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Episode 28: 027 iPhreaks Show – Game Development with Kyle Richter & Nathan Eror

October 31, 2013 56:29 54.23 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Kyle Richter (twitter) Nathan Eror (twitter github) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:01 - Kyle Richter & Nathan Eror Introduction Empirical Development 01:18 - The Future of iOS Devices (Speculations) Hardware Controllers Apple TV Latency 04:33 - Building Games on the iOS Platform Sprite Kit Unity Cocos2d UIKit 08:08 - Creative Assets (Art, Sound, Etc.) Infinity Blade II Letterpress Doodle Jump Slender 13:45 - Challenges of Building a Game Artist/Developer Relationships Production Art Tileable Art 22:29 - Tools 26:42 - Optimizations Pre-Allocating Only Rendering What’s Necessary 33:48 - Shaders 36:51 - GameCenter 40:04 - Getting into Game Development Picks Trainyard (Ben) Space Team (Ben) Duolingo (Ben) Game Coding Complete by Mike McShaffry (Ben) Physics of Light - John Carmack (Ben) Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle (Ben) Overcoming iOS Game Memory Limits (Jaim) Big Nerd Ranch Blog (Andrew) Code Signing and Mavericks (Andrew) CocoaColor (Andrew) NinjaHit (Rod) Joybox (Rod) OpenGameArt (Chuck) 080 JSJ Impact.js with Dominic Szablewski JavaScript Jabber #081: Testing Promises for Async JavaScript with Pete Hodgson (Chuck) Linear algebra for game developers ~ part 1 (Nathan) Linear algebra for game developers ~ part 2 (Nathan) Linear algebra for game developers ~ part 3 (Nathan) 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry (Nathan) #AltDevBlog (Nathan) Sleep Cycle (Kyle) Pivvot (Kyle) Hungry Shark Evolution (Kyle) Next Week New iOS APIs Transcript CHUCK: Alright, Nathan, how do you say your last name? NATHAN: Eror, just like – CHUCK: Eror, okay. NATHAN: Yeah, just like NSError, except that it spelled differently. KYLE: Your middle initial is “S”, right? BEN: [Laughter] NATHAN: I wish. I’ve considered getting it legally changed. CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 27 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston, eagerly awaiting the iPad event. CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City and I don’t get to buy anything today. CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! CHUCK: Rod Schmidt. ROD: Merry Christmas from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from This week, we have 2 special guests. We have Kyle Richter. KYLE: Good morning from Key West! CHUCK: And, do you prefer Nate or Nathan? NATHAN: Either one, it’s up to you. CHUCK: Nathan Eror. NATHAN: Hello! I’m also in Houston. CHUCK: Alright. Do you guys want to do a brief introduction since you haven’t been on the show before? KYLE: Sure, we can do that! My name is Kyle Richter. I’m the co-founder of Empirical Development. NATHAN: And I’m Nathan Eror. I am the game and development lead for Empirical Development. CHUCK: Awesome. Nobody plays games on their iOS device, so I’m not quite sure why we have you here. KYLE: No, it’s the passage fad for sure. I suspect that they’ll just be over in the next couple of weeks. CHUCK: Yeah. BEN: Once I get hardware, controllers are really going to ruin it. CHUCK: [Laughs] Do you think that’s going to be a thing? BEN: Yeah, they announced it at dub dub, that you’ll be able to get like sort of a Nintendo like shrink wrapped controller on top of the iPhone. I’m still waiting for one of those to come out. I want to play with one. KYLE: Logitech just released their print ad a couple of weeks ago for their first one. Mysteriously, it shows empty hand is holding a knife saying something’s missing [sound]. BEN: Oh! Awesome. CHUCK: [Laughs]

Episode 27: 026 iPhreaks Show – Custom UI Controls with Sam Davies

October 24, 2013 44:25 42.64 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Sam Davies (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:57 - Sam Davies Introduction ShinobiControls 01:47 - Custom UI Controls 04:50 - Design-Time Experience and Documentation 09:49 - When Should You Use Custom Controls? 11:40 - Controls UISlider TableView UIView 25:40 - OpenGL CAEAGLLayer Class Reference 27:01 - Transitioning Custom Controls 30:04 - New for iOS7 Picks The iOS Design Cheat Sheet (Jaim) AFNetworking-ASIHTTPRequest (Jaim) Cocoa Controls (Ben) Lufthansa Airlines (Ben) Samarkand (Ben) Geist Dark (Ben) NSCalendar-EqualWithGranularity (Rod) JVFloatLabeledTextField (Rod) Sublime Text (Sam) Dash (Sam) Introducing iOS7 Day-by-Day (Sam) (Sam) Next Week iOS Game Development with Kyle Richter and Nathan Eror Transcript BEN: Sounds like you need a shot of espresso, Chuck. [Laughter] JAIM: Do pushups maybe, you know. ROD: Cold shower. CHUCK: Cold shower, yeah. [Laughs] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 26 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston! CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, doggone it, people – sorry. Hello from Minnesota! BEN: [Laughs] JAIM: Can you believe that guy is my senator? CHUCK: [Laughs] JAIM: No. He don’t get back to work. I don’t know what’s going on here. CHUCK: [Chuckles] I’m Charles Max Wood from, with a quick reminder to go check out I have a 30-minute video on how I went freelance. And we also have a special guest this week, and that’s Sam Davies. SAM: Hello there from Bristol, the UK! CHUCK: Do you want to introduce yourself for the people who don’t know who you are? SAM: Sure! I’m Sam Davies. I work now for a company called ShinobiControls, and we build various different UI controls for both iOS and for Android and things. All kinds of different things; I’m not going to [unclear] you with exactly what we do, but charting and all kinds of different to help people’s [unclear]. I stay at that life as a computer vision researcher back in the day a few years ago. I spent a while of doing that. But Academia just doesn’t really have any money so I had to leave Academia and go do something a bit more applicable so I started doing mobile development and kind of stuff at working machine over a few years ago. Now, I work as a developer evangelist so kind of writing different bits and pieces and teaching people about things as well. I like talking to devs and doing dev work as well. CHUCK: Very nice. We brought you on the show to talk about “Custom UIControls”. SAM: Yup! I guess, sure, I’d talk a little bit about what – what they are and why you would want to make custom UIcontrols. CHUCK: Yeah, that sounds like a good start to me. SAM: UIControls, we all know exactly what UIControls are because we use them all the time, but what that actually means for somebody who’s using something that really helpful for lots of different groups of people including designers, developers, and for the end user as well. They represent a common vocabulary of ways and what you interact with an app. So we’re all used to UIControls in iOS because we have things like UISliders, we have Buttons, we have segment of control, whole selection of different things, and they were really, really useful. But the question always comes when you get to the stage where you want something that doesn’t quite – whether the existing ones from iOS don’t exactly do what you want to do – you want to have something slightly different. An example I always give whenever anybody wants to talk to me about this kind of thing is,

