The iOS Development Podcast

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Episode 178: 176 iPS Mobile Devops with Donovan Brown and Josh Weber

October 27, 2016 43:38 42.67 MB Downloads: 0

1:25: Mobile Devops definition Unique challenges “It’s not just tools, it’s people in progress.” Friction 4:30: Difficulty of mobile devops Perfecto Mobile’s test cloud Xamarin test cloud Best practices 7:15: Unit testing C Sharp React Native Manual testing UI type test Verification 14:50: HockeyApp Installation URL generation Visual Studio Team Services Control over source control events 27:00: Stories Keynote: acquisition of Xamarin Keeping your customers by delivering value 30:00: Experiments Monitor your application The Lean Startup A/B testing 32:40: Feature Flags Thought Works Launch Darkly Picks: Pappadeaux (Jaim) The Lean Startup (Charles) Lyft (Charles) BMW (Donovan) Air hockey (Donovan) HockeyApp (Josh) Donovan on Twitter

Episode 177: 175 iPS Xamarin with James Montemagno

October 20, 2016 47:44 46.59 MB Downloads: 0

1:00: Introduction 3:50: Xamarin Advantages Comparison with Swift Cross-platform capability 9:15: Same-day support 12:30: Standard library Apple Microsoft Bitrise 16:00: Development process E-sync away Uiview.animate C# Dev ops iOS simulators Visual Studio CodeLens Refactoring 22:40: Sharing code Java libraries 28:00: Xamarin Forms Native controls 34:40: UWP: Universal Windows Platform Write Xamarin for Playstation Web framework 39:50: What’s new in C# 7 Tube holes Picks: Clarks Shoes (Jaim) James on React Native Radio (Charles) STK Atlanta (Charles) (James) Monorail Espresso Seattle (James) Merge Conflict podcast (James)

Episode 176: 174 iPS Structs and Mutability with Chris Eidhof

October 13, 2016 43:48 42.79 MB Downloads: 0

1:15: Introduction: Chris Eidhof 2:05: Structs in Swift Blog post Functional programming inspiration Mutations in structs can be positive 3:55: Problems that can be solved Unexpected changes, unexpected mutations Make mutable opt-in 8:15: When mutating can be useful Change an element at a specific index Struct copies are very expensive 11:15: Benchmarks 15:30: New Data and Updates Strategies for communicating changes in state 23:00 Writing simple code Subjective Issues with structs Swift Summit 27:00: Functional Swift 33:00 Other projects Advanced Swift Functional Swift Conference Picks: The Retro Mac Cast (Andrew) Forums (Andrew) Twin Cities Startup Week (Jayme) Eli Document Picker (Rod) Functional Swift (Rod) Michael Vey Fall of Hades (Chuck) Webinar Jam (Chuck) Get a Coder Job (Chuck) Kyle Fuller (Chris) Links: Chris on Twitter

Episode 175: 173 iPS IoT and IoT Weekly with Justin Grammens

October 06, 2016 1:03:51 61.99 MB Downloads: 0

1:17 Justin Grammens Introduction Recursive Awesome IoT Weekly Lab 651 IoT Fuse 3:59 Arduino Open Hardware Platform Arduino.MN IoT Hack Days 11:50 Raspberry Pi Democratization of Technology 14:07 Justin’s Internet of Things course Smart Things Exocite Particle Punch Through Digi International 24:41 Connecting to Data and Mesh networks Zigbee Z-Wave 28:27 IoT and M2M 31:25 How to get started in IoT Designing the Internet of Things Calm Technology Enchanted Objects Hackster Hackaday Adafruit 36:57 Recent IoT projects 39:40 Inspiration for an IoT idea 47:54 IoT Mentoring Coder Dojo Picks (Andrew) SparkFun (Andrew) DigiKey (Andrew) Calmtech (Jaim) Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Layne) Pinewood Derby Track (Charles) Raspberry Pi Amazon Echo (Charles and Justin) iOS Remote Conf 2016 (Charles) DevChat webinars (Charles) Amazon Dash Button (Justin) Links Justin Grammens Twitter Justin Grammens LinkedIn IoT Weekly

