Welcome to The Rabbit Hole, the definitive developers podcast. If you are a software developer or technology leader looking to stay on top of the latest news in the software development world, or just want to learn actionable tactics to improve your day-to-day job performance, this podcast is for you.

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27. Functional Programming

September 19, 2017 26:35 19.14 MB Downloads: 0

Today we’ll be talking all about functional programming together with special guest, Adam Trilling. Adam is the Director of Service Delivery at Stride and has a lot of knowledge, insight and tips about functional programming. Today we’ll be tackling concepts from object oriented programming, immutability, Mapping, Filtering, Reducing and the advantages of functional programming. We’ll also be getting into some debates about how Java Script is going to take over the world, why functions are treated as first class citizens and what the best functional programming language is. Functional programming is a complete different thinking process and all of the languages that most coders use, actually have functional programming features in them. Ultimately, we hope that this discussion might give you some insight as to how you should be using functional programming in the workplace… or in the ghetto. Take a listen!

26. Story Points and Scope Creep

September 12, 2017 22:18 16.04 MB Downloads: 0

On today’s episode we’re talking story points, story sizes and story planning. What happens when you’re working as team, and find out that a two is actually secretly a five? What happens when stakeholders come in and add additional scope creep? Today we discuss how to derive those story sizes and some of the things that happen when the point system that you used gets used (and perhaps misinterpreted) by humans. From scope creep, to edge cases, to Planning Poker, sandbagging and YOGONY – How do we handle external pressure and continue to ship it real good? Take a listen!

25. Knowledge Sharing

September 05, 2017 22:20 16.07 MB Downloads: 0

On today’s show, we will be talking about knowledge sharing. As developers, we gain knowledge and we try to disperse that knowledge to other people on our teams. Our main concern is that we as developers just want to make sure that we can capture the many different ways that knowledge can be dispersed. As consultants, we find ourselves bouncing from client to client and the first thing that we need to obtain in knowledge sharing is the domain knowledge itself. This includes industry specific buzz words or even vocabulary that is specific to the company. In this episode we dive into the different methods for gathering knowledge, strategies for knowledge sharing, as well as the differences between in-person and remote learning.

24. Workspaces, Workstations, & Working Agreements

August 29, 2017 36:13 26.07 MB Downloads: 0

On today’s episode, we’ll be talking about workspace, workstations, and working agreements. It cannot be underestimated how effected we are by our surroundings. From posture to desk positioning, to office snacks – there are often many overlooked factors that effect our performance and overall wellbeing.

23. Scrum, Kanban & Prioritization

August 22, 2017 21:39 20.79 MB Downloads: 0

Today on the show we will be talking about Scrum, Kanban and Scrumban, and what exactly that all means. We are joined by our featured guest, Charles Quirin, a Software Engineer at Stride Consulting with over 7 years of experience improving tech operations. In this episode we dive deep into the practices of Scrum and Kanban, as well as the differences between the methods, how they relate, and the situations in which either method is better suited. We also discuss the possibility of a mixed approached dubbed “Scrumban” and why it may be the best option for your team.

22. Incremental Design

August 15, 2017 23:46 22.83 MB Downloads: 0

Today we will be talking all about incremental design: How working on this design using the act of process will help your team build better products, gain effective feedback and how that can help you boost sales at the end of the day. In this episode, we are joined by special guest, Conrad Benumb, the Principal Consultant from Stride. Although there might be some risk and uncertainty involved, we do believe that incremental design can help you, and the company you’re working for, to build products. So in this episode, we will be discussing the ways in which you can make the most out of incremental design, using the feedback loop and various other helpful methods. Take a listen!

21. Side Projects

August 08, 2017 24:41 23.7 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we’ll be talking about side projects and why developers like to pick them up. Whether it’s to explore a personal interest, a new idea, or give back to your community; there are tons of great benefits to having a side project. But managing a side project, on top of your day job, laundry and Youtube video addictions – can be more tricky than you might have thought! On today’s episode I talk with Emanuel Genard, Liam Jeffreys and Dave Anderson, about the side projects they’ve picked up in the past and the opportunities they unlocked, how they manage their time, and what they’re into at the moment. Take a listen!

20. Building Bridges

August 01, 2017 31:19 22.54 MB Downloads: 0

On today’s episode, we welcome Rachel Ober. Rachel is a Ruby on Rails developer based in New York City. A true Renaissance woman, Rachel has significant experience in and a passion for user experience, user interface, and cognitive design. Rachel is a Platform Engineer at Harry’s where she works on the Ruby on Rails platform of the Harry’s store and subscription services as well as serves as a technical mentor to junior developers. As a co-founder, Rachel encourages other women developers to hone their skills through Write/Speak/Code. Founded in 2013, Rachel organizes and volunteers her time to teach women and underserves minorities in technology Ruby and Ruby on Rails through RailsBridge NYC. In today’s episode, we are talking to Rachel all about building bridges.

19. Tech Debt

July 25, 2017 18:48 27.07 MB Downloads: 0

Every project, from the greenest greenfield code to the most legacy of PHP applications, inevitably accrues tech debt, code was easy to write in the first place but requires more effort to work around in the future. Michael, William and Dave discuss Tech Debt and how to deal with it in all of its forms, from Code smells and Piles of TODO’s to elephant graveyards of tech debt tickets.

18. Editors

July 18, 2017 21:55 31.55 MB Downloads: 0

The text editor is a developer's most constant companion and an important tool for everyday productivity. Almost everyone has a strong opinion about their favorite editor and the folks from the Rabbit Hole are no exception. Michael, Dave and William share their opinions about text editors from Emacs & Spacemacs to ViM, Atom and Visual Studio Code and what makes a editor useful. Get in touch with us @radiofreerabbit on Twitter and leave a review on iTunes. Catch you guys next time!

17. Deadlines

July 11, 2017 30:39 44.12 MB Downloads: 0

16. Remote Teams

June 27, 2017 25:26 36.61 MB Downloads: 0

15. Conferences

June 20, 2017 23:40 34.06 MB Downloads: 0

14. Learning New Languages

June 13, 2017 23:22 33.65 MB Downloads: 0

13. Knowledge Decay

June 06, 2017 34:51 50.16 MB Downloads: 0