Being a person is hard, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is here to help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. From laundry to cooking chicken to making new friends, Kendra is here to welcome you into an easier way.

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#212 - A Guide to Summer House Rules

May 31, 2021 00:24:28 46.99 MB Downloads: 0

A House Rule is something that could keep that first domino from teetering and knocking over everything else. All of us have different kinds of summers, and all of us likely experience different modes and priorities, again, within the same summer. House Rules can really help give a little steadiness to that if you want it.Helpful Companion LinksCheck out The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) if you’d like to read more about how I use Lazy Genius principles every day.Here’s the crowdsourced post on Instagram if you’d like more ideas.Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#211 - How to Plan a Summer Day

May 24, 2021 00:17:12 33.05 MB Downloads: 0

I want us to plan a summer day without turning into robots or without leaving literally everything to chance where we’re playing it cool on the outside because we’re cool and spontaneous and we go with the flow and on the inside we’re literally screaming in terror because going with the flow forever and always is just as stressful as planning every minute.Helpful Companion LinksCheck out The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) if you’d like to read more about how I use Lazy Genius principles every day.Check out a podcast flight on Time Management episodes on Spotify. Or listen to The Lazy Genius Plans a Day here.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#210 - How to Lazy Genius Kids’ Screen Time

May 17, 2021 00:14:53 28.58 MB Downloads: 0

It’s here, you guys, it’s here! This is such a highly requested topic, and I think now that we’re about to go into summer, we could use some perspective on how to approach this ever-present topic. So I have three perspectives and then a few ideas for house rules when it comes to your kids and screen time.Helpful Companion LinksCheck out The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) if you’d like to read more about how I use Lazy Genius principles every day.Here’s the episode on chores for kids from a few years ago.Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#209 - How to Keep Your Surfaces Clear

May 10, 2021 00:18:36 35.71 MB Downloads: 0

Clutter is a real thing. It feels like there’s never a clear spot to put anything down, and I think it’s safe to say that when surfaces are reasonably clear, your home feels cleaner and more welcoming even if it’s dirty. So today, I am going to share the ten principles of keeping your surfaces clear.Helpful Companion LinksCheck out The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) if you’d like to read more about how I use Lazy Genius principles every day.Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

BONUS: A New Way to Think About Money with Rachel Rodgers

May 06, 2021 00:27:09 52.14 MB Downloads: 0

The Lazy Genius Podcast is not an interview-style show, so when I invite a guest on, I make sure they are a Lazy Genius at what they do. I’m thrilled to introduce you to Rachel Rodgers, a former attorney and current founder and operator of Hello Seven, who’s here to talk to us about a new way to think about money.Helpful Companion LinksFind Rachel on Instagram and learn more about her book We Should All Be Millionaires here.Here’s an older episode about budgets  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#208 - Essentializing Your Phone Apps

May 03, 2021 00:22:02 42.33 MB Downloads: 0

Today, I want to help you essentialize your phone apps. In this episode, we’re going to specifically apply the Lazy Genius principle of essentializing to your phone apps to that you can go from being overwhelmed or annoyed or distracted by your apps to having them serve you in a way that matters.Stuff MentionedFind all of the Lazy Genius principles in my book, The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link).If you’re looking for a resource about adult screentime, there’s an episode for that. Listen to it here.Essentialism by Greg McKeown (p.s. he has a new book out called Effortless!)Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Liz Wienke with her reminder to decide once and batch it.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#207 - The 15 Moments That Shaped the Lazy Genius

April 26, 2021 00:33:53 65.06 MB Downloads: 0

I get asked about the origin story of this business a lot, especially when I do our Ask Me Anything sessions on Sunday nights on Instagram. I get a lot of questions like “how did you get started, where did the name come from, what made you decide to make a podcast, did you have jobs before this,” so let’s talk about what shaped the Lazy Genius into what it is today!Helpful Companion LinksCheck out The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) if you’d like to read more about my life and how I use Lazy Genius principles every day.Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.This week only (April 25-May1), I’m opening the doors to Camp21 for the summer. Find out more details here.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Mary Chris Richard with her reminder to live in the season you’re in.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#206 - The Lazy Genius Guide to Buying Great Gifts

April 19, 2021 00:21:41 41.66 MB Downloads: 0

It’s April, and we’re entering Teacher Appreciation Week soon. Then it’s Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and the end of school. And pandemic guidelines are loosening, people are planning weddings and baby showers. Then, of course, there are birthdays and holidays and all the regular things.We have many opportunities to buy gifts for people, and it can be overwhelming. So today we’re going to Lazy Genius gift-giving.Helpful Companion LinksListen to the original Lazy Genius episode on buying gifts here. Also, here’s a holiday-centric episode on being happy with the gifts you give.I get my kids’ teachers Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith as my Decide Once teacher gift.I use Trello for reading and for keeping up with many things in my life.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Brittany Jenkins with her self-care habit.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#205 - How to Lazy Genius a Wedding

April 12, 2021 00:22:50 43.85 MB Downloads: 0

First things first, you do not have to be planning a wedding to find this episode relevant. This is one of our Lazy Genius Brain episodes where we practice applying Lazy Genius principles to a specific area, even if it isn’t personally applicable. Think of it as getting your reps in how to think like a Lazy Genius. And if you are planning a wedding, well you are in luck. It’s a win for everybody.Helpful Companion LinksFind all of the Lazy Genius principles in my book, The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link).Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Andrea Buck with her Decide Once gift wish list habit.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#204 - How to Rally on a Bad Day