Episode 26: 025 iPhreaks Show – The Accelerate Framework with Jeff Biggus

October 17, 2013 41:59 40.3 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Jeff Biggus (twitter blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:32 - Jeff Biggus Introduction HyperJeff Network 01:38 - The Accelerate Framework Audio Video Images Pure Math Functions 11:11 - Accelerate Framework Tricks 12:35 - Clang Extensions 17:30 - Libraries 23:06 - Gotchas 28:39 - Mac -> iOS 31:25 - The Convolution Integral 33:49 - Finding the Accelerate Framework 35:35 - Audio Picks F-Script (Rod & Jeff) Nathen Harvey: Learning Chef (Chuck) Start your free trial of Enterprise Chef (Chuck) Chef (Chuck) Cocoa Literature (Jeff) Next Week Custom UI Controls with Sam Davies Transcript Transcript   CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 25 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: I'm Charles Max Wood from I just want to give you another quick reminder that you can find out about my freelancing journey at, it's a 30-minute video detailing how I went from laid off to freelancing successfully. We also have a special guest, and that is Jeff Biggus. JEFF: Hello! CHUCK: Since you haven't been on the show before, Jeff, do you want to introduce yourself? JEFF: Sure! I'm a Mac and iOS programmer, I work for my own company, have for about 17 years now. Lately, it's been all Mac and iOS, maybe for the last 7 years or so, and I come from a background that's maybe more science, like academic science, but now I do a lot of just general programming stuff. CHUCK: Awesome. What kinds of things have you been academic-ing or studying or whatever? JEFF: [Chuckles] I used to do a bunch of computational physics stuff. So I was in the physics world for a while, and before that, I was an electrical engineer.  It was a lot of very practical engineering type programming. Ugly code that got the job done. CHUCK: Boy! That sounds like what I do! JEFF: [Chuckles] CHUCK: Ugly code that gets the job done. JEFF: Exactly, yeah. Which is basically what I do now; except it's a little more elegant these days. The tools are much nicer. CHUCK: Awesome. So, we brought you on today to talk about the Accelerate Framework. JEFF: Yeah. CHUCK: It's part of the standard suite of the libraries you get from Apple, it looks like. Can you explain briefly what it is or what it does? JEFF: Sure! It's a set of, really, C Libraries. It's called the Framework. Normally, when you hear framework, you'd think Objective-C framework, but this is all C-level calls. The goal of it is to give us set of functions, a humongous set of functions, that can allow you to do common tasks much faster because they're heavily optimized. As a consequence, that actually saves battery life so you get more power and better energy use. I would even like the case that if you get into it, that your code is actually often better; it's cleaner and it's more maintainable going forward. CHUCK: Huh! What exactly is it used for? JEFF: When you look at the framework, it looks like there are basically 3 areas that it seems to hit which is Audio, Video, and Images, and also Pure Math functions. But, since everything under the hood is all just bits, sometimes, whether it's something is an image or audio or math, it's just that your perspective on things. A lot of times, these functions that are in there can be used for even really mundane tasks that you might not be thinking about them as. You might grab an audio function to do something where you’re simply doing some very simple calculation for something that has nothing to do with audio. CHUCK: Got you! ROD: I would imagine game programming would use a lot especially 3D… JEFF: Oh, sure! Game programming seems like the easiest place to get the most immediate impact from this, but also, Video and Image Processing. Actually,

Episode 25: 024 iPhreaks Show – 64-bit with Mike Ash

October 10, 2013 53:03 50.93 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Mike Ash (github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Discu...

