Los expertos del Tec de Monterrey brindan herramientas y consejos para potenciar una vida positiva; con conciencia en el manejo y configuración de las emociones que nos permita conectar con las personas cercanas y con la comunidad. Un programa con ejercicios y rutinas para ayudarnos a cultivar una vida plena. Un podcast de Tec Sounds.
Ep. 86 - How do I create my happiness?
Penny Locaso, a happiness entrepreneur and specialist, and Marcos Montero, a student from Tec de Monterrey, are the guests of this remarkable episode in English and from INC Monterrey where they talk about the theory of happiness hacking, the differences in each person's happiness, meaningful and complex situations that help our growth, adaptability, uncertainty, and discomfort as part of each individual journey. Join Carlos Ordóñez and Rosalinda Ballesteros to learn more. A Podcast by Tec Sounds.