Episode 174: 172 iPS Kotlin vs Swift with Andrew Rahn

September 29, 2016 46:33 45.31 MB Downloads: 0

1:10: Introduction: Andy Rahn Works for Iconfactory Swift Lua Kotlin 6:20: Kotlin: What it is, who is responsible New language by JetBrains Similar to Swift but for Android 10:50: Future of Kotlin Google looking at Kotlin? Running on the JVM 15:45: Benefits of Kotlin: Familiarity Feels familiar; same syntax as Swift Shares similar disadvantages 19:20: Interacting with Java API Nullability Bridging 23:20: Kotlin vs. Xcode Kotlin has many more features Debugger in Android Studio difficult to use 25:20: Unit testing in Kotlin 26:10: Kotlin is stable Swift is moving more quickly 29:40: Swift vs Kotlin: Advanced features Generics Compile time analysis Reactive extensions 37:25: How many are using Kotlin? Picks: (Andrew) Dylan and Dustin Bruzenak episode (Andrew) Freelance Remote Conference (Charles) Webinars (Charles) The Sword of Shannara (Charles) Reactive extensions (Andy) Smile Train Charity (Daniel) Cocoaheads (Andy) iOS 10 Messages apps and stickers (Andy) Links: Andy on Twitter

Episode 173: iPS 171 Day One Development with Layne Moseley

September 22, 2016 35:22 34.48 MB Downloads: 0

2:45: Introduction What Is Day One? 7:00: History of Day One App of the Week The Verge Review of Day One Mac App Store App of the Year Paul Mayne, CEO and Designer 13:00: Development Flow GitHub 17:15: Advantages and Features of Day One Metadata Tagging On This Day 22:30: Syncing and Security Dropbox Sharing Files Privacy/Encryption 26:00: Mac App vs. iOS Shared Code Data Storage Picks Airplane Jokes (Jaim) RescueTime (Layne) (Andrew) Suggest a Guest (Charles) iPhreaks Facebook Page (Charles) ScheduleOnce (Charles)

Episode 172: iPS 170 Sept 7 2016 Apple Event

September 15, 2016 47:07 45.81 MB Downloads: 0

2:00: Apple Event - Overview Primarily about iPhone and Apple Watch For iOS developers and iPhone users 4:15: Announcements Apple Music 140 billion app downloads 500,000 games Mario, Pokemon GO 11:45: Apple Watch Pokemon GO on the Apple Watch Improvements Built-in GPS Water-resistance 18:00: Education ConnectEd 19:30: Nike Plus Model (Apple Watch) 21:40: AirPods Works with iPhone, Mac and iPad 26:00: Next Apple Event Rumored for October 27:00 MacBook Pro Rumored updates 28:50: iPhone Improved Speakers Camera Removed headphone jacks Better, richer color More storage Sponsors Qbserve

Episode 171: iPS 169 React Native with Tyler McGinnis

September 08, 2016 46:03 44.67 MB Downloads: 0

1:28: Tyler McGinnis Introduction Sparrow React.js Program Tyler’s website 2:15 React Native CodePush 4:37: Cross Network Frameworks 11:20: The Experience of Going From iOS to Android Flexbox 16:20: Andy Matuschak Tweet 17:05: Basic Building Blocks Container Components Presentational Components 21:17 Reducers Time Travel Debugging 23:15: Downsides of React Native 26:45: Proper Threading Animation Issues 30:58: Route Transitions Reactive Native Vector Images 36:15: Testing a React Native Application 40:12: Facebook’s Goals with App Development Picks Cannery Row by John Steinbeck (Jaim) No Man’s Sky (Layne) Remember the Titans (Charles) Dan Abramov - Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel (Tyler) React.js (Tyler) Links: Tyler on JavaScript Jabber Redux and React With Dan Abramov JavaScript Core With Cesare Rocchi