Episode 24: 023 iPhreaks Show – Build Automation with Patrick Burleson

October 03, 2013 51:10 49.12 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Patrick Burleson (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:27 - Going Rogue Video 00:42 - Patrick Burleson Introduction BitBQ MartianCraft Briefs 01:23 - Build Automation 02:10 - Continuous Integration Changes xcodebuild Ben: Running objective-c tests from the command line (with color) 07:51 - Testing xctool 10:29 - Automation on a development machine 11:04 - Things to Automate 14:14 - XCode 5 Build Automation 20:08 - Automation Bamboo Version Numbers agvtool cupertino (and friends) 29:50 - Certification 33:21 - Build Time Screenshot Lightning guard-xctool-test Picks iOS Background Fetch example (Andrew) (Andrew) ASCIIwwdc (Ben) Blues Junior™ III: Hot Rod (Ben) guitarjamzdotcom (Ben) iOS 7 by Tutorials (Ben) Pappy's Smokehouse (Pete) Go (Pete) Bombay By Boat - Moonlight (Pete) xcoder (Pete) xcodebuild-rb (Pete) Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier® (Jaim) Pitching Radar (Rod) Rich Hickey (Rod) ShareMouse (Chuck) Tweetbot (Chuck) Michael Vey (Chuck) Fogo de Chao (Patrick) Briefs (Patrick) Black Bar (Patrick) Test iOS Apps with UI Automation: Bug Hunting Made Easy by Jonathan Penn (Patrick) Bamboo (Patrick) Alfred App (Patrick) Next Week 64-Bit with Mike Ash Transcript CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 23 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston! CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake! CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! CHUCK: Pete Hodgson. PETE: Hello from a very warm conference room. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from Before we get going, I want to briefly just remind you that I have put up the, where I put up the video talking about how I went freelance. If you’re interested in that, you can go check it out there. We also have a special guest, and that’s Patrick Burleson. PATRICK: Hello from Dallas, Texas! CHUCK: Do you want to introduce yourself since you haven’t been on the show before? PATRICK: Sure! My name is Patrick Burleson. I run BitBQ software, which is I also do quite a bit of consulting with MartianCraft, and also – they are the makers of the design application called Briefs. CHUCK: Cool! BEN: That was a previous pick of the show! CHUCK: Yup! PATRICK: Awesome! PETE: We should do an episode about Briefs. PATRICK: You should! I will probably get your wrap on the show. CHUCK: That’d be awesome. Then we could do one on boxers. BEN: Yup, quite a history. PATRICK: Yes, Briefs has a very long history. CHUCK: That’d be really interesting. We brought you on to talk about “Build Automation”. PATRICK: Yeah! Build Automation is something that I think everyone should probably definitely look into even if you’re on a team or even a solo developer. That sounds crazy to some people why would a solo developer want to have a build automation…The way I look at it is, on my solo stuff, I want a computer doing as much of the work as I can make it to without me having to get in the way. Automating your build is one of those things where with a click of a button, I can update and ship a new version of any of my products or ship out a beta or whatever. It makes it very, very easy and also reduces the number of mistakes you can make. You don’t have to do anything manually; there’s a chance for a mistake. CHUCK: So it’s just kind of like continuous integration? PATRICK: Yeah, it is a lot like continuous integration. You can use it 2 different ways.

Episode 23: 022 iPhreaks Show – Networking with Steve Madsen

September 26, 2013 58:24 56.07 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Steve Madsen (twitter github Light Year Software) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:45 - Going Rogue Video 01:21 - Steve Madsen Introduction Light Year Software 02:00 - Networking with iOS WiFi Connection HTTP Live Streaming 07:58 - Bandwidth and Quality of Connection 12:23 - Network Link Conditioner 15:29 - Reachability 24:27 - Networking Gotchas 26:54 - NSOperation Dependency 29:41 - AFNetworking RestKit 33:54 - Logging of Networking Requests and Response Runscope 38:49 - Networking Technologies 41:27 - WebSockets faye SocketRocket 45:48 - Fallacies of Distributed Computing Picks ARC vs. MRC Performance (Andrew) Machine language: how Siri found its voice (Andrew) Philips hue (Ben) hue (Ben) (Ben) Glyphboard (Andrew) Lawyers (Jaim) Runscope (Pete) estimote (Pete) Acme Pale Ale from North Coast Brewing (Pete) XCOM Enemy Unknown (Pete) RubyConf (Chuck) Airbnb (Chuck) Platform University (Chuck) Little Snitch (Steve) Upton Tea (Steve) Clojure: Enemy of the State (Rod) Hire Rod (Rod) Next Week Build Automation with Patrick Burleson Transcript CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 22 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi! I’m not a robot; I’m just going to [unclear] [Laughter] CHUCK: Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello! I’m eagerly waiting of the arrival of GTA 5. So if the doorbell rings, I may run to go get it. CHUCK: Alright! Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! And also, not a robot. CHUCK: Pete Hodgson. PETE: Good morning from…I am not a robot. [Laughter] CHUCK: Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from Before I introduce our guest, I just want to make a real quick announcement. This Friday, meaning last Friday when you get this episode, was my ‘Freedom Day’. It was the day I was laid off from my job 3 years ago and went freelance. I’m celebrating that by putting up a free video that kind of chronicles my journey through freelancing and going from laid off to actually making enough money to live on. I’m going to have a lot of lessons that I learned in there and stuff, so if you’re interested, you can get that at BEN: Whoo-hoo! Congrats! CHUCK: Thanks! We also have a special guest, and that is Steve Madsen. STEVE: Hello from the Columbus, Ohio. CHUCK: Can we get you to introduce yourself real quick? STEVE: Sure! I own Light Year Software, which is a small consultancy here in Columbus specializing in Rails and iOS development. I’ve been doing that for about 7 years now since relocating back from the San Francisco Bay Area. CHUCK: Was it named after the unit of measure, or the cartoon character? STEVE: Unit of measure. CHUCK: Okay. STEVE: I was looking for something science-y. CHUCK: Awesome. PETE: What’s the cartoon character? CHUCK: Toy Story. Buzz Lightyear. PETE: Oh! Oh, yeah. CHUCK: Alright, we brought you on to talk about “Networking”. STEVE: Yes! That’s a big topic! CHUCK: I was going to say [laughs] it was kind of a broad topic. What in particular is interesting about networking with iOS or Cocoa? STEVE: Specifically about iOS, obviously, we’re talking about mobile devices. I think it’s safe to say that since mobile devices became as popular as they did with the introduction of the iPhone, the possibilities on how for us to build apps that communicate back to servers or communicate with people nearby have gone up a lot. CHUCK: Yeah, that makes sense.

