utilities for functions and function objects. Modern Generic Programming using the Tick and Fit libraries

Exploring CLion

March 24, 2015 00:31:38 22.87 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 5 of CppCast with guest Anastasia Kazakova recorded March 25, 2015 Being a C/C++ fan since University Anastasia has been creating real-time *nix-based systems and pushing them to production for 8 years. She has a passion for networking algorithms (especially congestion problems and network management protocols) and embedded programming, and believes in good tooling. Now she is a part of the JetBrains team working as a Product Marketing Manager for CLion the upcoming cross-platform C/C++ IDE. News Curl is 17 years old Effective Modern C++ News VC2015 RTM What do you want it to have? What platforms are you running CLion IDE on? Anastasia Kazakova @anastasiak2512 Links CLion IDE CLion on Twitter CLion Blog

CMake, Git and Functional Programming

March 18, 2015 00:26:47 19.46 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 4 of CppCast with guest David Sankel recorded March 17, 2015 David Sankel is a professional software developer/architect based in the USA. His prolific software developments have included CAD/CAM, computer graphics, visual programming languages, web applications, computer vision, and cryptography. He is a frequent speaker at the C++Now! conferences and is especially well known for his advanced functional programming in C++ talks. David's current research interests include dependently typed languages, semantic domains, EDSLs, and functional reactive programming. He currently works for the software firm, Stellar Science. News When CLion met biicode How much should you pay your engineers What are some everyday life things you use C++ for My favorite C++ 10 Liner David Sankel Paper: Modern Functional Programming in C++ Functional Programming in C++ The Intellectual Ascent to Agda Functional Reactive Programming - Cleanly Abstracted Interactivity Intro to Functional Programming in C++ Links Stellar Science C++Now!

Cross Platform Mobile C++ in Visual Studio

March 11, 2015 00:39:16 28.37 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 3 of CppCast with guest Ankit Asthana recorded March 11, 2015 Ankit Asthana is a program manager working in the Visual C++ Cross-Platform space. He is knowledgeable in cross-platform technologies, compilers (dynamic and static compilation, optimizer, code generation), distributed computing and server side development. He has in the past worked for IBM and Oracle Canada as a developer building Java 7 (hotspot) and telecommunication products. Ankit back in 2008 also published a book on C++ titled C++ for Beginners to Masters which sold over a few thousand copies. News Introducing the Universal CRT C/C++ Code analysis in VS 2015 Find your favorite Library for C++ in NuGet What is your favorite C++ IDE? Ankit Asthana Ankit on MSDN C++ for Beginners to Masters Links Visual Studio 2015 CTP Visual C++ Team Blog

ChaiScript and Cross Platform C++

March 04, 2015 00:38:05 27.52 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 2 of CppCast with guest Jason Turner Jason has been developing portable C++ since 2002. With very few exceptions, every line of code he has written since then has had to run on multiple platforms. He is an independent contractor focusing on cross-platform issues, utilization of C++ libraries from scripting languages and code quality assurance. He is the co-creator and maintainer of ChaiScript, a mature scripting language designed for modern C++. His latest project is cppbestpractices.com: a fledgling effort to gather the collective wisdom of the C++ community. News CppCheck Four things you probably didn't know about C++ Boost libraries are now supported in biicode Jason Turner @lefticus Github EmptyCrate Links ChaiScript CppBestPractices Complex Object Initialization Optimization with IIFE in C++11 C++Now!

Jon Kalb loves the C++ Community

February 16, 2015 00:50:28 48.54 MB Downloads: 0

Episode number 1 of CppCast with guest Jon Kalb Jon has been writing C++ for two and half decades, does onsite C++ training, and works on the Amazon search engine for A9.com. He chairs the CppCon and C++Now conferences. He also programs the C++ Track for the Silicon Valley Code Camp and serves as chair of the Boost Libraries Steering Committee. Links cppcon cppcon YouTube Channel C++Now! Boost Library Incubator Does C++ need its own podcast? Jon Kalb @_JonKalb Exception-Safe Coding in C++