A podcast for people working on startup ideas. We have 15-minute tactical episodes and occasional interviews with people who did the early things exceptionally well. We've helped launch hundreds of startups worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and these are the building blocks. "This is, without a doubt, the best podcast for people trying to build startups out there." "If you aren't listening to this podcast and you're considering building a business (or you're already building one), what are you doing?" "Must listen for first-time entrepreneurs - excellent storyteller."

The Trust to Risk Ratio (feat. Soona + a four-step risk framework)

February 01, 2023 00:18:40 17.93 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll help you get your first customers. We'll do it by learning how to use the trust to risk ratio - a way to identify the big risks that are holding your customer back and shoulder those risks early on to build trust. We talk through risk and trust with Find Your Lobster, Soona, and a finicky water pump.  TackleboxSoona

Two Ways to Approach Your Startup Idea Like A Pro (feat. an interior designer + Zapier)

January 25, 2023 00:21:12 20.36 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll talk about pros and amateurs. Pros build businesses that have a shot - amateurs never leave the starting gate. Unfortunately, most amateurs don't know they're approaching their idea the wrong way. We talk through two things entrepreneurs can do to give themselves the best chance to build something that matters. TackleboxFiverrZapier 

Testing an AI Coaching Tool in a Month (feat. The 5 Startup Idea Non-Negotiables)

January 18, 2023 00:23:15 22.32 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll tell the story of an idea a friend of Brian's pursued over the past month. It came about through flashy new tech, but the process shows what's actually valuable.This is a reps episode. A way to vicariously watch someone else test an early idea so that it's easier for you to do the same. Tacklebox (Code HOLIDAY until Sunday 1.22 at midnight for 50% off month one)

How to Build a Product People Will Share

January 11, 2023 00:21:10 20.33 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll talk through a way to ensure people will share what you're building (ideally before you decide to build it). We'll break down a few baby products that've been shared with Brian dozens of times the past few weeks to understand the incentives and drivers that made those products so shareable. Finally, we'll look at three questions that'll ensure you're on the right track.TackleboxBylddShusherPeePee TeepeeOllie Swaddle

A Regret Minimization Framework (feat. Alone + The Big Reveal)

January 04, 2023 00:18:23 17.66 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll talk through a regret minimization framework that'll help you reset for the new year. Then, we'll use the show Alone to show how entrepreneurs need to stack risks early to give themselves the best chance at success. Tacklebox (50% off month one with code "HOLIDAY")Regret Minimization interview w/ BezosThe Pogues - Fairytale of New YorkAlone

HOLIDAY CLASSIC: The Three Characteristics of a Startup Idea That's Worth Your Time

December 28, 2022 00:26:07 25.07 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll revisit another one of the top-listened to episodes of the year. We'll reflect on the three core characteristics our fastest growing startups all share. We'll talk about how to identify these characteristics, test for them, and leave ideas that don't have them. We'll talk through the 4x rule and level jumping. And we'll be back next week with new episodes 🎁🎄TackleboxKunal Shah: Core Human Motivations

Holiday Classic: Four Questions to Help You Start Your Idea (Feat. Penne Vodka Pete 🐐)

December 21, 2022 00:24:11 23.22 MB Downloads: 0

Today's episode is one of the most shared of the year. We start a business using four questions, hit on problems and opportunities, and meet the cult favorite Penne Vodka Pete. Tacklebox - start your startup right

How to Take Yourself Seriously feat. Your Entrepreneurship Handbook

December 14, 2022 00:21:12 20.35 MB Downloads: 0

Most people's startup approach is haphazard. It's a combination of instincts and reactions and luck or happenstance. People who succeed are far more purposeful. Today, we'll help you take your idea and yourself seriously. We'll build your entrepreneurship handbook - the thing that'll let you make tough decisions at scale. Tacklebox Code "HOLIDAY" for 50% off month one "I'm a Neuroscientist, and these are 5 things I do every day" 

Build a System to be Different in 2023 (feat. pessimistic squirrels and majestic lions)

December 07, 2022 00:21:53 21.01 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll help you build a system to be different. The well-traveled paths don't get you anywhere interesting and common inputs won't give you uncommon output. But, acting different is difficult. There's external and internal pressure and biases, so we need a system. We talk through the Venn Diagram Method and the cataloging and reflection needed to make decisions that'll help you reach your potential. Tacklebox - turn your idea into a startup (code HOLIDAY for 50% off month 1)Tacklebox Rhythm - program for being different in 2023

How to Test the Startup Idea You Had Over Thanksgiving in 7 Minutes

November 30, 2022 00:23:02 22.11 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll run a 7-minute test on a startup idea I had over Thanksgiving. It's tackling a massive topic - email - but breaking it down into a manageable first customer and use case. You probably had a startup idea over the break, too, and you should use this framework to test it. The secret to startups is that there is no secret - you're more likely to have a successful business if you try out lots of ideas. This pod will help you do that. Tacklebox (50% off month one with code HOLIDAY)

How to Productize Your Customer's First Step (feat. The Family Operating System and a 3am Pitch)

November 23, 2022 00:20:56 20.09 MB Downloads: 0

Today we'll dig in on productizing your customer's first step. This is the best path to building a product that generates revenue immediately so that you've got some runway and flexibility to build. We'll walk through a few examples, including a Family Operating System that came in at 3am last Thanksgiving from a listener. Tacklebox (Code "Holiday" for 50% off your first month)

Two Frameworks to Help Find Your Differentiator (feat. Inversion and the Before and After Method)

November 16, 2022 00:18:06 17.37 MB Downloads: 0

Today, we'll outline two frameworks that'll help you find a meaningful differentiator. We use a bunch of examples to go through Inversion and the Before and After pic method, including a baseball academy, Krispy Kreme, and Nutrisystem. The goal is a product your customers will happily, willingly overpay for. TackleboxStart your Startup in an Hour a Day program list

How to Think Bigger (feat. Mattress Mack and Asymmetric Upside)

November 09, 2022 00:21:01 20.18 MB Downloads: 0

Most entrepreneurs spend the majority of their time doing things that, even if they work, won't make a meaningful difference. Our default state is reactive, iterative work. To be a successful founder, you need to do things with the potential for asymmetric upside. Today, we talk about how to identify and incorporate tasks each day that - if they work - will fundamentally change your business. Today, we teach you how to think big. TackleboxTacklebox Podcast EmailsThe Tweet

20(ish) Min Skills: How to Find Your Wedge (feat. Bleeding Neck Problems)

November 02, 2022 00:20:28 19.66 MB Downloads: 0

If you can't get traction, you likely need a wedge. Today, we talk through how to find one. We leverage a few frameworks we use at Tacklebox - the Bleeding Neck Problem, Productizing the First Step, and the 100 Character Landing Page. The goal is to solve an immediate, painful problem that'll build trust and allow you to pitch your bigger, North Star vision. Wedges get you started. Life is 100x harder without a wedge.TackleboxSign up for the Notion framework  

Start a Startup in an Hour a Day (Part 3 of 3): Taking the System for a Spin (feat. You've Got Mail and Curious Ruby)

October 26, 2022 00:27:56 26.82 MB Downloads: 0

Today is the last in our three-part series on how to start a startup in an hour a day. Brian talks through an idea he's working on on the side - VR for chronic pain - and sets up and executes a two-week, hour a day sprint. We dig in on the three pillars of the system - The Big Question, Tactics, and Structure, how to use friction and leverage, and how to organize your startup life around being curious. If you're interested in a notion doc that'll help you organize the hour-a-day system, sign up here. TackleboxWhy Greatness Cannot Be PlannedCan Virtual Reality Help Chronic Pain?