Episode 22: 021 iPhreaks Show – Scalable Cloud Applications with Aaron Douglas

September 19, 2013 51:23 49.32 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Aaron Douglas (twitter blog) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:11 - Scalable Cloud Apps and iOS Programming 02:51 - iCloud Core Data 04:44 - Scalable Cloud Services Synchronization Amazon S3 Amazon EC2 Parse Syncing Authentication Simperium 09:31 - Use Cases Migraine Diary 12:00 - SDK and Basic Operations PFObject Querying PFQuery 18:11 - Platforms Supported by Parse Android Windows Phone MacOS .NET Unity UI 18:41 - Pros and Cons 25:59 - “Selling” Parse Use to Companies 27:20 - Choosing Parse Windows Azure 32:03 - Realtime Interaction Cheddar 34:17 - Other Services Simperium Firebase Helios Dropbox 38:32 - Advice for Others Appside/Server-side TICoreDataSync Understand Scaling 41:41 - Rolling your own vs using Parse Data Privacy Picks Mac Dev Weekly (Andrew) Gwynne Raskind: Friday Q&A 2012-03-02: Key-Value Observing Done Right: Take 2 (Andrew) 11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures (Andrew) Linode (Ben) Digital Ocean (Ben) Big Nerd Ranch talk on API design (Ben) FlatUIKit (Rod) iOS7Colors (Rod) Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch (Rod) Bloons Tower Defense (Chuck) Fieldrunners 2 (Chuck) Base 2 (Aaron) Spark Inspector (Aaron) Simplenote (Aaron) TICoreDataSync (Aaron) Next Week Networking with Cocoa with Steve Madsen Transcript CHUCK: So if I call you Andrew, or if I call Andrew, Aaron, sorry guys… AARON: [Laughs] BEN: Just run with it. CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 21 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Ben Scheirman. BEN: Happy Apple Christmas Day! And hello! CHUCK: Apple Christmas Day… BEN: Yeah! Today is the launch date. We’re going to find out all about in like an hour. CHUCK: Oh, that’s right! BEN: This would be all over the news by the time this sure comes out… ANDREW: It’s the only thing all of us were thinking about. BEN: [Inaudible] CHUCK: [Laughs] ANDREW: I can’t breathe. BEN: That’s right. We’re already on the clock, Chuck. CHUCK: Okay. BEN: [Laughs] CHUCK: We also have Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake City as well! CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello! I just returned from the north shore of Lake Superior, where I was teaching berries to code iOS. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from We have a special guest, and that’s Aaron Douglas. AARON: Hey! How’s it going? I’m saying hi from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. CHUCK: Pete would be so proud of me, I didn’t butch your name. AARON: [Laughs] CHUCK: We have you on this week to talk about “Scalable Cloud Apps”. AARON: Yeah, definitely. CHUCK: I asked you before the show, I’m going to ask you again, how does that relate to iOS programming? AARON: I’ve noticed that a lot of us iOS devs come from more of the finite programming that we know – JavaScript and CSS – it’s just this kind of a logical step into iOS app development. I came from a Java enterprise background so I’m very familiar with writing apps that are behind other apps. I noticed that a lot of iOS developers are afraid of integrating their app with a server, and that there’s a lot of apps that have to talk to other users or there’s central data. So I think it’s a really important topic just because apps can be so much more powerful if they are connected with other people. CHUCK: Absolutely. Are you talking about API services like Facebook or Twitter? Or, are you talking about more of the backend systems like Parse? AARON: Yeah, it’s more of the backend systems like Parse.