Episode 170: iPS 168 Automated Code Metrics with Simone Civetta

September 01, 2016 40:14 39.01 MB Downloads: 0

DevOps Remote Conference NoSQL Remote Conference 1:50 - Introducing Simone Civetta Twitter Blog Frenchkit Twitter 2:16 - Automated Code Metrics in Swift 4:06 - Strategies to Determine Code Complexity Lizard 6:17- Adding a Language 7:28 - Why Is Cyclomatic Complexity Important? How Can We Use This Information To Improve Our Code? 11:02- Difference Between Cyclomatic Complexity and End Path Complexity 13:40 - Using and Understanding Different Values of Cyclomatic Complexity 15:10 - Automating The Process 16:38 - Integrating Metrics Into A Complete Dashboard SonarQube 18:12- Technical Debt Metric 21:16 - Stressing About Metric Values 25:50- Impact Of The Community on Swift’s Tools SwiftLane Carthage Tailor 27:55- First Steps To Evaluating Code Ace 30:15- Using Code Climate Slather 31:20 - Using Hound 33:30- French Kit Conference Picks: Slide Deck Link (Jaim) The Hero of Ages: Book Three of Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (Layne) Wood Badge Scout Training (Charles) Boy Scouts of America (Charles) Postal (Simone)

Episode 169: iPS 167 CocoaDocs with Orta Therox

August 25, 2016 39:30 37.93 MB Downloads: 0

01:36 - Orta Therox Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Artsy 01:56 - CocoaDocs 03:06 - CocoaDocs vs CocoaPods 04:22 - Documentation Generation jazzy appledoc Macminicolo 08:49 - Setting Up CocoaDocs in a Private Repository 10:17 - Metrics Publishing Criteria 13:45 - Package Management Support 15:34 - CocoaDocs History 17:17 - Scaling Challenges RxSwift 19:32 - Artsy danger 21:18 - Working with React Native eigen 24:39 - Is CocoaDocs similar to projects that are available on other platforms? Effect on Swift Going Cross-platform 27:08 - Paying For Hosting Button 30:12 - danger Felix Krause   Picks iPad Pro Smart Keyboard (Andrew) Bose SoundTrue Around-Ear Headphones II (Layne) (Jaim) injectionforxcode (Orta)

Episode 168: iPS 166 Protocol-Oriented Programming with Natasha Murashev

August 18, 2016 41:42 40.04 MB Downloads: 0

01:58 - Natasha Murashev Introduction @NatashaTheRobot @natashathenomad   GitHub Blog This Week in Swift Newsletter The iPhreaks Show Episode #092: Unit Testing with NatashaTheRobot try! Swift try! Swift NYC Use discount code IPHREAKS100 for $100 off a ticket! 02:31 - Protocol-Oriented Programming Natasha Murashev: Practical Protocol-Oriented-Programming WWDC 2015: Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 03:49 - How Protocols Were Used Prior to Swift; Benefits 08:12 - Benefits in Regards to Testing 09:03 - Protocols in Swift vs Objective-C 10:18 - Downsides/Pitfalls When Using Protocols 13:04 - Associated Types and Type Erasure Hector Matos @ AltConf 2016 - Type Erasure Magic Gwendolyn Weston: Keep Calm and Type Erase On 17:02 - Keeping Code Clean The Ghost of Swift Bugs Future 21:22 - Does protocol-oriented programming change the architecture of your apps substantially? 22:06 - Structs > Classes 25:13 - Protocol-oriented Programming Code Examples Natasha's Talk Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 27:05 - Changes With Swift 3? 28:03 - try! Swift   Picks NorthFace Surge Transit Backpack (Alondo) Andy Matuschak: Let’s Play: Refactor the Mega-Controller @ NSSpain (Alondo) The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, Book 2) by Brandon Sanderson (Layne) Prague (Layne) Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard (Caleb) ErgoDox Ergonomic Mechanical Keyboard Kit (Caleb) Ben North & Oliver Nash: Magnetic core memory reborn (Andrew) Rocket (Andrew) Alexandros Salazar: The Ghost of Swift Bugs Future (Jaim) Hector Matos @ AltConf 2016 - Type Erasure Magic (Jaim) How to Stay Motivated: Developing the Qualities of Success by Zig Ziglar (Chuck) Understanding Swift Performance (Natasha) Win the Crowd: Unlock the Secrets of Influence, Charisma, and Showmanship by Steve Cohen (Natasha) Rainbow Bagels (Natasha)

