Being a person is hard, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is here to help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. From laundry to cooking chicken to making new friends, Kendra is here to welcome you into an easier way.
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#332 - How to Enjoy Your Evening Hours
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#331 - What’s Saving My Life
I don’t need to tell you that life is full and sometimes overwhelming and we need things that offer sparkle and light. Every quarter, I share my list and encourage you to make your own. Let’s get started.Helpful Companion LinksSpeidel Eco Color Pop WatchThe Chickpea Bowl The Tim Riggins SaladWhat Kate Finds on InstagramTarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush in CaptivatingBarbie UNOSign up for the Latest Lazy Listens email.Grab a copy of my book The Lazy Genius Kitchen or The Lazy Genius Way! (Affiliate links)Download a transcript of this episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.