Episode 21: 020 iPhreaks Show – Vim with Jason Felice

September 12, 2013 42:27 40.75 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Jason Felice (twitter github blog Maitria) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:08 - Jason Felice Introduction 02:03 - “Expressive Code” 04:35 - iOS Programming in Vim ibtool Xcode 06:39 - Why Vim? Muscle Memory The Tool Chain Polar Puzzles 11:30 - Build Process xctool 12:23 - Testing Kiwi The Objective Vimmer 16:50 - Vim Tactics Code Completion clang_complete Omnicomplete 21:06 - Navigation 23:11 - AppCode 25:22 - Toolchain Wishlist Scheme Lisp Clojure RubyMotion 31:51 - Building and Installing Vim Picks No Mouse Fridays! (Pete) AppCode (Pete) Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil (Pete) VimCasts (Pete) vimium (Pete) VimGolf (Chuck) Emacs (Chuck) Jason Felice: Getting Started with iOS Development With Vim (Jason) lambdanative (Jason) Nathan Sorenson: Clojure to Native via Scheme (Jason) Next Week Scalable Cloud Apps with Aaron Douglas Transcript PETE: My boy is teething at the moment, and we got up today at 5 o’clock in the morning. That’s nice. CHUCK: [Laughs] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 20 of iPhreaks! This week on our panel, we have Pete Hodgson. PETE: Good morning from San Francisco! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from We have a special guest, and that’s Jason…is it Felice? JASON: Yeah, it’s Felice, that’s right. Hello from Detroit this time! CHUCK: I do that just to make Pete laugh. PETE: [Laughs] Yeah, it makes me laugh, I freaked out. [Laughs] Oh, I was going to say like you did the episode number, and I was like thinking, “Should I remind him? Because I don’t remind him, I’d keep him say anything.” [Laughs] CHUCK: No, I was seriously actually thinking, “I should ask Jason just to make sure I know how to say his last name,” and I was like, “Nope! I’m going to do this just for Pete.” JASON: [Laughs] PETE: Oh, man. Well, I’m touched. Thank you very much. CHUCK: So Jason, since you’re new to the show, do you want to introduce yourself really quickly? JASON: Sure! That’s probably the hardest question. I have been doing mobile development for, I don’t know, it’s like 3 years or something like that, but it really depends on what you count. I’ve done some of embedded development before that, and some dust wholesome stuff back in the day, something like ’90 something. And mostly, I’ve been on the next person, which is why I found first to home with iPhone stuff, and I’ve done some Android. I think the bigger focus that I have is on creating expressive beautiful code and helping people to do that because I think a lot of people just haven’t been exposed to really expressive code especially when we’re talking mobile environment. PETE: What do you mean by expressive code? This is a good sidebar conversation we can talk about. I’m interested particularly in expressive code in Objective C [laughs]. It’s an interesting language for that kind of stuff I think. JASON: It is, yes. And that brings up an interesting question, which is like ‘how much of the language you have to know before code is expressive?’ Because everybody that I have actually worked with are brought into Objective C into them, like for first couple of weeks, group of programmers who weren’t familiar with it. Like my first 2 weeks, they’re just like, “I don’t even see code. It just looks like ASCII. I’m not even sure what’s going on either.” CHUCK: [Laughs] JASON: That’s the response that I’ve got. And it’s interesting because after a week or 2, they’re like, “Oh, okay! Got it!” I think it has to do with the [unclear] versus the indentation, the way that it uses it being different from most of the languages. PETE: Yeah. JASON: But I’ve seen Kiwi who makes nice expressive tests for the most part that’s sort of the DSL approach.

Episode 20: 019 iPhreaks Show – Auto Layout with Cesare Rocchi

September 05, 2013 54:35 52.4 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Cesare Rocchi (twitter Studio Magnolia) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:31 - Cesare Rocchi Introduction CocoaConf Boston iCloud for Developers: Automatically Sync Your iOS Data, Everywhere, All the Time by Cesare Rocchi 03:53 - Auto Layout Cocoa Auto Layout Guide 04:45 - Resolutions Spring and Struts Localization Right-Left Languages 09:15 - Using vs Not Using Auto Layout Constraints Using Interface Builder 22:40 - Auto Layout & Animation Esoteric Animations 26:53 - ASCII Art 29:46 - Intrinsic Size 33:07 - Apple saying you should have used Auto Layout last year 36:22 - Open Source Tools that give Auto Layout-type Capabilities Wrappers  Picks Online 3D Model Converter (Ben) Saint Arnold Icon Gold (Bière De Saison) - Saint Arnold Brewing Company (Ben) NoFlo (Rod) Cocoa Slopes (Rod) Dev Juice: Using your tech support incidents (Andrew) (Andrew) The Choosatron (Jaim) The Replacements (Jaim) Reveal (Pete) Bitter American (Pete) Teensy 3.0 (Pete) The Best Map Ever Made of America’s Racial Segregation (Chuck) Kindle (Chuck) Kindle for Mac (Chuck) Clean Office (Chuck) FrameAccessor (Cesare) (Cesare) Appsterdam (Cesare) Wasatch Brewery: Polygamy Porter (Rod) Next Week iOS Development with Vim with Jason Felice Transcript CESARE: By the way, I have a whole set of pictures of Starbucks bartenders trying to spell correctly my name and write it on the cup. [Laughter] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 19 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Pete Hodgson. PETE: Insert amusing British culture reference here! CHUCK: Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from H-Town! CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City. CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Houston! I’m not actually in Houston, but it feels like I’m in Houston. [Laughter] JAIM: It’s like 95 degrees out here in Minnesota. I could like call a van that’s full of ice cream or something, I don’t know. CHUCK: [Laughs] BEN: Yeah! It’s only 87 right now, so you’re actually hotter than us. JAIM: I think we switched. CHUCK: And humid? JAIM: Humid? Not super humid, but yeah, pretty bad. CHUCK: We also have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from We have a special guest this way, and that’s Cesare Rocchi or Rocci. CESARE: Rocci. Rocci. Right. CHUCK: Rocci. Yeah, I knew that! PETE: You almost did it! CHUCK: I almost did it, yeah. I’m famous I guess for botching people’s last names, but I speak Italian and I read Italian, and Italian’s read like it’s written. Anyway, Cesare, since you’re new to the show, do you want to introduce yourself really quickly? CESARE: Yes! I’m Cesare. Hello from my office, which is in Italy on East Coast in Rimini, to be exact. I’m a iOS developer, I got started in 2007, and yes, that’s before the SDK, the official SDK was released. I did a bunch of client work. Now, I’m focusing on my applications. I speak at conferences; I’ll be at CocoaConf in Boston at the end of October. I write books; my latest book is “iCloud for Developers” published by The PragProg. That’s all. There’s more, but that’s all at the moment. CHUCK: [Laughs] BEN: Is your book like a coping mechanism for iCloud? [Laughter] CESARE: Yeah, kind of. And yes, there is a chapter about Core Data and iCloud. And it’s not anti-pages. CHUCK: [Laughs] BEN: It’s not like, this page intentionally left link? CESARE: No! BEN: [Laughs] CESARE: Though I thought of that [laughs]. CHUCK: It looks and feels like a big band aid for your pain that you have.

