The iOS Development Podcast

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February 23, 2017 37:51 36.35 MB Downloads: 0

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January 26, 2017 30:26 73.06 MB Downloads: 0

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Episode 187: 185 iPS Why I'm Not A React Native Developer with Ariel Elkin

December 29, 2016 44:08 43.28 MB Downloads: 0

Introduction Ariel Elkin Why I Am Not a React Native Developer 1:20: React Native Functional reactive programming Reactive architecture Inconsistent state 7:15: Context of iOS app 9:50: Developing in React Native What went well What didn’t go well 18:45: JavaScript patent Example with Facebook Example with Airbnb Patent trolling 29:30: More concerns with React Native Ubuntu Parse Picks: How to Disagree by Paul Graham (Ariel) Bullet list of what real programmers are (Ariel) Chainsawsuit comic (Ariel)

Episode 186: 184 iPS Deep Linking with Alex Austin

December 22, 2016 39:51 39.16 MB Downloads: 0

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Episode 185: iPS 183 .NET and Visual Studio with David Carmona

December 15, 2016 43:12 42.36 MB Downloads: 0

00:16 Intro to David Carmona from Microsoft .NET, Visual Studio 1:46 Overview of .NET 8:39 .NET Core open source vs. .NET 14:09 C# language and .NET platform 18:33 Async/Await 25:26 Visual Studio and IntelliSense 27:42 Live unit testing 34:52 Getting started in .NET 36:51 Visual Studio for Mac and .NET for iOS development Picks Kasia’s Deli (Jaim) Cadiz, Spain (David) Donovan Brown demo on DevOps (David)

Episode 184: 182 iPS Swift Style with Erica Sadun

December 08, 2016 48:49 47.73 MB Downloads: 0

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Episode 183: 181 iPS Swift 3 and Swift Migrations with Hesham Salman

December 01, 2016 33:31 33.03 MB Downloads: 0

0:20: Introduction Hesham Salman View the Space 1:00: Migrating from Swift 2 to 3 Layering 4:30: Problems with 2.3 migrations Core Telephony Problems with Swift 3.0 CocoaPods Upgrading to XCode 10:40: Preparing for new version of XCode 14:15: Hesham’s development team Push service Abstraction 18:30: Migration walk-through Automatic vs. manual Manual sweeps 27:20: Suggestions to mitigate problems in the future Picks: Quick testing framework (Hesham) Bell’s Two Hearted Ale (Hesham) Pastrami (Jaim) Swift Check (Rod) World Series Game 7 (Rod) iOS Remote Conf (Charles) Born to Win Seminar (Charles)

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November 24, 2016 34:30 33.96 MB Downloads: 0

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November 17, 2016 42:40 41.78 MB Downloads: 0

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November 10, 2016 47:35 46.49 MB Downloads: 0

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Episode 179: 177 iPS Package.swift with Marcin Krzyzanowski

November 03, 2016 37:24 36.69 MB Downloads: 0

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