Episode 167: 165 iPS Augmented Reality and Pokemania

August 11, 2016 30:38 29.41 MB Downloads: 0

01:47 - Pokémon GO & Niantic 02:19 - Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality 03:42 - Game Objective: How it Works 07:58 - Location Data Ingress 10:11 - Cloud and Backend Service Issues 11:49 - Do bugs matter? 15:14 - Content vs Technical Execution This man's Pokémon Go chat app is so successful that it's driving him bankrupt The Dark Souls Video Games 19:59 - The Success of Pokémon GO and The Game Ecosystem 23:09 - Augmented Reality Awareness QONQR Microsoft HoloLens The Untold Story of Magic Leap, the World’s Most Secretive Startup   Picks The Pokémon GO Subreddit (Caleb) Intocircuit 15000mAh 4.8A Dual USB Portable Power Bank with SmartID Technology (Caleb) Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus (Caleb) PlayStation VR (Layne) Poweradd Pilot 2GS 10000mAh Portable Power Bank with Smart Charge (Jaim)

Episode 166: 164 iPS Cross-platform Swift with Boris Bügling

August 04, 2016 37:42 36.2 MB Downloads: 0

01:33 - Boris Bügling Twitter GitHub Blog Contentful Cross-platform Swift by Boris Bügling 02:20 - The State of Cross-platform Swift 04:45 - Tooling Swift Package Manager SourceKit   Xcode WWDC 2016: Going Server-side with Swift Open Source 06:46 - Frameworks Perfect The iPhreaks Show: Episode #140: The Perfect Framework with Sean Stephens and Kyle Frank IBM 10:24 - Use Cases in Production? 12:10 - Other Uses for Cross-platform Swift SwiftFoundation PocketCHIP 19:04 - CocoaPods; Installation 23:59 - Distributing Command Line Tools with Swift Homebrew 26:48 - Using the Swift Package Manager 28:44 - ThisCouldBeUsButYouPlaying 29:45 - Generating Playgrounds for Swift Playgrounds on iPad   Picks 3DRenderingTechniques (Andrew) PocketCHIP (Andrew) iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon by Steve Wozniak (Layne) Spikeball (Layne) We are Twisted F*cking Sister (Jaim) Swift Weekly Brief (Boris)

Episode 165: 163 iPS iMessage

July 28, 2016 33:28 32.13 MB Downloads: 0

All Remote Conferences   01:59 - iMessage vs SMS (Short Message Service) 04:31 - Programmers and iMessage App Extensions Square Cash 06:14 - Standalone Apps; Games? Compact and Expanded Mode 08:39 - Group Messaging 10:27 - Stickers WWDC: iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 1 WWDC: iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 2 14:10 - Maps Apple overhauls iOS Maps with a new design 16:43 - Extensions Viral Potential Reactions/Effects WeChat 26:31 - VoIP (Voice over IP) 27:04 - Security/Privacy   Picks ClippyJS (Jaim) Auric Solar (Layne) Procrastinate on Purpose by Rory Vaden (Chuck)

Episode 164: 162 iPS Dependency Injection and Mocking in Swift with Veronica Ray

July 21, 2016 27:33 26.45 MB Downloads: 0

01:13 - Veronica Ray Introduction Twitter Veronica LinkedIn 01:47 - Dependency Injection 02:41 - Decoupling Code 03:39 - Local Reasoning; Testing 04:45 - Mocking in Swift Dependency Injection (Cont’d) OCMock 15:36 - Well-done Mocks Value Types What's New in Foundation for Swift Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps 18:03 - Resources Veronica Ray: Real World Mocking in Swift Mocks in Swift via Protocols Swift: The Only Modern Language without Mocking Frameworks Cleanse   Picks (Caleb) Sharp Five Software Category: TDD (Jaim) HTC Vive (Layne) The Eye of Minds by James Dashner (Layne) Sense (Veronica) Script Debugger 6 (Andrew)