Episode 19: 018 iPhreaks Show – Software Craftsmanship with Ken Auer

August 29, 2013 58:59 56.62 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Ken Auer (twitter github RoleModel Software) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:57 - Software Craftsmanship Defined 01:26 - Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship 03:43 - Apprenticeship Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives) by Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt 09:25 - At what level do you consider somebody a “Craftsman”? 10:46 - How can you tell somebody is a Craftsman? Pair Programming 15:14 - Empathy One Love For Nurses 20:36 - Code Retreats, Katas, and Reviews RoleModel Software’s Craftsmanship Academy 28:07 - Pairing Partner Knowledge Levels and Learning 31:38 - Professionals and Professionalism 35:26 - Cost vs Value Don't Make Squirrel Burgers Picks Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt (Pete) My Life with Code Reviews (Pete) CodeRunner (Andrew) QuickRadar (Andrew) Rogue Brutal Bitter IPA (Ben) Web Economy Bullshit Generator (Ben) 7 Little Words (Ben) Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Ben) LSNewsletterInvite (Rod) Toastmasters International (Jaim) (Chuck) 4 Pics 1 Song (Chuck) Go to User Group Meetings (Chuck) Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives) by Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger (Ken) Next Week Autolayout with Cesare Rocchi Transcript CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 18 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Pete Hodgson. PETE: Hello from San Francisco! I can’t think of anything funny to say. CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston! CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! CHUCK: Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from This week, we have a special guest, and that’s Ken, is it Auer? KEN: That’s correct! And I’m in Holly Springs, North Carolina. CHUCK: Awesome. We brought you on the show today to talk about “Software Craftsmanship”. KEN: Good! That’s what I came for! CHUCK: Oh, good! BEN: You mean cowboy coding? CHUCK: [Laughs] Cowboy coding… KEN: Not at all. CHUCK: [Laughs] Don’t make him get his gun. BEN: [Chuckles] CHUCK: Do you want to just explain what Software Craftsmanship is? KEN: In a nutshell, I would say caring about the craft and what you’re doing and how you’re building yourself with. I tend to come from the school that Software Craftsmanship as opposed to the people who software craftsman and impress other people [unclear]. CHUCK: [Laughs] I like that. I know a lot of the latter. I know a few other former, too. I’ve talked to few people about Software Craftsmanship before. The one that comes to mind first off is Micah Martin who’s Uncle Bob’s son over at 8th Light. When I talked to him, he actually mentioned the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship. Is that something that you try and stand by? And, is there a lot of culture and (I’m trying to think of what the right word is), sort of like the Agile Manifesto where there’s all of this extra stuff around it. Does the Software Craftsmanship kind of have that as well? KEN: I think, what are in the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto, if I understand it right because I wasn’t there when they put it up, it’s really just about software people that are often just get them treated like mushrooms; shelved in the dark in the corner if they don’t, and hopefully they go out. The whole idea was, “This is something that we should be proud of and do well.

Episode 18: 017 iPhreaks Show – Performance Tuning with Brandon Alexander

August 22, 2013 1:02:37 60.11 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Brandon Alexander (twitter github blog) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:19 - Brandon Alexander Introduction Black Pixel Pro iOS 5 Tools: Xcode, Instruments and Build Tools by Brandon Alexander 02:00 - Performance Tooling & User Experience 04:30 - Reproducibility with Experiments 07:50 - Measuring Frame Rate 09:31 - CPU vs GPU 12:56 - Tools Frames Per Second Time Profiler 16:24 - OpenGL ES 17:35 - Performance Tuning for Memory-Bound Applications 19:26 - Memory Allocation 28:16 - Network Requests “ns run loop modes” NSURLConnection 36:14 - Visual Changes in iOS 7 and Performance Tuning 39:05 - Mocking and Stubbing 41:15 - Battery Life 45:24 - Profiling CPU-Bound Stuff Picks mmap (Jaim) appledoc (Andrew) CocoaDocs (Andrew) Cocoanetics (Andrew) Wil Shipley: Pimp My Code, Part 15: The Greatest Bug of All (Andrew) WWDC Videos (Pete) Having a "device lab": picking your supported devices, and test on them (Pete) Instapaper (Pete) Network Link Conditioner (Pete) FormatterKit (Rod) The Mathematical Hacker (Rod) Pivotal Tracker (Chuck) Redmine (Chuck) Xcode (Brandon) Dash (Brandon) Kaleidoscope (Brandon) LLDB Python Reference (Brandon) Next Week Software Craftsmanship with Ken Auer Transcript [This show is sponsored by The Pragmatic Studio. The Pragmatic Studio has been teaching iOS development since November of 2008. They have a 4-day hands-on course where you'll learn all the tools, APIs, and techniques to build iOS Apps with confidence and understand how all the pieces fit together. They have two courses coming up: the first one is in July, from the 22nd - 25th, in Western Virginia, and you can get early registration up through June 21st; you can also sign up for their August course, and that's August 26th - 29th in Denver, Colorado, and you can get early registration through July 26th. If you want a private course for teams of 5 developers or more, you can also sign up on their website at] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 17 of The iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Pete Hodgson. PETE: Hello, hello from San Francisco! CHUCK: Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: Rod Schimdt. ROD: Hello, hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from This week we have a special guest, and that is Brandon Alexander. BRANDON: Hello! I’m coming from Atlanta, Georgia. CHUCK: Since you haven’t been on the show before, do you want to give us a brief introduction, let us know who you are? BRANDON: I’m currently a iOS and hopefully Mac developer for Black Pixel. I do a lot of the client development work and test as much as I can a lot of our products. I’m also an author, a conference speaker, and I’ve also done a training video to appear soon. CHUCK: Nice! Sounds like fun! What book did you write? I’m curious… BRANDON: The book I wrote is called “Pro iOS 5 Tools”. It’s a couple of versions of iOS old, but the techniques in the book are still completely valid today. CHUCK: Very nice. Alright, we’ll tell people to go check it out. We brought you on the show to talk about “Performance Tuning” for your iOS app. I think it’s interesting; we’re talking about a resource-constrained environment. Is it about the user’s experience? Or, are there other concerns as well that we’re trying to optimize for? BRANDON: Ultimately, it’s about the user experience. If you try to implement something and the user doesn’t have a good experience with it, or it does something over the phone like battery life, you might want to rethink that feature or rethink the assumptions of your application.

