Being a person is hard, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is here to help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. From laundry to cooking chicken to making new friends, Kendra is here to welcome you into an easier way.

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October 02, 2017 00:20:39 10.13 MB Downloads: 0

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September 25, 2017 00:19:36 9.41 MB Downloads: 0

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September 04, 2017 00:18:37 8.94 MB Downloads: 0

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#28: The Lazy Genius Creates Space

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Join me on Instagram @thelazygenius.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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June 26, 2017 00:23:27 11.26 MB Downloads: 0

1. Get ideas from Pinterest! The Lazy Genius Movie Night Pinterest Board2. Here are a few things mentioned in the episode.Your Guide to Summer Movie Nights - my favorite list of movies on Netflix right now A geeky post on how to choose a projector and set up an outdoor movie screen How to set up an art cartThe projector we'll probably get once I'm not scared of the technology (even at 1800 lumens, it apparently has great brightness.Here are some Wizard of Oz party photos: cake, the Tin Man and a Wash and Brush Up girl (yes, that's Emily), and me as the mayor of Munchkin City... asleep  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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1. Get grilling ideas from Pinterest.The Lazy Genius Grills Pinterest Board2. Check out what you heard in the episode.grill mats - the magic, washable contraptions that keep your food from falling throughlong tongs - please don't burn your hands 12 Grilling Mistakes You Don't Have to Make from Serious Eats  See for privacy and opt-out information.