April 05, 2021 00:18:10 34.88 MB Downloads: 0

We all have bad days and for different reasons. There’s something about being inside a bad day that feels like there’s no way out. You kind of just have to wait until the next day and start over. But if your bad day is living its best (or worst) life by breakfast, maybe waiting until tomorrow’s fresh start is not the ideal solution. None of us want bad days, but all of us have them. So let's Lazy Genius how to rally a bad day. Helpful Companion LinksGet a copy of The Lazy Genius Way (or request it from your library!) to learn all about the LG principles.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Chelsea K. Stanley with her Decide Once Chickfila reward points system.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#203 - 10 Things Saving My Life Right Now

March 29, 2021 00:26:29 50.85 MB Downloads: 0

I love sharing lists like this and also encouraging you to make and share your own. We are still in it after a very long year, and paying attention to the things that bring us joy, make things easier, make us more ourselves, those things deserve a spotlight. Stuff MentionedThe Ginger Smoothie recipe I shared on Instagram. I’m @thelazygenius, by the way.You can listen to the episode about my skincare routine here that’s a couple years old, or you can hop on the list to receive the Latest Lazy Letter and read about what I’m using now later this week.The Lazy Genius Asks For Help (spoiler alert: you don’t have to be in crisis to ask for help)The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk (affiliate link)Winter Sun, Calling Spring, and Breezy Instrumental (or just follow me on Spotify if you want)The Lazy Sisters Podcast on PatreonShare Your Stuff, I’ll Go First by Laura Tremaine (affiliate link)If you haven’t read it yet, pick up a copy of The Lazy Genius Way at your favorite bookseller or your local library.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Wendy Toops-Lauer with her Decide Once Pannukakku Sundays.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#202 - Revisiting Your Morning Routine

March 22, 2021 00:19:28 37.38 MB Downloads: 0

I want to revisit the concept of a morning routine, especially in light of still living kind of in a pandemic, and give you one question you can ask yourself - just one - as you think about how your current morning routine is serving you or not. I’ll also share my own current morning routine and its evolution over the last few years.Helpful Companion LinksThe Lazy Genius Morning Routine from 2018The Universal Path to Life-Giving Routine (the original blog post that offers the foundation for any routine)My conversation with Erin Moon about morning routines was the most downloaded episode of 2020. Listen to it here.Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.If you haven’t read it yet, pick up a copy of The Lazy Genius Way at your favorite bookseller or your local library.Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Danielle Barham with her reminder to clear your counters before picking up your groceries.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#201 - The Lazy Genius Guide to Moving

March 15, 2021 00:26:25 50.74 MB Downloads: 0

It’s finally here — an episode about moving! Good golly, I’ve been getting asked to Lazy Genius moving at least once a week for the last two years. But before you scroll away because you aren’t planning a move, I want to tell you that I apply every single Lazy Genius principle to moving in this episode so you can see how to LG your own thing in real-time.Stuff MentionedFind all of the Lazy Genius principles in my book, The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link).Follow along on Instagram @thelazygenius to provide feedback on this episode setup. Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

#200 - The Lazy Genius Starter Kit: 20 Episodes That Will Immediately Change Your Life

March 08, 2021 00:23:00 44.18 MB Downloads: 0

Two hundred episodes is a lot, and it’s likely you haven’t listened to every single one. Or maybe you have but it’s been a while and you need a brush-up. Whatever it is, I went through the entire archive and hand-picked the 20 episodes that will absolutely have the biggest broadest impact on your regular life.Helpful Companion LinksGet The Lazy Genius Way (affiliate link) and have all 13 principles on hand at a moment’s notice.Episode #17: The Lazy Genius Cleans the House and episode #60: The Lazy Genius Cleaning RoutineEpisode #19: The Lazy Genius Gets DressedEpisode #21: The Lazy Genius Does LaundryEpisode #32: The Lazy Genius Cleans the KitchenEpisode #34: The Lazy Genius Organizes a HomeEpisode #37: The Lazy Genius Budgets (Pro tip - check out Chelsea Brennan over at the Smart Money Mamas, too)Episode #40: The Lazy Genius Navigates Family TensionEpisode #48: The Lazy Genius and Time ManagementEpisode #51: The Lazy Genius Cleans the Bathroom (Pro tip - follow @gocleanco on Instagram)Episode #76 - The Lazy Genius Meal PlanEpisode #77: The Lazy Genius RestsEpisode #80: The Lazy Genius Daily Act of KindnessEpisode #91: The Lazy Genius Organizes PaperEpisode #119: Plan Your Opening CeremonyEpisode #124: The Lazy Genius Weekly PlanEpisode #142: Living Without Food RulesEpisode #143: Your Body Is Not FlawedEpisode #160: Wear Makeup Like a Lazy GeniusEpisode #196: See for privacy and opt-out information.

#199 - 7 Ways to Get Out of a Dinner Rut

March 01, 2021 00:18:33 35.62 MB Downloads: 0

Most of you live in the United States, many of you have kids, all of us are living in varying degrees of isolation still because of the pandemic, and all the things. Yet we still have to eat, we still keep making dinner. But it feels like it’s getting harder and harder, right? Let’s try and give a couple of solutions here. Helpful Companion LinksBri McKoy is a delight and a magician in the kitchen.Download a transcript of this episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.