Episode 17: 016 iPhreaks Show – The Developer Portal

August 15, 2013 54:51 52.67 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:33 - The Apple Developer Portal 01:57 - When the portal goes down 05:35 - What the Portal Does iBooks System Status 07:20 - Certificates and Provisioning Profiles Wildcard Certificate nomad cupertino shenzhen venice 17:50 - Managing the Device List 21:45 - Clients and Developer Accounts 23:00 - NDA 27:04 - Submitting Apps to the App Store 29:04 - iTunes Connect 34:24 - Rejecting Apps 37:46 - Apps on Particular Devices Version Requirements 44:05 - Entitlements 44:44 - TSIs Picks FontAwesome-for-iOS (Rod) When to use -retainCount? (Andrew) Strange Loop (Pete) Boxen (Pete) Homebrew (Pete) The Changelog (Pete) Brian Gorby - AppResigner: Easily re-sign iOS apps (Ben) Apple - Support - iPhone - Enterprise (Ben) Average App Store Review Times (Ben) Brian Stevens / Data Porters (Chuck) Canvas by Instructure (Chuck) Wistia (Chuck) Next Week Performance Tuning with Brandon Alexander Transcript [This show is sponsored by The Pragmatic Studio. The Pragmatic Studio has been teaching iOS development since November of 2008. They have a 4-day hands-on course where you'll learn all the tools, APIs, and techniques to build iOS Apps with confidence and understand how all the pieces work together. They have two courses coming up: the first one is in July, from the 22nd - 25th, in Western Virginia, and you can get early registration up through June 21st; you can also sign up for their August course, and that's August 26th - 29th in Denver, Colorado, and you can get early registration through July 26th. If you want a private course for teams of 5 developers or more, you can also sign up on their website at] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 16 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hi from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: Pete Hodgson. PETE: Hello from San Francisco where BART is not striking here. BEN: [Chuckles] CHUCK: Where what is not striking? BEN: BART. CHUCK: BART. PETE: Bay Area Rapid Transit. CHUCK: Rod! ROD: Hello from Salt Lake City! CHUCK: And we also have Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston where it's 180 degrees! [Laughter] CHUCK: I'm Charles Max Wood from Real quickly, one of the reasons that I do this show is so that I can get work. So if you need backend work for your iPhone application and you're interested in using Ruby on Rails, I am available for hire! Alright, well let's get to the show! This week, we were talking about and having a discussion on the "Apple Developer Portal", when it's working. [Chuckles] ANDREW: Which is, sort of mostly right now. BEN: Yeah. We'll be back soon [laughs]. CHUCK: Yup. PETE: Except not soon. [Laughter] PETE: For some definition to see. CHUCK: Yeah. ANDREW: Oh, man! BEN: Yeah. They have a very loose definition of soon, I think. PETE: [Chuckles] BEN: Do we want to start off by just talking about what happened there? I don't know if anybody has any like behind the scenes info on the portal being down, but from what I heard, they detected some sort of hack attempt. And then shortly there after, this, I think he was an Israeli hacker, or I shouldn't say hacker, security researcher, came out and said -- CHUCK: [Laughs] BEN: "I successfully exploited this thing, and I told you about it and filed a radar. I just wanted to see how deep it went," so he pulled out, I don't remember how many users' contact info from the Dev Portal, and he posted a little screencast on the type of data he got and the level. I don't know if that -- they seem to be related because it was like around the exact same time.

Episode 16: 015 iPhreaks Show – Cocoapods

August 08, 2013 42:14 40.55 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Jaim Zuber (twitter Sharp Five Software) Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:10 - Jaim Zuber Introduction 02:15 - Integrating somebody else’s code into your project without using Cocoapods Dragging & dropping source files Static Library Approach Frameworks Circumventing 10:38 - Cocoapods Libraries Cocoa Controls 12:37 - Frequently Used Pods AFNetworking RestKit ocmock Kiwi SVProgressHUD BlocksKit 15:29 - Getting a Pod into a Library or Application Versioning Multiple Targets Specifying a Path to a Repository Handling Multiple Platforms 28:07 - RubyMotion and Cocoapods motion-cocoapods 29:29 - Using Cocoapods on Client Work 30:08 - Testing 32:17 - Creating Your Own Pods Hosting Dependencies Picks Objective-C Modules (Andrew) UTAsync (Jaim) CocoaPods Xcode Plugin (Rod) VVDocumenter (Rod) CocoaDocs (Ben) cocoapods-xcode-plugin (Ben) Getting Things Done by David Allen (Chuck) Omnifocus (Chuck) Next Week The Developer Portal Transcript [This show is sponsored by The Pragmatic Studio. The Pragmatic Studio has been teaching iOS development since November of 2008. They have a 4-day hands-on course where you'll learn all the tools, APIs, and techniques to build iOS Apps with confidence and understand how all the pieces work together. They have two courses coming up: the first one is in July, from the 22nd - 25th, in Western Virginia, and you can get early registration up through June 21st; you can also sign up for their August course, and that's August 26th - 29th in Denver, Colorado, and you can get early registration through July 26th. If you want a private course for teams of 5 developers or more, you can also sign up on their website at] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 15 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston! CHUCK: We have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: Andrew Madsen. ANDREW: Hello also from Salt Lake! CHUCK: And we have a new guest panelist, that is Jaim Zuber. JAIM: Hello from Minneapolis! CHUCK: Do you want to introduce yourself really quickly since you're new to the show? JAIM: Sure, happy to! Independent consultants, I've been doing iOS stuff for about 2-3 years; before that, I did some kind of .NET stuff. Way before that, I did a lot of C++ and C stuff in kind of the past life. But, yeah, I'm doing iOS right now, mobile stuff, and enjoying it! CHUCK: Sounds good! I'm Charles Max Wood from This week, we're going to talk about "CocoaPods". BEN: Yay! CHUCK: [Laughs] ROD: [Chuckles] JAIM: I'm cuckoo for CocoaPods. CHUCK: There we go. JAIM: [Laughs] BEN: I'm a super fan of CocoaPods. I wonder if we have any haters in the audience, or on the panel. ANDREW: Yeah, I'm the hater. BEN: [Inaudible] ANDREW: Not really. BEN: Okay [laughs]. ANDREW: I just don't use it. BEN: You say you're the dissenting opinion? ANDREW: I can do that, sure. CHUCK: I've had people basically say, "Well, it's just like having bundler - bundlers of utility in Ruby for iOS!" I was like, "Oh! That sounds nice." But that doesn't really tell me necessarily how it works. BEN: So can we start off by maybe describing what it takes to integrate somebody else's code into your project without something like CocoaPods? ROD: [Chuckles] CHUCK: Yes. Yes, let's frame the public. BEN: Anybody want to describe this for like, say, a moderately complex library? ANDREW: It depends on how complicated the library is. But at its simplest, you can just drag source code from their project into yours and add it to your project, and that's it. But I think,

Episode 15: 014 iPhreaks Show – Debugging

July 25, 2013 41:44 40.07 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Pete Hodgson (twitter github blog) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Andrew Madsen (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:31 - Andrew Madsen Introduction Mixed...

Episode 14: 013 iPhreaks Show – Backends

July 18, 2013 53:44 51.59 MB Downloads: 0

Panel Ben Scheirman (twitter github blog NSSreencast) Rod Schmidt (twitter github infiniteNIL) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:09 - Backend Experience 01:49 - Connecting to APIs & Synchronization Windows Azure Mobile Services iCloud Wasabi Sync TICoreDataSync Buoy Explorer 07:10 - Third-party APIs OAuth Instragram Stripe 11:57 - Parsing NSXMLParser NSXMLDocument Cocoa with Love: Using libxml2 for XML parsing and XPath queries in Cocoa libxml 18:18 - JSON RestKit 22:38 - Libraries AFNetworking 31:02 - Building Backends for iOS Applications DeliRadio 35:05 - Security SSL Pinning Charles API Keys Secrets 41:28 - Support Caching NSURLCache 45:34 - Charles Picks (Rod) Mackie | Onyx Blackjack 2x2 USB Interface (Ben) Runscope (Ben) Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation (Chuck) Next Week Debugging Transcript [This show is sponsored by The Pragmatic Studio. The Pragmatic Studio has been teaching iOS development since November of 2008. They have a 4-day hands-on course where you'll learn all the tools, APIs, and techniques to build iOS Apps with confidence and understand how all the pieces work together. They have two courses coming up: the first one is in July, from the 22nd - 25th, in Western Virginia, and you can get early registration up through June 21st; you can also sign up for their August course, and that's August 26th - 29th in Denver, Colorado, and you can get early registration through July 26th. If you want a private course for teams of 5 developers or more, you can also sign up on their website at] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 13 of the iPhreaks Show! This week on our panel, we have Ben Scheirman. BEN: Hello from Houston! CHUCK: We also have Rod Schmidt. ROD: Hello from Salt Lake! CHUCK: I'm Charles Max Wood from This week, we're going to be talking about "Connecting to Backend APIs and just Backend Systems" in general. I'm curious, how much of this kind of thing have you guys done in the past? BEN: That's pretty much the central part of any app that we develop. Most apps aren't really self-contained; it's a functionality. A lot of them required data that's accessible somewhere else. Or, even if you generate the data on the device, usually, people want to access that data elsewhere as well. So sometimes, you can consider things like iCloud, but that's more of an Apple-centric solution if you're billing it out for the web or for multiple platforms, and maybe you would consider building your own API and synchronizing with that. CHUCK: When you're talking about building your own API, I know that there are these syncing services out there that you send data to it and it does something with it, do you know under what circumstances that would be a good idea versus building your own API that does specific things with the data on the backend? BEN: It really depends on where, how much focus you have, how much time do you have to build something and where your skill set lies. For folks who aren't server-side developers, building an API is actually a tall order, and there are plenty of solutions out there that will do that for you at the cost of, sometimes flexibility, sometimes data portability, and you're sort of at the whim of the interface that they provide for you. But there's systems like Windows Add/Removal services, which allow you to just focus on your part - the mobile client portion of it. But they have support for saving data and sending push notifications, that sort of thing. There's also parse and there's just a bunch of others out there that can synchronize data. Some of them are focused purely on synchronizing Core Data models. So there's iCloud Core Data, which receives some sort of a lot of negative press,